Aaron Tikuisis

CMS Summer 2021 - Operator algebras and applications session

Here are slides from the talks:

Sarah Reznikoff (Kansas State University) - A picture of Cartan subalgebras in twisted k-graph algebras
Judith Packer (University of Colorado at Boulder) - Cocycles on groupoids associated to Nk-actions, and dynamics on the associated C*-algebra
Andrew Dean (Lakehead University) - Classification of nonsimple real AI algebras
Charles Starling (Carleton University) - Partial isometric representations of semigroups
Jason Crann (Carleton) - Amenable dynamical systems through Herz-Schur multipliers
Martin Argerami (University of Regina) - Affine operator systems
Ken Davidson (University of Waterloo) - Strongly peaking representations and compressions of operator systems
Raphaël Clouâtre (University of Manitoba) - Finite dimensionality in the non-commutative Choquet boundary
Boyu Li (University of Victoria) - Dilation theory for right LCM semigroup dynamical systems
Chris Ramsey (MacEwan University) - The isomorphism problem for tensor algebras of multivariable dynamical systems
Sarah Plosker (University of Regina/Brandon University) - Operator-valued functions that are integrable against a positive, operator-valued measure
Nico Spronk (University of Waterloo) - On operator amenability of Fourier-Stieltjes algebras
Masoud Khalkhali (University of Western Ontario) - Phase transition in some Dirac ensembles
Heath Emerson (University of Victoria) - Zeta functions of Heisenberg cycles and dynamics
James Mingo (Queen’s University) - Free compression and standard Young tableaux
Paul Skoufranis (York University), - Bi-free entropy with respect to a completely positive map
Matthew Wiersma (University of California) - Cohomological obstructions to lifting properties for full group C*-algebras
Matthew Kennedy (University of Waterloo) - Amenability, proximality and higher order syndeticity

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