Aaron Tikuisis

Slides from talks

A single tile that fills the plane almost-symmetrically - Math club, 2023 (University of Ottawa).
Classification of C*-algebras - Great plains operator theory seminar, 2023 (Ohio State University).
Nuclear dimension and Z-stability of simple C*-algebras - NYC noncommutative geometry seminar, 2021 (online - video here).
Classification of embeddings - Special week on operator algebras 2021 (Shanghai).
Classification of embeddings, II - CMS winter meeting (session on Operator algebras, (semi)groups, and dynamics), 2020 (Montréal). (This was a sequel talk to one by Jamie Gabe.)
Tracially complete C*-algebras - Canadian operator symposium, 2020 (Toronto).
Quasidiagonality and amenability - Canadian operator symposium, 2016 (Montréal).
Quasidiagonality and the classification of nuclear C*-algebras - Seminar, Cardiff, 2016.
Regularity for C*-algebras and the Toms-Winter conjecture - Great plains operator theory seminar, 2015 (Purdue University).
C*-algebras, classification, and regularity - Colloquium, Belfast, 2015.
Dimension and Z-stability - Classifying structures for operator algebras and dynamical systems, 2013 (Aberystwyth).
Central sequences, dimension, and Z-stability of C*-algebras - C*-Algebren, 2013 (Oberwolfach).
Central sequences, dimension, and Z-stability of C*-algebras - Groups, dynamical systems, and C*-algebras, 2013 (Münster).
Dimension and tensorial absorption in operator algebras - Arbre de Noël, 2012 (Metz).
Dimension reduction and Jiang-Su stability - Worshop on C*-algebras, dynamics, and classification, 2012 (Oberwolfach).
Decomposition rank and Jiang-Su stability - Fields Institute workshop on applications to operator algebras, 2012 (Toronto).
Z-stability and decomposition rank - Canadian operator symposium, 2012 (Kingston).
Regularity properties for stably projectionless C*-algebras - Masterclass on nuclear dimension, 2011 (Copenhagen).
The Cuntz semigroup of C(X,A) - Thesis defence, 2011.
The real span of a dimension group - Canadian operator symposium, 2011 (Victoria).
The Cuntz semigroup of continuous functions into a strongly self-absorbing C*-algebra - Canadian operator symposium, 2010 (Fredericton).
The Cuntz semigroup for commutative C*-algebras - Canadian operator symposium, 2009 (Regina).

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