Disclaimer: The views expressed in these commentaries are the solely the opinions of the person who wrote the commentary.

Hello! Welcome to the Cloister Library, one of the most detailed Doctor Who sites around. Our aim is to provide an in-depth guide to every Doctor Who (or related) book published. It's an invaluable aid for fans who just can't place that reference, or a useful tool for Doctor Who researchers or authors interested in the vast tapestry that 30 years of original novels have created.

What sets the Cloister Library apart from other Doctor Who guides out there, whether online or reference guides, is our transparency. We've provided page numbers for every continuity reference, most locations and descriptions of alien monsters, as well as other tidbits along the way. We haven't just summarised the relevant points for you, we've made the process accessible to further fact-checking and corrections, or simply a way to guide you to exactly where that pesky reference is.

We welcome contributions or feedback. We're also only human, so if you spot some mistakes or ommissions, do please let us know. We hope to have the most comprehensive Doctor Who book reference site there is. If you're ambitious enough to attempt a whole book (it's not as hard as it looks!) please contact Stacey first, so there isn't a conflict.

Clicking on one of the Doctor's faces on the right will take you straight to that Doctor's section; also, in the commentaries themselves, clicking on the Doctor's face will return you to this page.

Please note that the guides are intended to be detailed and contain significant spoilers. So please be warned if you're clicking on a guide to a book you haven't read.

Currently, there are 376 entries in the Cloister Library, with 5 to go.

Note: Please send any comments or submissions to Stacey Smith?

Ruby Red [Stacey Smith?]
Caged [Stacey Smith?]
The Maze of Doom [Stacey Smith?]
All Flesh is Grass [Stacey Smith?]
Crisis in Space [Dylan 'Malk' Carroll]
Invasion of the Ormazoids [Dylan 'Malk' Carroll]
The Garden of Evil [Dylan 'Malk' Carroll]
Search for the Doctor [Dylan 'Malk' Carroll]
Time Lord Victorious: The Knight, the Fool and the Dead [Stacey Smith?]
At Childhood's End [Stacey Smith?]
Prime Time [Tim Snelling] (Backlog complete!)
Storm Harvest [Tim Snelling]
Matrix [Tim Snelling]
The Hollow Men [Tim Snelling]
Illegal Alien [Tim Snelling]
The Wheel of Ice [paperback page references added by Tim Snelling]
Scratchman [Robert Smith?]
The Secret in Vault 13 [Robert Smith?]
Molten Heart [Robert Smith?]
Combat Magicks [Robert Smith?]
The Good Doctor [Robert Smith?]
Twilight of the Gods [Anthony Wilson]
Independence Day [Robert Smith?]
Festival of Death [Robert Smith?]
The Joy Device [Anthony Wilson]
The Shining Man [Robert Smith?]
Return to the Fractured Planet [Anthony Wilson]
Plague City [Robert Smith?] 350th entry!
The Mary-Sue Extrusion [Anthony Wilson]
Doctor Who and the Krikkit Men [Robert Smith?]
Where Angels Fear [Anthony Wilson]
The Shadow of Weng-Chiang [Robert Smith?]
Beige Planet Mars [Anthony Wilson]
Diamond Dogs [Robert Smith?]
Another Girl, Another Planet [Anthony Wilson]
Tomb of Valdemar [Robert Smith?]
Big Bang Generation [Robert Smith?]
In The Blood [Robert Smith?]
Deep Time [Robert Smith?]
Millennium Shock [Robert Smith?]
The Crawling Terror [Robert Smith?]
System Shock [Robert Smith?]
Royal Blood [Robert Smith?]
Silhouette [Robert Smith?]
Corpse Marker [Robert Smith?]
Harvest of Time [Robert Smith?]
The Blood Cell [Robert Smith?]
Last Man Running [Robert Smith?]
Managra [Robert Smith?]
Dark Horizons [Robert Smith?]
The Shroud of Sorrow [Robert Smith?]
The Silurian Gift [Robert Smith?]
The Dalek Generation [Robert Smith?]
The Dying Days [Anthony Wilson]
Plague of the Cybermen [Robert Smith?]
So Vile a Sin [Robert Smith?]
Bad Therapy [Anthony Wilson]
The Wheel of Ice [Robert Smith?]
The Death of Art [Robert Smith?]
Return of the Living Dad [Robert Smith?]
GodEngine [Robert Smith?]
Engines of War [Robert Smith?]
Magic of the Angels [Robert Smith?]
Happy Endings [Robert Smith?]
The Silent Stars Go By [Robert Smith?]
The Sword of Forever [Anthony Wilson]
Borrowed Time [Robert Smith?]
Death and Diplomacy [Robert Smith?]
The Well-Mannered War [Anthony Wilson]
Paradox Lost [Robert Smith?]
The English Way of Death [Anthony Wilson]
The Romance of Crime [Anthony Wilson]
The Coming of the Terraphiles [Robert Smith?]
Dry Pilgrimage [Anthony Wilson]
Toy Soldiers [Anthony Wilson]
Zamper [Anthony Wilson]
Touched by an Angel [Robert Smith?]
Sky Pirates! [Anthony Wilson] 300th entry!
Original Sin [Anthony Wilson]
Parasite [Robert Smith?]
Hunter's Moon [Robert Smith?]
Falls the Shadow [Anthony Wilson]
All-Consuming Fire [Robert Smith?]
First Frontier [Anthony Wilson]
Legacy [Robert Smith?]
St. Anthony's Fire [Anthony Wilson]
The Way Through The Woods [Robert Smith?]
Theatre of War [Robert Smith?]
Tragedy Day [Robert Smith?]
The Medusa Effect [AnthonyWilson]
Dead of Winter [Robert Smith?]
Oblivion [Anthony Wilson]
Strange England [Anthony Wilson]
Evolution [Robert Smith?]
The King's Dragon [Robert Smith?]
The Glamour Chase [Robert Smith?]
A Device of Death [Robert Smith?]
Birthright [Robert Smith?]
The Ghosts of N-Space [Robert Smith?]
Nuclear Time [Robert Smith?]
The Forgotten Army [Robert Smith?]
Who Killed Kennedy [Robert Smith?]
The Krillitane Storm [Robert Smith?]
Night of the Humans [Robert Smith?]
Apollo 23 [Robert Smith?]
Code of the Krillitanes [Robert Smith?]
Autonomy [Robert Smith?]
Beautiful Chaos [Robert Smith?]
The Taking of Chelsea 426 [Robert Smith?]
Prisoner of the Daleks [Robert Smith?]
Judgement of the Judoon [Robert Smith?]
Shadowmind [Robert Smith?]
The Doctor Trap [Robert Smith?]
The Slitheen Excursion [Robert Smith?]
The Sontaran Games [Robert Smith?]
The Eyeless [Robert Smith?]
The Many Hands [Robert Smith?]
Shining Darkness [Robert Smith?]
Ghosts of India [Robert Smith?]
SnowGlobe 7 [Robert Smith?]
Martha in the Mirror [Robert Smith?]
Atom Bomb Blues [Dorothy Ail]
Revenge of the Judoon [Robert Smith?]
Peacemaker [Robert Smith?]
The Pirate Loop [Robert Smith?]
Damaged Goods [Dorothy Ail] 250th entry!
Wishing Well [Robert Smith?]
The Time Travellers [Robert Smith?]
Wetworld [Robert Smith?]
Sick Building [Robert Smith?]
Island of Death [Robert Smith?]
Forever Autumn [Robert Smith?]
Wooden Heart [Robert Smith?]
The Last Dodo [Robert Smith?]
Sting of the Zygons [Robert Smith?]
The Price of Paradise [Robert Smith?]
Made of Steel [Robert Smith?]
The Art of Destruction [Robert Smith?]
White Darkness [Robert Smith?]
The Nightmare of Black Island [Robert Smith?]
Lucifer Rising [Robert Smith?]
The Resurrection Casket [Robert Smith?]
Spiral Scratch [Anthony Wilson]
The Feast of the Drowned [Robert Smith?]
Deceit [Robert Smith?]
I am a Dalek [Robert Smith?]
The Stone Rose [Robert Smith?]
Mission to Magnus [Robert Smith?]
The Pit [Robert Smith?]
Match of the Day [Robert Smith?]
The Deviant Strain [Robert Smith?]
The Ancestor Cell [Anthony Wilson]
The Banquo Legacy [Anthony Wilson]
The Space Age [Anthony Wilson]
World Game [Robert Smith?]
The Fall of Yquatine [Anthony Wilson]
The Shadows of Avalon [Anthony Wilson]
Parallel 59 [Anthony Wilson]
Frontier Worlds [Anthony Wilson]
The Taking of Planet 5 [Anthony Wilson]
The Blue Angel [Anthony Wilson]
The Stealers of Dreams [Robert Smith?]
Interference Book I [Anthony Wilson]
Interference Book II [Anthony Wilson]
Autumn Mist [Anthony Wilson]
Unnatural History [Anthony Wilson]
Dominion [Anthony Wilson]
Only Human [Robert Smith?]
Revolution Man [Anthony Wilson]
The Janus Conjunction [Anthony Wilson]
The Taint [Anthony Wilson]
The Face-Eater [Anthony Wilson]
Winner Takes All [Robert Smith?]
The Scarlet Empress [Anthony Wilson]
The Algebra of Ice [Robert Smith?]
Vanderdeken's Children [Anthony Wilson] 200th entry!
Seeing I [Anthony Wilson]
The Monsters Inside [Robert Smith?]
Placebo Effect [Anthony Wilson]
The Gallifrey Chronicles [Robert Smith?]
Dreamstone Moon [Anthony Wilson]
Legacy of the Daleks [Anthony Wilson]
Longest Day [Anthony Wilson]
Option Lock [Anthony Wilson]
Alien Bodies [Anthony Wilson]
Kursaal [Anthony Wilson]
Fear Itself [Robert Smith?]
War of the Daleks [Anthony Wilson]
Genocide [Anthony Wilson]
Escape Velocity [Robert Smith?]
Sanctuary [Anthony Wilson]
Endgame [Robert Smith?]
The Bodysnatchers [Anthony Wilson]
The Clockwise Man [Robert Smith?]
The Shadow in the Glass [Anthony Wilson]
Infinite Requiem [Anthony Wilson]
The Turing Test [Robert Smith?]
Set Piece [Anthony Wilson]
Mission: Impractical [Anthony Wilson]
The Ultimate Evil [Robert Smith?]
Slipback [Anthony Wilson]
Grave Matter [Anthony Wilson]
Human Nature [Robert Smith?]
Iceberg [Anthony Wilson]
Synthespians™ [Robert Smith?]
The Paradise of Death [Robert Smith?]
Players [Anthony Wilson]
To The Slaughter [Robert Smith?]
The Nightmare Fair [Robert Smith?]
Vampire Science [Anthony Wilson]
Speed of Flight [Robert Smith?]
Business Unusual [Anthony Wilson]
The Deadstone Memorial [Robert Smith?]
Burning Heart [Anthony Wilson]
The Indestructible Man [Robert Smith?]
Love and War [Anthony Wilson]
The Also People [Robert Smith?]
Killing Ground [Anthony Wilson]
The Sleep of Reason [Robert Smith?]
The Eight Doctors [Anthony Wilson]
The Dalek Factor [Robert Smith?]
Millennial Rites [Anthony Wilson]
The Tomorrow Windows [Robert Smith?]
Time of Your Life [Anthony Wilson]
Head Games [Robert Smith?]
No Future [Anthony Wilson] 150th entry!

The books below are arranged in terms of the Doctor's personal chronology.

For each book the title and author are listed.

Where there is more information available for a certain book, you can click on that book, and travel to more pages... The aim is for there to be extra information on the site for every book listed.

If you've anything to add please e-mail Stacey.

All contributions are very welcome.


The Doctor Back
The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor

The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor

The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor

The Benny Annexe Back
The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor


The Doctor -- The 1st Doctor -- The 2nd Doctor -- The 3rd Doctor -- The 4th Doctor -- The 5th Doctor The 6th Doctor -- The 7th Doctor
-- The Benny Annexe -- The 8th Doctor -- The War Doctor -- The 9th Doctor -- The 10th Doctor -- The 11th Doctor -- The 12th Doctor -- The 13th Doctor -- The 15th Doctor

