Monica Nevins, University of Ottawa

Current courses

  1. Fall 2023: MAT1330 Calculus I for the Life Sciences. We explore the fundamental mathematical tools that turned natural philosophers into scientists. Along the way, we also explore discrete-time dynamical systems, which are mathematical models that help us understand growth and change in the life sciences.
  2. Fall 2023: MAT4343 Representation Theory. This course uses linear algebra to explore the structure of groups and of their linear actions on vector spaces; it is the course for you if you loved Group Theory!
  3. Hiver 2024: MAT3543 Anneaux et Modules. Ce cours est la suite naturelle de vos cours MAT2543 (Théorie des groupes) et MAT2541 (algèbre linéaire), et vous donne les outils fondamentaux de l'algèbre.

Previous courses

  1. Winter 2023: MAT3343 Applied Algebra. Our topics are Error-correcting codes, and cryptography.
  2. Fall 2021 : MAT1330 Calculus I for the Life Sciences. A wonderful introduction to the most important discovery of the 2nd millenium (that would be Calculus) via the lens of "what is it good for, anyway?". Course materials on Brightspace.
  3. Fall 2021 : MAT3143 Rings and Modules. A modern course that pulls together the algebraic structures you've independently discovered in MAT2143 Group Theory and MAT2141 Linear algebra, and shows off what it's really all about.
  4. Fall 2020: MAT1330 Calculus I for the Life Sciences.
  5. Hiver 2020 : MAT3743 Algèbre appliquée. Les codes correcteurs et la cryptographie, et les outils mathématiques qui réalisent ces innovations.
  6. Winter 2019: MAT1332 Calculus II for the Life Sciences. All of the cool stuff from MAT1330 and more: linear algebra, dynamical systems, and more sophisticated modesl of biological systems.
  7. Fall 2018: MAT1330 Calculus I for the Life Sciences. The tools of Calculus (the most significant scientific advance of the last millenium, just to be clear on that) and a fascinating chance to see how Calculus is used to model biological systems.
  8. Fall 2017: MAT1330 Calculus I for the Life Sciences.
  9. Automne 2017 : MAT3543 Théorie des Anneaux. La suite de MAT2543 : les structures algébriques provenant des ensembles ayant deux opérations (donc, des anneaux). C'est vraiment là que la belle théorie, et toutes les applications, fleurissent : les objets (nombres, polynômes) premiers et irréductibles, et les corps (finis et infinis). Ce cours ouvre la porte à l'étude de la théorie de Galois ("la plus belle théorie en mathématiques"), la géométrie algébrique (la langue moderne de l'algèbre et de la géométrie), et même la cryptographie (les réseaux euclidiens, clé à la cryptographie post-quantique).
  10. Winter 2017: MAT1341 : Introduction to Linear Algebra.
  11. Hiver 2017: MAT3741 : Algèbre linéaire appliquée.
  12. Fall 2016 : MAT1320A : Calculus I
  13. Winter 2016: MAT1325: Calculus II and an introduction to analysis
  14. Hiver 2015: MAT1725, Calcul différentiel et intégral II et introduction à l'analyse mathématique
  15. Hiver 2014: MAT2525, Éléments de l'analyse réelle
  16. Winter 2012: MAT1325: Calculus II and an Introduction to Analysis. We discover why Calculus works, meet the real numbers honestly for the first time, and get our first taste of higher mathematics. Paradoxes, discoveries, logic, intuition, epsilon and delta --- all the drama of Calculus in one course. Plus some geometry in 3D and the beginnings of multivariable Calculus.
  17. Fall 2011: MAT1320: Calculus I, Section A. Your first glimpse of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and how it changed science forever.
  18. Fall 2011: MAT3166: Elementary Number Theory. This is what you might have thought studying math was about, back in high school. Prime numbers, numerical magic, big open questions and a little cryptology.
  19. Winter 2011: MAT4154/MAT5330 : Algebraic Geometry. An absolute must for all serious students in pure mathematics --- algebraic geometry combines ideas from topology, geometry and algebra to give us powerful new tools with which to approach problems in both geometry and algebra.
  20. Winter 2010: MAT3343: Applied Algebra. This course further develops your algebraic skills in the context of applications such as classical (and not-so-classical) symmetry groups, and error-correcting codes.
  21. Hiver 2009: MAT2543: Structures algébriques. C'est un cours exigeant et absolument satisfaisant; on y découvre les structures algébriques qui sous-tendent les mathématiques depuis le mi-19ième siécle.
  22. Winter 2009: Mathematical Cryptography. We discuss the current trends and successes of cryptography, with particular emphasis on those techniques with strong mathematical foundations. The cryptographic systems we will focus on include Elliptic Curve Cryptography, as well as more classical RSA and more recent NTRU.
  23. Fall 2008: MAT1341: Introduction to Linear Algebra. A challenging and fascinating introductory course for students in Engineering and the Physical Sciences.
  24. Winter 2007: on sabbatical.
  25. Fall 2007: MAT 5327 : Linear Algebraic Groups following the book by T.A. Springer.
  26. Fall 2007: MAT1341: Introduction to Linear Algebra.
  27. Fall 2006: MAT 4992A : Séminaire/Seminar on Coxeter groups et la théorie des représentations.
  28. Fall 2006: MAT 1320E : Calculus I for Mathematics Students.
  29. Summer 2006: MAT 3343 3X : Applied Algebra. A fun course covering (this year) frieze groups of symmetries, wallpaper groups, and coding theory.
  30. Winter 2006: MAT 1323B : Calculus and Matrix Algebra (for students in the Life Sciences). This course has been replaced with MAT1332 in 2006-07.
  31. Hiver 2006 : MAT 2525: Analyse mathématique I, qui n'existe plus; on remplace la suite MAT 2520/2525 avec la nouvelle suite MAT 2520/2521 en 2006-07. Le 2525 est a peu près l'équivalent du MAT2520.
  32. Fall 2005: MAT 1320D : Calculus I (for students in the Life Sciences)
  33. Automne 2005 : MAT 3525 : Analyse Mathématique II.
  34. Winter 2005: MAT 3166: Introduction to Number Theory
  35. Hiver 2005 : MAT 2525: Analyse mathématique I.
  36. Fall 2004: MAT 1320D: Calculus I. This is one section of the first year Calculus course.
  37. Winters 2001, 2003, 2004: MAT 1302 A: Mathematical Methods II. One section of the first year linear algebra course for students in the faculties of Administration and Social Sciences.
  38. Fall 2003: MAT 1320E: Calculus I
  39. Fall 2003: MAT 3341: Applied Linear Algebra.
  40. Fall 2001: MAT 2141, Advanced Linear Algebra. It's a wonderful first honours mathematics course, with neat ideas and an introduction to proofs and abstract reasoning.
  41. Fall 2000: Lie Algebras (now MAT4142). It's a great course for interested algebra students in 4th year, or in graduate school.