Nanophotonics Summer School 2019

The Ramunno group traveled to Erice, Sicily for the NATO Advanced Study Institute titled “Light-Matter Interactions Towards the Nanoscale” from July 20th to August 4th 2019. This year’s organizers included our very own research associate Antonino Calà Lesina. Many lecturers presented on various nanophotonic-related topics, including Prof. Ramunno who gave a workshop on Lumerical’s FDTD software. Joshua presented some of his work as a short seminar, and two posters.

NUSOD Conference

Last week (July 8-12 2019) the Ramunno group participated in the NUSOD conference for simulations in optoelectronics. Prof. Ramunno chaired the first session on Novel Methods and gave an invited talk titled Simulation of nanophotonic nonlinear metasurfaces. Joshua Baxter gave a talk titled Deep Learning applied to plasmonic colouring. Antonio Calà Lesina led the Rump session in discussing the use of machine learning in optoelectronics.

The conference was lots of fun with amazing talks, a breathtaking excursion, and some excellent food.

Joshua answering questions after his talk with Prof, Ramunno chairing the session

Plasmonics goes mainstream in The Globe and Mail

This past weekend, The Globe and Mail published an article about the Royal Canadian Mint’s use of plasmonic colouring called The colour of money: How the Royal Canadian Mint is using cutting-edge laser technology to give coins a surprising new look. The article highly features our close collaborator Dr. Jean-Michel Guay. Congrats Jean-Michel!

For more information on the plasmonic colouring, please read the articlepublished in Nature Communications coauthored by Antonio Calà Lesina and Prof. Ramunno.

URS project opening

We are seeking a keen URS student for a project using artificial intelligence in nanophotonics. If you are interested in deep learning, nanotechnology, and having fun, see details here.

We’re going to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nanophotonics

Our group is going to be at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on “Light-matter interactions towards the nanoscale” from July 20 to August 4, 2019, in Erice, Italy.

The program is part of the School of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, a prestigious school directed by Prof. Baldassare Di Bartolo since 1973.

The program this year is directed by Prof. J. Collins and Prof. S. Gaponenko.

During the summer school, Prof. Ramunno will give a series of lectures on Computational Nanophotonics, Joshua Baxter will give a poster and a short seminar on our recent research activities, while Dr. Calà Lesina is part of the organizing team.

For more info: please visit the website and check out the poster.

CLEO Presentation

PhD candidate Joshua Baxter will be presenting his talk Application of deep learning to direct and inverse problems in plasmonic coloring  at CLEO on May 7th at 6:15 in the “Nanophotonic Platforms for Optical Computing & Deep Learning” session.