We are seeking an exceptional candidate for a graduate student position in theoretical Quantum Microscopy. This project involves analytical and computational modeling in quantum nonlinear microscopy, interested candidates should contact Dr. Lora Ramunno: lora.ramunno@uottawa.ca. See our positions page here
Postdoctoral Fellowship Position Available in Quantum Microscopy
We are seeking two exceptional candidates for Postdoctoral Fellowship positions in experimental and theoretical Quantum Microscopy. The experimental project is in the development of quantum light sources for nonlinear optical microscopy and the theoretical project involves analytical and computational modeling in quantum nonlinear microscopy. See our positions page here, and detailed descriptions here.
Two postdoc positions in computational nanophotonics
Ph.D. position with U. Lyon, France
We are seeking a Ph.D. student for the vectorial modelling of structured ultrafast laser beams in collaboration with the Université de Lyon in France. The doctorate will be shared between both laboratories, with 18 months in Canada and 18 months in France. Download a pdf file with the detailed description here.
Congrats Professor Calà Lesina!
Congratulations to Antonio, who begins his professorship at Leibniz Universitaet Hannover in Germany today! We wish you all the best.
Joshua wins a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
Congratulations to Joshua Baxter for winning a NSERC Vanier CGS. For more information on this scholarship, please see the Vanier Scholarship website.
We won an exploration grant!
Our team will develop a new microscope to image the orientation of biomolecules, and use it for early disease detection of neurdegenrative diseases like Alzheimer’s. You can read more about it here.
The exploration stream of the New Frontiers in Research Fund is for interdisciplinary research that is high risk and high reward.
Photonics and AI session at Photonics North 2020
This year, the Photonics North conference (May 26-28, 2020) introduced for the first time a session on “Photonics and AI” organized and chaired by Lora Ramunno, Antonio Calà Lesina and Mario Krenn (University of Toronto and Vector Institute). The session was very successful and featured two keynote talks (Marin Soljacic, MIT and Aydogan Ozcan, UCLA) and 9 invited talks: James Pond (Lumerical Ansys), Sean Molesky (Princeton University), Fabio Sciarrino (Sapienza University of Rome), Dan-Xia Xu (NRC Canada), Bhavin Shastri (Queen’s University), and many others

Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Annual Meeting
Last week (October 29 – 31 ), Lora, Antonio, and Joshua traveled to Erlangen, Germany to participate in the annual meeting for the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Talks were given from research in the institute on their work and collaborations. Antonio presented his work on metasurfaces, and Lora presented an overview of the rest of the group’s work, from nonlinear metasurface calculations, to deep learning and inverse design. For more details of the event, check out the institute’s website.

AI for Design
Yesterday, the Ramunno group participated in the AI for design conference held at the National Research Council. Lora gave a talk outlining the group’s work in using deep learning for inverse design in nanophotonics and our future goals. Talks were given on applying AI to biological/medical research, material science, and photonics. For more information on the AI for Design Challenge Program, check out the NRC website .