Ph.D. position with U. Lyon, France

We are seeking a Ph.D. student for the vectorial modelling of structured ultrafast laser beams in collaboration with the Université de Lyon in France. The doctorate will be shared between both laboratories, with 18 months in Canada and 18 months in France. Download a pdf file with the detailed description here.

We won an exploration grant!

Our team will develop a new microscope to image the orientation of biomolecules, and use it for early disease detection of neurdegenrative diseases like Alzheimer’s. You can read more about it here.

The exploration stream of the New Frontiers in Research Fund is for interdisciplinary research that is high risk and high reward.

URS project opening

We are seeking a keen URS student for a project using artificial intelligence in nanophotonics. If you are interested in deep learning, nanotechnology, and having fun, see details here.