Stephanie Agnew
BSc (Dalhousie)
MSc candidate
+1 (613) 562-5800 x2574
Lauren Dobie
BSc (McGill)
MSc candidate (Mitacs scholarship)
Drivers of turtle density in wetlands
+1 (613) 562-5800 x2574
Michelle LaFlamme
BSc (Toronto)
MSc candidate (NSERC scholarship)
Drivers of snake density in wetlands
+1 (613) 562-5800 x2574
Eduardo Alvarez
Candidat BSc
Mortalité routière de la tortue mouchetée
+1 (613) 562-5800 x2574
A'isha Martineau
Candidate BSc
Taille des oeufs de tortues
+1 (613) 562-5800 x2574
Hannah Meikle
BSc candidate
Field assisant in the Ottawa/Gatineau area
+1 (613) 562-5800 x2574
Andrea O'Halloran. BSc (Queen's) MSc Ottawa (2024). Do ecopassages affect daily movements and home ranges of Blanding’s turtles
(Emydoidea blandingii)?.
Francisco Chavez Plante. BSc (Ottawa) MES Ottawa (2024). The impacts of climate change on sea turtles.
Céline Lafrance. BSc Ottawa (2024). Assistante de terrain à Chalk River en 2023.
Jonathan Tran. BSc Ottawa (2025). Assistant de terrain dans la région d'Ottawa/Gatineau en 2023.
Laurence Godin. BSc Ottawa (2024). Les activités humaines sont-elles un véhicule d'invasion de l'agrile du frêne (Agrilus planipennis) en Outaouais?
MES avec H Khaourba à uOttawa.
Cecilia Eason. BSc Ottawa (2024). Does bat activity vary with weather conditions?
Sofia Pizzuto. BSc Ottawa (2024). L’influence des facteurs météorologiques sur la ponte des tortues à deux sites de nidification anthropiques de tortues à Bristol et Clarendon, Pontiac, Québec, Canada.
Karolyn McGovern. BSc Ottawa (2024). The effect of climate on turtle clutch size.
Jennifer Wilson. BA (Guelph) MES Ottawa (2024). Compensatory wetland mitigation in North America: wetland mitigation banking as a form of greenwashing.
Audrey Turcotte. BSc (Sherbrooke) MSc (Sherbrooke) PhD Ottawa (2023). Effects of human disturbance and human-made barriers on the behaviour, physiology, and genetic structure of painted turtle populations. (co-supervisée par D Garant) (bourse CRSNG)
Biologiste pour le Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs.
Francesco Janzen. BSc (Ottawa) MSc (Toronto) PhD Ottawa (2023). Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): the influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification. (NSERC scholarship)
PDF at the University of Central Florida.
Victor Ufot. BSc (Ottawa) MES Ottawa (2023). How effective are current regulations and management strategies in reducing heavy metal pollution in the Canadian arctic.
Law school at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Sebastian Blanchett. BSc (Guelph) MSc Ottawa (2023). The impact of urbanization on painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) behaviour.
PhD with D Hannah at Carleton University.
Alymuhammad Irani. BSc Ottawa (2023). A recent portrait of grey seal diet in the Gulf of St-Lawrence between 2015-22. (co-supervisé par Xavier Bordeleau)
MSc avec X Bordeleau et F Pelletier à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
Jessica St-Onge. BSc Ottawa (2023). Est-ce que la composition du paysage prédit la mortalité routière au parc de Plaisance?
Amélie Boutin. BSc Ottawa (2023). L’effet de la composition du paysage sur l’abondance des tortues peintes (Chrysemys picta) et la présence des tortues mouchetées (Emydoidea blangingii).
MSc avec D Hannah à l'Université Carleton. (Ontario Graduate Scholarship)
Marie-Ève Corbin. BSc (Ottawa) MES Ottawa (2023). Wetland construction is not an effective strategy to mitigate the loss of biodiversity and habitat of Canadian wetlands.
Scientifique de l'environnement pour Story Environmental Inc.
Malcolm Fenech. BSc (Dalhousie) MSc Ottawa (2023). Why do freshwater turtles aggregate at basking sites?
Roxana Gorodnichy. BSc Ottawa (2026). Assistante de terrain dans la région d'Ottawa/Gatineau en 2022. (bourse PIRPC uOttawa)
Andrea Gigeroff. BSc (Dalhousie) MSc Ottawa (2022). Do roads affect the abundance of garter (Thamnophis sirtalis) and redbelly snakes (Storeria occipitomaculata)? (NSERC scholarship)
Instructor at Dalhousie University and then PhD with J Liztgus at Laurentian University. (NSERC Scholarship)
Anne-Christine Auge. BBSc (Leipzig) MSc (Carleton) PhD Trent (2022). Behavioural ecology and population dynamics of freshwater turtles in a semi-urban landscape at their northern range limit. (co-supervised by D Murray) (Ontario Trillium scholarship)
Biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Julian Parker. BSc (Ottawa) MSc (Ottawa) MES Ottawa (2022). The impact of ecological restoration on reptile conservation: a global meta-analysis. (Ontario Graduate Scholarship)
Biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Ella Eberhardt. BSc (Ottawa 2022). Does urbanization impact the prevalence of defensive behaviours in redbelly (Storeria occipitomaculata) and common garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis)?
MSc in Biomedical Communication at the University of Toronto.
Olivia Galloway. BSc (Ottawa 2022). Changes in the critical habitat of Blanding’s turtles on Grenadier Island, Thousand Islands National Park, through time.
MSc with T Pritcher at the University of Windsor. (NSERC Scholarship)
Sepidar Golestaneh. BSc (Ottawa 2022). Landscape composition does not predict local American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) abundance in Ottawa, Canada.
MSc with H Broders at the University of Waterloo. (NSERC Scholarship)
Amélie Lessard. BSc (Ottawa 2022). Effect of roads on painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) sex ratios.
MSc avec M Festa-Bianchet et MA Villard à l'Université de Sherbooke.
Isaiah Morrow. BSc (Ottawa 2022). Life stage comparisons in visual cognition abilities in Gryllus pennsylvanicus? (co-supervisé par J Morand-Ferron)
Technicien pour CGD Environnement Ltée.
Phoenix Sandrock. BSc (Ottawa 2022). Do social factors drive basking aggregations of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta)?
MSc with S Sharma at York University.
Manon Veselovsky. BSc (Ottawa 2021). Do lights detract freshwater turtles from entering commercial fishing nets?
MSc with H Kharouba at the University of Ottawa.
Alysha Riquier. BSc (Ottawa 2021). Landscape predictors of bobolink presence in the Outaouais region.
MSc avec O Love à l'Université de Windsor.
John Matsoukas. BSc (Ottawa 2021). No effect of road density on snake abundance in suburban Ottawa, Canada.
Vincent Fyson. BSc (Ottawa) MSc Ottawa (2020). Does landscape composition affect wetland occupancy by Blanding‟s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in the National Capital Region?
Biologist for the National Capital Commission.
Catherine Čapkun-Huot. BSc (Ottawa 2020). The effects of sex, physical traits, and parasites on painted turtle (Chrymesys picta) behaviour. (BRPC du CRSNG) Landscape composition predicts the local abundance of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta). (BRPC du CRSNG)
MSc avec D Réale à l'Univesité du Québec à Montréal. (bourse CRSNG)
Raphaël Seigel. BSc (Ottawa 2021). Assistant de terrain sur le Canal Rideau en 2019.
MSc avec J Blais à l'Université d'Ottawa.
Max Henry-Adams. BSc (Ottawa 2022). Field assistant on the Rideau Canal in 2019.
Simon Paquin. BSc (Montréal) MES (Ottawa 2019). Conservation in Canada and beyond: developping a replicable place-based systematic approach.
Alannah Lymburner. BSc (Western) MSc (Ottawa 2019). Differences in thermal quality affect investment in thermoregulation by lizards. (NSERC scholarship)
Biologist for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Daniel Pelletier. BSc (Ottawa 2021). Changement de morphologie en fonction du milieu de vie du triton vert (Notophthalmus viridescens). (bourse PIRPC uOttawa)
MSc avec Arne Mooers à l'Université Simon Fraser.
Spencer Karau. BSc (Ottawa 2020). Field assistant on the Ottawa River in 2018.
MSc with H Kharouba at the University of Ottawa.
Patrick LeBrun. BSc (Ottawa 2019). Identifying road mortality hotspots and their environmental correlates in the National Capital Greenbelt.
Biologiste pour la Commission de la Capitale Nationale puis MSc avec L Fahrig à Carleton University.
Dominique Lavoie. BSc (Ottawa 2019). Is coloration linked to parasite load in freshwater turtles?
MSc professionnelle à l'Université de Montréal puis Chargée de projet au Conseil régional de l’environnement et du développement durable de l’Outaouais.
Nicolas Ouellette. BSc (Ottawa 2019). Boldness does not influence the territorial dynamics of the ornate tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus).
Allison Drake. BSc (Ottawa 2019). Body size predicts the likelihood of harbouring ectoparasites among channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in Lac des Chats and its tributaries. (NSERC USRA)
Intern with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and then MSc with V Nguyen at Carleton University.
Rachel Bergeron. BSc (Ottawa 2019). Resource partitioning between two sympatric lizards in the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. (BRPC du CRSNG)
PhD avec M Festa-Bianchet à l'Université de Sherbrooke. (bourse CRSNG)
Olivia Pantoja. BSc (Ottawa 2019). Effets de l’urbanisation sur les oiseaux nicheurs au Parc de la Gatineau et dans les Terrains urbains du Québec.
Biologiste pour la Commission de la Capitale Nationale.
Lucy Patterson. BSc (Ottawa) MSc (Laurentian) PhD (Ottawa 2018). Food availability, thermal quality, and habitat selection in Yarrow's spiny lizards (Sceloporus jarrovii). (bourse CRSNG)
Biologiste pour Parcs Canada.
Noémie Gervais-Marsolais. BSc (Ottawa 2018). Effet de l’urbanisation sur l’abondance et la diversité des anoures en Outaouais.
MSc professionnelle à l'Université Laval.
Noah Johnson. BSc (Ottawa 2018). The impact of ectoparasitism on thermoregulation in the Yarrow’s spiny lizard (Sceloporus jarrovii).
Biologist for Parks Canada, MSc with C Somers and R Poulin at the University of Regina (NSERC scholarship), and then biologist for Parks Canada.
Funmi Soroye. BSc (Ottawa 2020) Does colour patch size influence the home range size of Sceloporus jarrovii lizards? (bourse PIRPC uOttawa)
Natalia Libreros Marin. BSc (ICESI 2018). Laboratory internship in 2017.
Liam Eaton. BSc (Ottawa 2018). Laboratory assistant in 2017.
MSc with M Pamenter at the University of Ottawa.
Vanessa Gagnon-Chantereau. BSc (Ottawa 2017). Effet de la latitude sur le dimorphisme sexuel et l’écologie spatiale des serpents.
Biologiste pour Bio Contrôle Arboricole.
Alexander Stone. BSc (McGill) MES (Ottawa 2017). A guild approach to wetland biodiversity monitoring in the national capital region of Canada.
Biologist for the National Capital Commission.
Hannah Watkins. BSc (Ottawa 2017). Body size, not age, affects parasite load in Clark’s Spiny Lizards (Sceloporus clarkii). (NSERC USRA)
PhD with I Côté at Simon Fraser University. (NSERC scholarship)
James Paterson. BSc (Guelph) MSc (Laurentian) PhD (Ottawa 2017). Drivers of density in ornate tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus). (NSERC scholarship)
PDF with C Davy at Trent University (Mitacs and Liber Ero fellowships) and then Research scientist with Ducks Unlimited Canada.
Peter Soroye. BSc (Ottawa 2016). Assistant de terrain en Arizona en 2016.
PhD avec J Kerr à l'Université d'Ottawa. (bourse CRSNG)
Anne-Martine Doucet. BSc (Ottawa 2018). Assistante de terrain en Arizona en 2016.
MSc avec U Mayer à University of British Columbia. (bourse CRSNG)
Emily Hawkins. BSc (Guelph) MSc (Ottawa 2016). Demography, movement patterns, and habitat selection of Blanding’s turtles at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories in Chalk River, Ontario. (NSERC scholarship)
Biologist for AECOM Canada and then Biologist for Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at the Chalk River Laboratory.
William Halliday. BSc (Lakehead) MSc (Lakehead) PhD (Ottawa 2016). Temperature modulates the strength of density-dependent habitat selection in ectotherms. (NSERC scholarship)
PDF with S Insley at the University of Victoria and then Research scientist for the Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada.
Valérie Bertrand. BSc (Ottawa 2016). Consistent individual differences in temperament at different temperatures in Leiocephalus schreibersii.
Biologiste pour le Parc de la Gatineau puis MSc avec MA Villard à l'Université de Moncton.
Francisco Retamal Diaz. BSc (Ottawa 2016). Northern snakes are more abundant in old fields than in forest.
Biologiste pour le Parc de la Gatineau, MSc avec M Mazerolle à l'Université Laval puis biologiste pour Conservation de la Nature Canada.
Dominic Demers. BSc (Ottawa 2016). Can Snapping turtles be used as an umbrella species for Blanding’s turtles in Ontario?
MSc avec J Forrest à l'Université d'Ottawa. (Ontario Graduate Scholarship)
Fanie Lanoix. BSc (Ottawa 2015). Does interspecific competition between Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum lead to thermal habitat segregation?
Biologiste pour le Parc de la Gatineau puis certificat d'études à Niagara College.
Caroline Bourque. BSc (Ottawa 2015). Does habitat quality affect density-dependent habitat selection by Tribolium castaneum?
BEd à l'Université d'Ottawa.
Isabelle Slevan-Tremblay. BSc (Ottawa 2015). Is negative density dependence in egg laying by female red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) based on current or future competition?
Biologiste pour le Parc de la Gatineau puis MSc professionnelle à l'Université de Sherbrooke.
Courtney Griffin. BA (Ottawa) MES (Ottawa 2015). Effects of road-induced habitat fragmentation on reptile and amphibian species at risk in North America: impacts and mitigation efforts.
Environmental supervisor at Borden Gold Mine.
Agneta Szabo. BSc (Ottawa 2014). Factors influencing parasite load in male ornate tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus): throat colour, population density, and habitat type.
Biologist for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and then graduate certificate at Niagara College.
Dariya Quenneville. BSc (Ottawa 2016). Field assistant in Arizona in 2014. (NSERC USRA)
Founder and nature educator of Finding Polaris.
Mélanie Routh. BSc (Ottawa 2018). Factors that determine the parasitism level of the Yarrow's spiny lizard (Sceloporus jarrovii) in Arizona, USA. (bourse PIRPC uOttawa)
MSc avec S Nielsen à University of Alberta (bourse CRSNG) puis biologiste des espèces en péril pour le gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest.
Sofia Karabatsos. BSc (Ottawa 2016). Field assistant at Breckenridge in 2014.
MSc with D Hik at the University of Alberta.
Paola Fassina. BSc (Universidade de Campinas 2015). Field assistant at Breckenridge in 2014. (Science without Borders Research Internship)
Véronique Juneau. BSc (Ottawa) MSc (Ottawa 2014). Chronically elevated corticosterone levels, via cocoa butter injections of corticosterone, do not affect stress response, immune function, and body condition in free-living painted turtles (Chrysemys picta). (bourse CRSNG)
Inspectrice en environnement pour la municipalité de Chelsea.
Meaghan Beale. BSc (Ottawa 2014). Anthropogenic disturbance increases movement and crypsis in western diamond-backed rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox).
Biologist for AECL and then MSc with M Boyce at the University of Alberta. (NSERC scholarship)
Alison Thomas. BSc (Ottawa 2014). How does ambient temperature impact the fitness of the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)?
Project analyst for Correctional Service Canada.
Michelle Dano. BSc (Ottawa 2014). Does landscape composition determine home range size of Blanding's turtles, Emyoidea blandingii, in disturbed habitats in Ontario, Canada?
Biologist for the Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Sana Zabihi-Seissan. BSc (Ottawa 2014). Food supplementation leads to increases in large mammal diversity and abundance, but no carry over effect in small mammals. (co-supervisé par J Morand-Ferron)
Biologiste pour le Parc de la Gatineau puis MSc avec E Vander Wal à Memorial University.
Zacharie Maillet. BSc (Ottawa 2014). Exploratory and defensive behaviours change with sex and size in eastern garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis).
BEd à University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Julie Châteauvert. BSc (McGill) MSc (Ottawa 2013). Influence of feeding ecology on mercury accumulation in turtles and fish of the Rideau Canal, Ontario, Canada.
Instructrice à La Cité Collégiale, biologiste pour Pêches et Océans Canada, puis évaluatrice pour Santé Canada.
Lauren Stoot. BSc (Lakehead) MSc (Carleton 2013). Sublethal consequences of net entrapment on freshwater turtles encountered as bycatch in commercial fisheries. (co-supervised by S Cooke)
Ecologist for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and then biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
Nicholas Cairns. BSc (Bandon) MSc (Carleton 2013). Mitigation of freshwater turtle bycatch and mortality associated with inland commercial fyke-net fisheries. (co-supervised by S Cooke) (Ontario Graduate Scholarship)
PhD with S Lougheed at Queen's University (NSERC scholarship) and then curator for the Royal Alberta Museum.
Guillaume Slevan-Tremblay. BSc (Ottawa 2013). Effects of mercury contamination on the immune system and on parasitism in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta).
MSc avec G Gauthier à l'Université Laval.
Victor Thomasson. BSc (McGill) MSc (Ottawa 2012). Habitat suitability modeling for the eastern hog-nosed snake, Heterodon platirhinos, in Ontario.
BEd à l'Université d'Ottawa puis enseignant au secondaire.
Gabrielle Fortin. BSc (Laval) MSc (Ottawa 2012). Can landscape composition predict movement patterns and site occupancy by Blanding's turtles? A multiple scale study in Québec, Canada. (bourse CRSNG)
Biologiste pour le Service Canadien de la Faune.
Maria Vu. BSc (Ottawa 2013). Field assistant at Gatineau Park in 2012.
MSc with V Trudeau at the University of Ottawa.
Nicola Banger. BSc (Queen's) MSc (Ottawa 2012). Consequences of multiple paternity for female fitness in an Ontario population of northern map turtles, Graptemys geographica. (co-supervised by S Lougheed) (NSERC scholarship)
Biologist for Trace Associates.
Rayan El Balaa. BSc (Ottawa) MSc (Ottawa 2012). Effect of predator diet on predator-induced changes in life history and performance of anuran larvae. (NSERC scholarship)
Biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Catherine Proulx. BSc (Ottawa 2012). Are roads a barrier to movement in Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii)?
MSc avec F Chapleau à l'Université d'Ottawa puis biologiste pour Kilgour & Associates.
Mélanie Lacroix. BSc (Ottawa 2012). Do Blanding's turtles in poor quality habitats experience reduced immunocompetence and increased parasitaemia?
MSc avec N Cappuccino à Carleton University puis inspectrice en environnement pour la municipalité de Chelsea.
Laura Robson. BSc (Western) MSc (Ottawa 2011). The spatial ecology of eastern hognose snakes (Heterodon platirhinos): habitat selection, home range size, and the effects of roads on movement patterns.
Ecologist for Ontario Nature and then high school teacher.
Sarah Larocque. BSc (Guelph) MSc (Carleton 2011). Occurrence and mitigation of freshwater turtle bycatch and mortality associated with inland commercial hoop net fisheries. (co-supervised by S Cooke) (NSERC scholarship)
Biologist for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and then biologist for Rescan Environmental Services.
Liane Allaire. BSc (Ottawa 2012). Assistante de terrain au parc de la Gatineau en 2011.
Biologiste pour le St. Lawrence River Institute.
Dalal Hanna. BSc (Ottawa 2011). Singing higher to be heard: the effect of anthropogenic noise on red-winged blackbird song. (BRPC du CRSNG)
MSc avec L Chapman à McGill University. (bourse CRSNG)
Jeffrey Row. BSc (Queen's) MSc (Ottawa) PhD (Queen's 2011). Origins of genetic variation and population structure of foxsnakes across spatial and temporal scales. (co-supervised by S Lougheed) (NSERC scholarship)
PDF with D Murray at Trent University and then PDF with B Fedy at the University of Waterloo.
Magdalena Stoeva. BSc (Ottawa 2011). Field assistant at Gatineau Park in 2010. (NSERC USRA)
PhD with J Coates at the University of California-Berkeley. (NSERC scholarship)
Catherine Millar. BSc (Ottawa) MSc (Ottawa 2010). The spatial ecology of Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii): from local movement patterns, home ranges and microhabitat selection to Ontario-wide habitat suitability modeling. (bourse CRSNG)
Analyste pour le Parent Resource Centre et instructrice à La Cité Collégiale.
Hervé Lelièvre. Master (Paris 6) DES (Paris 6) PhD (Poitiers 2010). Stratégies de thermorégulation chez deux colubridés sympatriques: la couleuvre verte et jaune Hierophis viridiflavus et la couleuvre d'esculape Zamenis longissimus. (co-supervisé par O Lourdais)
Ingénieur écologue chez CERA Environnement puis co-dirigeant chez Crexeco.
Casey Peet-Paré. BSc (Ottawa 2010). Nest-site selection in eastern hognose snakes (Heterodon platirhinos). (NSERC USRA)
BEd at the University of British Columbia and then MSc with T Sherratt at Carleton University. (NSERC scholarship)
Sofia Reilly. BSc (Ottawa 2010). Painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) may not flee earlier when chronically stressed.
Graduate certificate at the University of Ottawa.
Jeffrey Graham. BSc (Ottawa 2010). Thermal ecology of Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) on Grenadier Island: the influence of thermal quality of the environment on habitat selection.
Graduate diploma, PhD in Kinesiology, and then PDF in the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University.
Jeanne Campeau-Devlin. BSc (Ottawa 2010). Le comportement d'alimentation des chauves-souris n'est pas sensible au risque de prédation.
BSc en sciences infirmières à l'Université de Montréal.
Isabelle Ceillier. BSc (Ottawa 2010). Is emergence after hibernation of the black ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta) triggered by a thermal gradient reversal?
MSc professionnelle à l'Université de Sherbrooke puis biologiste à Environnement Canada.
Grégory Bulté. BSc (UQTR) PhD (Ottawa 2009). Sexual dimorphism in northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica): ecological causes and consequences. (bourse CRSNG)
Stage postdoctoral avec M Forbes à Carleton University (bourse FQRNT) puis instructeur à Carleton University.
Alana Plummer. BSc (Queen's) MSc (Ottawa 2009). Thermal preference and the effects of food availability on components of fitness in the bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps.
Environmental technician for Fort Folly First Nation Band.
Rayan El Balaa. BSc (Ottawa 2009). Anti-predatory behaviour of wild vs. captive freshwater angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare. (NSERC USRA)
MSc with G Blouin-Demers at the University of Ottawa. (NSERC scholarship)
Nikki Reshke. BSc (Ottawa 2009). Factors affecting leech parasitism on four turtle species in St. Lawrence Islands National Park.
Administrative assistant for the federal government and then MBA at the Royal Military College.
Dominic Marcil Ferland. BSc (Ottawa 2009). Geometric morphometrics offer insight on the intersexual differences in allometric coefficients of bite force in the northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica).
MSc avec M Festa-Bianchet à l'Université de Sherbrooke, biologiste pour le Ministère des Richesses Naturelles de l'Ontario, puis biologiste pour le Parc de la Gatineau.
Nathalie Massicotte. BSc (Ottawa 2009). Assistante de terrain à la Queen's University Biological Station en 2008.
Technologue à l'Hôpital civique d'Ottawa.
Pascale Belleau. BSc (Sherbrooke) MSc (McGill 2008). Habitat selection, movement patterns, and demography of common musk turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) in southwestern Québec. (co-supervised by R Titman)
Biologiste pour le Conseil Canadien pour la Protection des Animaux, MA en communications à l'Université d'Ottawa puis Directrice des communications pour le Conseil Canadien pour la Protection des Animaux.
Gabriel Picard. BSc (Ottawa 2008). Does thermal quality of the environment affect habitat selection by musk turtles (Sternotherus odoratus)?
MSc avec J Arnason à l'Université d'Ottawa (Ontario Graduate Scholarship) puis analyste pour Santé Canada.
Caroline Gagné. BSc (Ottawa 2007). Assistante de terrain sur le Canal Rideau en 2007.
MSc professionnelle à l'Université Laval puis chargée de projet pour Conservation de la Nature Canada.
Karine Savard. BSc (Toronto 2007). Assistante de terrain à la Queen's University Biological Station en 2007.
Certificat de technicienne de la faune au CÉGEP de Ste-Foy.
Marie-Andrée Carrière. BSc (Guelph) MSc (Ottawa 2007). Movement patterns and habitat selection of common map turtles (Graptemys geographica) in St. Lawrence Islands National Park, Ontario, Canada.
Biologiste pour le Ministère des Richesses Naturelles de l'Ontario, biologiste pour le Parc de la Gatineau, puis biologiste pour Environnement Canada.
Karen Elgee. BSc (Ottawa 2007). Sexual size dimorphism in garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis), water snakes (Nerodia sipedon), and black ratsnakes (Elaphe obsoleta).
MSc with T Pitcher at the University of Windsor and then high school teacher.
Lucy Patterson. BSc (Ottawa 2007). The effect of constant vs fluctuating incubation temperatures on the phenotype and fitness of black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta) hatchlings. (BRPC du CRSNG)
MSc avec A Schulte-Hostedde à l'Université Laurentienne (bourse CRSNG), biologiste pour Parcs Canada, puis PhD avec G Blouin-Demers à l'Université d'Ottawa.
Elad Ben-Ezra. BSc (Ottawa 2006). A test of the thermal coadaptation hypothesis in the common map turtle (Graptemys geographica). (NSERC USRA)
MSc with M Humphries at McGill University (NSERC scholarship) and then DVM at the University of Saskatchewan.
Carine Verly. BSc (Ottawa 2006). Does multiple paternity increase with female body size in the common map turtle (Graptemys geographica)?
Technicienne de laboraroire à l'Institut de Recherche en Santé d'Ottawa, BEd à l'Université d'Ottawa, puis enseignante au secondaire.
Marie-Ange Gravel. BSc (Ottawa 2006). BSc (Ottawa 2006). Sexual size dimorphism and diet specialization in the common map turtle (Graptemys geographica).
PhD avec S Cooke à Carleton University (bourse CRSNG), biologiste des espèces en péril pour le Ministère des Richesses Naturelles de l'Ontario, puis biologiste pour Environnement Canada.
Laura Bjorgan. BSc (McMaster) MSc (Ottawa 2005). Habitat use and movement patterns of juvenile black ratsnakes (Elaphe obsoleta) and their conservation implications.
Species at risk biologist for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Alana (Lana) Edwards. BSc (McGill) MSc (Ottawa 2005). Using painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) to test the cost benefit model of thermoregulation.
Contract biologist in South Africa, program analyst for the federal government in Ottawa, and then consul in India for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Jeffrey Row. BSc (Queen's) MSc (Ottawa 2005). Thermal quality influences thermoregulation, behaviour and habitat selection at multiple spatial scales in eastern milksnakes (Lampropeltis triangulum).
PhD with S Lougheed at Queen's University (co-supervised by G Blouin-Demers) (NSERC scholarship).
Serge Duchesneau. BSc (Ottawa 2005). Assistant de terrain à la Queen's University Biological Station en 2004.
BEd à l'Université Laurentienne puis MD à l'Université d'Ottawa.
Patrick Nadeau. BSc (Ottawa 2004). The cost-benefit model of thermoregulation does not predict the thermoregulatory behaviour of lizards.
MSc avec S Hinch à University of British Columbia (bourse CRSNG) puis directeur de Sentinelle Outaouais.