- University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, May 1995
- Thesis title: On the 1:2 Resonant Hopf Bifurcation
- Supervisor: William F. Langford
- University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
- M.Math. in Applied Mathematics, May 1991
- Thesis title: Dynamical Systems Analysis of Magnetic OSH Class A Cosmologies
- Supervisor: John Wainwright
- Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB
- B.Sc. with Honors in Physics, May 1989
Scholarships and Prizes
- University of Ottawa APUO Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2016
- University of Ottawa Excellence in Education Prize, 2014-15
- Faculty of Science Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2014-15
- Recipient of the Alumnus of the Year Award, Faculté des sciences, Université de Moncton February 2011
- Premier's Research Excellence Award March 2002 - March 2007
- NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship Sept. 1995 - Aug. 1996 (University of Houston)
- NSERC 1967 Science and Engineering Scholarship Sept. 1989 - Aug. 1993 (University of Waterloo)
- Bourse des gouverneurs de l'Université de Moncton (Board of governors scholarship) Sept. 1985 - April 1989
- NSERC undergraduate research scholarship May 1987 - Aug. 1987
- APICS undergraduate mathematics contest, 1988: 3rd place (individual), 2nd place (team)
- SIAM Student Travel Award, May 1995
- Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies
- Faculty of Science
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
- Jan. 2018 - April 2019
- Full Professor
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
- May 2008 - present
- Director
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
- Jan. 2007 - July 2009
- Associate Professor (tenured)
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
- May 2000 - May 2008
- Assistant Professor (tenure track)
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
- Aug. 1996 - May 2000
- Visiting Assistant Professor, NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow
- Department of Mathematics
- University of Houston, Houston, TX
- Sept. 1995 - Aug. 1996
- Lecturer
- Faculty of Mathematics
- University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
- May 1993 - Aug. 1995
- Tutorial Instructor
- Faculty of Mathematics
- University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
- Jan. 1994 - April 1994
- Teaching Assistant
- Department of Applied Mathematics
- University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
- Sept. 1989 - April 1995
- Lecturer Lecturer
- Department of Mathematics
- Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB
- May 1989 - Aug. 1989
- Research Assistant
- Department of Mathematics
- Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB
- May 1988 - Aug. 1988
- Research Assistant
- Department of Physics
- Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB
- May 1987 - Aug. 1987
- Teaching Assistant
- Department of Mathematics and Physics
- Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB
- Sept. 1986 - April 1989
Refereed Publications
- 37. Bourgeois, A., LeBlanc, V.G. and Lutscher, F. (2020) Dynamical stabilization and traveling waves in integrodifference equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-S 13, pp. 3029-3045
- 36. Bourgeois, A., LeBlanc, V.G. and Lutscher, F. (2018) Spreading phenomena in integrodifference equations with non-monotone growth functions, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78, pp. 2950-2972
- 35. Dowdall, J., LeBlanc, V.G. and Lutscher, F. (2018) Invasion pinning in a periodically fragmented habitat, Journal of Mathematical Biology 77, pp. 55-78
- 34. Kitanov, P. and LeBlanc V.G. (2017) Dynamics of meandering spiral waves with weak lattice perturbations, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 16, pp. 16-53
- 33. LeBlanc, V.G. (2016) A degenerate Hopf bifurcation in retarded functional differential equations, and applications to endemic bubbles, Journal of Nonlinear Science 26, pp. 1-25
- 32. Charette, L. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2014) Lattice symmetry -breaking perturbations for spiral waves, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 13, pp. 1694-1715
- 31. Bramburger, J., Dionne, B and LeBlanc, V.G. (2014) Zero-Hopf bifurcation in the Van der Pol oscillator with delayed position and velocity feedback, Nonlinear Dynamics 78, pp. 2959-2973
- 30. LeBlanc, V.G. and Roy, C. (2013) Forced translational symmetry-breaking for abstract evolution equations, Journal of Abstract Differential Equations and Applications 4, pp. 16-43
- 29. Lefebvre, J, Hutt, A., LeBlanc, V.G. and Longtin, A. (2012) Reduced dynamics for delayed systems with harmonic or stochastic forcing, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 22, pp. 043121-1 -- 043121-14
- 28. LeBlanc, V.G. (2013) Realizability of the normal form for the triple-zero nilpotency in a class of delayed nonlinear oscillators, Journal of Differential Equations 254, pp. 637-647
- 27. Lefebvre, J., Longtin, A. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2011) Neural adaptation facilitates oscillatory responses to static inputs in a recurrent network of ON and OFF cells, J. Comput. Neurosci. 31, pp. 73-86
- 26. Lefebvre, J., Longtin, A. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2011) Responses of recurrent nets of asymmetric ON and OFF cells, J. Biol. Phys. 37, pp. 189-212
- 25. Lefebvre, J., Longtin, A. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2010) Oscillatory Response in a Sensory Network of ON and OFF cells with Instantaneous and Delayed Recurrent Connections, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 368,pp. 455-467
- 24. Lefebvre, J., Longtin, A. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2009) Dynamics of driven recurrent networks of ON and OFF cells, Phys. Rev. E 80, 041912
- 23. Buono, P.-L., and LeBlanc, V.G. (2008) Realization of critical eigenvalues for scalar and symmetric linear delay-differential equations, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 7, pp. 1323-1354
- 22. Choi, Y. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2008) Toroidal normal forms for bifurcations in retarded functional differential equations II: saddle-node/multiple Hopf interaction, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems A 15, pp. 251-276
- 21. Boily, P., LeBlanc, V.G. and Matsui, E.T. (2007) Spiral anchoring in media with multiple inhomogeneities: a dynamical system approach, Journal of Nonlinear Science 17, pp. 399-427
- 20. Choi, Y. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2006) Toroidal normal forms for bifurcations in retarded functional differential equations I: multiple Hopf and transcritical/multiple Hopf interaction, Journal of Differential Equations 227, pp. 166-203
- 19. Buono, P.L. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2005) Equivariant versal unfoldings for linear retarded functional differential equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A 12, pp. 283-302
- 18. Bourgault, Y., Ethier, M. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2003) Simulation of Electrophysiological Waves with an Unstructured Finite Element Method, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 37, pp. 649-662
- 17. Buono, P.L. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2003) Versal unfoldings for linear retarded functional differential equations, Journal of Differential Equations 193, pp. 307-342
- 16. LeBlanc, V.G. and Roth, B.J. (2003) Meandering of spiral waves in anisotropic tissue, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B10, pp. 29-42
- 15. LeBlanc, V.G. (2002) Rotational symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, Nonlinearity 15, pp. 1179-1203
- 14. Redmond, B., LeBlanc, V.G. and Longtin, A. (2002) Bifurcation analysis of a class of first-order nonlinear delay-differential equations with reflectional symmetry, Physica D 166, pp. 131-146
- 13. LeBlanc, V.G. (2001) The role of symmetry in spiral wave dynamics, Physics in Canada 57, pp. 121-128
- 12. LeBlanc, V.G. and Wulff, C. (2000) Translational symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, Journal of Nonlinear Science 10, pp. 569-601
- 11. Gaudet, S., Gauthier, C. and LeBlanc, V.G. (2000) On the vibrations of an N-string, Journal of Sound and Vibration 238, pp. 147-169
- 10. LeBlanc, V.G. (2000) On some secondary bifurcations near resonant Hopf-Hopf interactions, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 7, pp. 405-428
- 9. Golubitsky, M., LeBlanc, V.G. and Melbourne, I. (2000) Hopf Bifurcation from Rotating Waves and Patterns in Physical Space, Journal of Nonlinear Science 10, pp. 69-101
- 8. LeBlanc, V.G. (1998) Bianchi II magnetic cosmologies, Class. Quantum Grav. 15, pp. 1607-1626
- 7. Campbell, S.A. and LeBlanc, V.G. (1998) Resonant Hopf-Hopf interactions in delay differential equations, J. Dyn. Diff. Eqns. 10, pp. 327-346
- 6. LeBlanc, V.G. (1997) Asymptotic states of magnetic Bianchi I cosmologies, Classical and Quantum Gravity 14, pp. 2281-2301
- 5. Golubitsky, M., LeBlanc, V.G. and Melbourne, I. (1997) Meandering of the Spiral Tip: An Alternative Approach, Journal of Nonlinear Science 7, pp. 557-586
- 4. LeBlanc, V.G. and Langford, W.F. (1996) Classification and unfoldings of 1:2 resonant Hopf bifurcation, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 136, pp. 305-57
- 3. LeBlanc, V.G., Kerr, D. and Wainwright, J. (1995) Asymptotic states of magnetic Bianchi VIo cosmologies, Classical and Quantum Gravity 12, pp. 513-41
- 2. LeBlanc, V.G., Lari-Lavassani, A. and Langford, W.F. (1994) Symmetry-breaking for leading-order gradient maps in R^2 with applications to O(3), Nonlinearity 7, pp. 577-94
- 1. LeBlanc, V.G. and Langford, W.F. (1994) Bifurcation of periodic orbits in 1:2 resonance: a singularity theory approach, in Dynamics, Bifurcation and Symmetry, P. Chossat (ed.), pp. 205-19, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Submitted Papers
Graduate Students and Postdocs
- Petko Kitanov, postdoctoral fellow (2014)-(2016).
- Younsun Choi, postdoctoral fellow (2003)-(2005).
- Eric Matsui, postdoctoral fellow (2002)-(2004).
- Iustina Chifan, M.Sc. (2020). Thesis title: Hopf Bifurcation Analysis for a Variant of the Logistic
Equation with Delays.
- Chad Couture, M.Sc. (2017). Thesis title: Steady States and Stability of the Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Equation on Bounded Intervals.
- Jason Bramburger, Ph.D. (2017). Thesis title: On the Existence and Stability of Rotating Wave Solutions to Lattice Dynamical Systems (Co-supervision with B. Dionne)
- Adèle Bourgeois, M.Sc. (2016). Thesis title: Spreading Speeds and Travelling Waves in Integrodifference Equations with Overcompensatory Dynamics (Co-supervision with F. Lutscher)
- Christian Belzil-Lacasse, M.Sc. (2015). Thesis title: Study of dissipative spots in three-component reaction-diffusion systems on two-dimensional domains.
- James Dowdall, M.Sc. (2015). Thesis title: Wave blocking phenomena and ecological applications. (Co-supervision with F. Lutscher)
- Laurent Charette, M.Sc. (2013). Thesis title: Lattice symmetry-breaking for spiral waves.
- Jason Bramburger, M.Sc. (2013). Thesis title: Steady-state/Hopf interaction in the van der Pol oscillator with delayed feedback. (Co-supervision with B. Dionne)
- Christian Roy, M.Sc. (2012). Thesis title: The Origin of Wave Blocking for a Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Equation: A General Approach.
- Jérémie Lefebvre, Ph.D. (2010). Thesis title: Dynamics of a sensory network of ON and OFF cells with global delayed feedback. (Co-supervision with A. Longtin (Physics))
- Gael Giordano, M.Sc. (2010). Thesis title: Realization of Critical Eigenvalues for Systems of Linear Delay Differential Equations.
- Guillaume Lajoie, M.Sc. (2007). Thesis title: Wave blocking phenomenon: a dynamical system approach.
- Patrick Boily, Ph.D. (2006). Thesis title: Spiral Wave Dynamics Under Full Euclidean Symmetry-Breaking: A Dynamical System Approach.
- Adela Comanici, Ph.D. (2004). Thesis title: Spiral waves on spherical domains: a dynamical systems approach.
- Brian Redmond, M.Sc. (2002). Thesis title: Bifurcation analysis of a class of delay differential equations with reflectional symmetry: Applications to ENSO. (Co-supervision with A. Longtin (Physics))
- Étienne Dupuis, M.Sc. (2000). Thesis title: De l'existence d'hypertores près d'une bifurcation de Hopf-Hopf avec résonance 1:2.
- Mélanie Langlois, M.Sc. (2000). Thesis title: Étude de bifurcation de Hopf-Hopf avec résonance 1:2 pour un système de deux neurones couplés avec délais.
- Current students: Noah Bolohan (M.Sc candidate, co-supervised with F. Lutscher), Thakshila Gunasingha (Ph.D. candidate)
- August 1996: Startup grant from the Dean of Science, University of Ottawa ($5000)
- April 1997 - April 2000: Individual Research Grant, NSERC. Title: "Hopf-Hopf mode interactions with 1:3 resonance and bifurcations of spirals" ($13200/year)
- April 2000 - April 2004: Individual Research Grant, NSERC. Title: "Spiral Waves and resonant Hopf-Hopf interactions" ($17000/year)
- March 2002 - March 2007: Premier's Research Excellence Award, Govt of Ontario and U. of Ottawa Title: "Effects of Anisotropy and Inhomogeneity on Spiral Waves" ($150,000 over 5 years)
- April 2004 - April 2009: Discovery Grant, NSERC. Title: "Dynamics of spiral and scroll waves, and bifurcations in retarded functional differential equations" ($20000/year)
- April 2010 - April 2015: Discovery Grant, NSERC. Title: "Bifurcations: traveling waves in reaction-diffusion systems, and realizability for delay differential equations" ($15000/year)
- April 2015: Teaching Grant, University of Ottawa Excellence in Education Prize ($10000)
- April 2016 - April 2021: Discovery Grant, NSERC. Title: "Bifurcations: functional differential equations and waves in inhomogeneous media" ($18000/year)
Invited Conference Talks
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2017) Weak lattice symmetry-breaking and modulated travelling spiral waves, CAIMS Annual meeting, June 20, Halifax, NS (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2016) Lattice symmetry-breaking and meandering spiral waves, CAIMS Annual meeting, June 29, Edmonton, AB (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2015) Degenerate Hopf Bifurcation in DDES and Endemic Bubbles, CAIMS Annual meeting, June 9, Waterloo , ON (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2014) Lattice symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, CMS Winter meeting, December 7, Hamilton , ON (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2014) Lattice symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, CAIMS Annual meeting, June 24, Saskatoon, SK (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2013) Nilpotencies and realizability in delayed nonlinear oscillators, CMS Winter meeting, Dec. 9, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (organizer of the special session on Functional Differential Equations and Applications)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2011) Realization of multiple Hopf bifurcation in DDEs, CMS Winter meeting, Dec 10, York University, Toronto, ON (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2010) Realization of multiple Hopf bifurcation in DDEs, Southern Ontario Dynamics Day, May 14, Fields Institute, Toronto, ON (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2008) Interactions of spiral waves with media imperfections: a dynamical systems approach, AARMS annual conference, Oct. 19, Moncton, NB (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2008) Finding matrices in funny places, Blundon plenary lecture, APICS annual conference, Oct. 17, Moncton, NB (Plenary lecture)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2007) Toroidal normal forms for delay-differential equations, presented at the CAIMS Annual General Meeting, May 20-25, Banff, AB (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2005) Toroidal normal forms for delay-differential equations, presented at the CMS Summer Meeting, June 4-6, Waterloo, ON (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2003) Spiral waves in anisotropic media, presented at the CAIMS/SIAM Annual General Meeting, June 16-29, Montreal, QC (minisymposium organizer)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2003) Spiral waves in anisotropic media, presented at the BIRS Workshop on Symmetry and Biology, May 31-June 5, Banff, AB (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2001) Forced symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, presented to the CMS Winter meeting, December 7-10, Toronto, ON (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2001) Forced rotational symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, presented to the 2nd Canada-China Mathematics Congress, August 20-23, Vancouver, BC (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2001) Forced rotational symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, presented to the International Conference on the Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, and Impulsive Systems, July 26-30, London, Ont. (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (2001) Forced symmetry-breaking for spiral waves , presented to the SIAM Applications of Dynamical Systems Conference, May 20-24, Snowbird, Utah
- LeBlanc, V.G. (1999) Translational symmetry-breaking for spiral waves, presented to the EQUADIFF 99 Conference, Aug. 1-8, Berlin, Germany (Joint work with C. Wulff, Freie U. Berlin) (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (1999) Some secondary bifurcations near resonant double Hopf points, presented to the annual meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society, June 11-13, Québec, QC (invited talk)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (1997) Euclidean symmetry and the meandering spiral tip , presented to the International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Aug. 1-4, Waterloo, ON (Joint work with M. Golubitsky and I. Melbourne, U. Houston)
- LeBlanc, V.G. (1995) Singularity theory analysis of 1:2 resonant Hopf bifurcation, presented to the SIAM Applications of Dynamical Systems meeting, May 20-25, Snowbird, Utah
- LeBlanc, V.G. (1994) Singularity theory analysis of 1:2 resonant Hopf bifurcation, presented to the Fourth International Symposium on Chaotic Dynamical Systems, June 12-15, Woudenberg, the Netherlands