Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CFunction_Template< T >Template for function of a single real variable
 CHas_PrintInterface for classes that have a "print" function
 CIndex_Hash_Table< Key_Type >
 CIndex_Hash_Table< Fermion_Double_Index >
 CIndex_Hash_Table_Node< Key_Type >
 CIntegrable_FunctionInterface for integrable functions
 CIntegrator_Discretization_ParameterInterface for integrators
 CIntegrator_Riemann< 0 >
 CIntegrator_Simpson< 0 >
 CList_Class< T >
 CList_Class< Atom >
 CList_Class< Coulomb_NN_Storage_Entry >
 CList_Class< Coulomb_Onsite_Storage >
 CList_Class< double >
 CList_Class< int >
 CList_Class< Integrator_Discretization_Parameter >
 CList_Class< Lattice_Bonds >
 CList_Class< Manybody_Eigenvector_Element >
 CList_Class< Select_Orbitals >
 CList_Class< Single_Lattice_Bond >
 CList_Class< Slater_Orbital >
 CList_Class< Spectral_Line >
 CList_Class< std::vector< Neighbor > >
 CList_Class< TB_Parameter >
 CList_Class< Tensor2d >
 CList_Class< Vec3d >
 CList_Class< VFF_Parameter >
 CList_Class_NoFind< T >
 CList_Class_NoFind< TB_Parameter_Id >
 CMap< T >
 CMultivarClass to store the arguments for multi-variable function
 CMultivar_Function_Template< T >Template for function with multiple double variables
 COrbital_Index::OrbnamesNames of orbitals
 CSingle_Lattice_BondA single bond
 CSlater_Koster_From_TB_Hopping_ParameterAssociate Orbitals to Slater-Koster matrix elements
 CSlater_Koster_From_TB_ParameterAssociate Orbitals to Slater-Koster matrix elements
 CTB_Parameter_IdStructure that lets one identify a parameter by its name
 Ctemplate_Tensor2< T >Class to store a rank-2 (complex) tensor, i.e., a matrix:
 Ctemplate_Tensor2< std::complex< double > >
 Ctemplate_Tensor3< T >Class to store a rank-3 (complex) tensor, i.e., a matrix:
 CTensor4Class to store a rank-4 (complex) tensor:
 CVec3dClass to store positions and to handle operations on 3d vectors