Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCoulomb_Onsite_StorageClass to store precomputed onsite coulomb matrix elements
 CFunction_TemplateTemplate for function of a single real variable
 CGenerate_PotentialPotential generator: interface with "generate(positionfile)" function
 CHas_PrintInterface for classes that have a "print" function
 CIntegrable_FunctionInterface for integrable functions
 CIntegrable_Function_ProductBuild Integrable_Function from product of other Integrable_Functions:
 CIntegrator_Discretization_ParameterInterface for integrators
 CIntegrator_RiemannIntegrator using Riemann sums
 CIntegrator_Riemann< 0 >
 CIntegrator_SimpsonIntegrator using Simpson's rule
 CIntegrator_Simpson< 0 >
 CIntFunc_expExample for integrable function with parameter exp(a*x):
 CLattice_BondsBonds associated to one atom in a lattice (cf. Lattice)
 CMultivarClass to store the arguments for multi-variable function
 CMultivar_Function_TemplateTemplate for function with multiple double variables
 COrganize_Blocks_By_Orbital_ListA 'Organize_Blocks' class that can be read from a position file
 CPotentialStructure to store values for the potational on each atom of a given structure
 CSingle_Lattice_BondA single bond
 CSlater_Koster_From_TB_Hopping_ParameterAssociate Orbitals to Slater-Koster matrix elements
 CSlater_Koster_From_TB_ParameterAssociate Orbitals to Slater-Koster matrix elements
 CSlater_OrbitalClass to access Slater orbital wave function
 CTB_Parameter_IdStructure that lets one identify a parameter by its name
 Ctemplate_Tensor2Class to store a rank-2 (complex) tensor, i.e., a matrix:
 Ctemplate_Tensor3Class to store a rank-3 (complex) tensor, i.e., a matrix:
 CTensor4Class to store a rank-4 (complex) tensor:
 CVec3dClass to store positions and to handle operations on 3d vectors