Erin Adlakha conducted a PhD thesis project, hydrothermal alteration along the P2 fault (major basement fault)  and McArthur River uranium deposit (the world largest high-grade uranium deposit) in the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan.

She submitted and defended her PhD thesis in 2016 and currently working as an Assistant Professor at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax.



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Erin Adlakha is the recipient of

Frank Shea Memorial Award (best presentation at the Atlantic Universities Geology Conference) in 2011.

Society of Economic Geologists Travel Grant in 2011


2013 Best presentation award of the Advances in Earth Science Research Conference


2013 Society of Economic Geologists Graduate Student Fellowship


2013 SGA Travel Grant to attend Uppsala  mtg.

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Visit to the Cameco’s McArthur River uranium mine, guided by Brian McGill (second L), Chief Geologist of the Mine and also the discoverer of the deposit.

Jack Dann (far L), McGill, Michael Power (centre), Erin Adlakha, and Keiko Hattori (far Right)



Erin Adlakha has been very productive and quick in disseminating her findings at meetings and publications.



Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Thermotectonic events recorded by U-Pb geochronology and Zr-in-rutile thermometry of Ti oxides in basement rocks along the P2 fault, eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. In revision, Geological Society of America Bulletin.


Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Kerr, M., Boucher, B., 2020. The origin of Ti-oxide minerals in the eastern Athabasca Basin. American Mineralogist. Vol. 105, no 12, p. 1875-1888.  
Appendix table and doc. Preprint



Adlakham E., Hattori, K., Kerr, M., Boucher, B., The occurrence and chemistry of Ti oxide phases and their timing of crystallization along the P2 fault, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Quebec City. Pdf file of the abstract


Adlakha, E.E., Hattori, K., Davis, W.J., Boucher, B., 2017. Characterizing fluids associated with the McArthur River U deposit based on tourmaline trace element and stable (B, H) isotope compositions. Chemical Geology, vol. 466, p. 417-435, Abstract


Adlakha, E.E., Hattori, K., 2016. Petrogenesis and composition of tourmaline-types along the P2 fault and McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, p. 661-679. Abstract, paper pdf



Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., 2015. Compositional variation and timing of aluminum phosphate-sulphate minerals along the P2 fault, and in association with the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. American Mineralogist, vol. 100, p. 1386-1399. doi: org/10.2138/am-2015-5069. Supplemental Information, AM-15-75069. Abstract of the paper


Adlakha, E.E. Hattori, K, Zaluski,G., Kotzer,T., Potter,E., 2015. Fluid evolution recorded in the composition of tourmaline and aluminum sulfate-phosphate minerals along the P2 fault and McArthur River uranium deposit, Saskatchewan. Joint Mtg. of Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada and American Geophysical Union in Montreal. Abstract Volume p.592-593. pdf


Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Zaluski, G., Kotzer, T., Potter, E.G, 2015. Mineralogy of a fertile fluid conduit related to unconformity-type uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 7791, p 74-82. Doi:10.4095/295776. pdf


Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Zaluski, G., Kotzer, T., Potter, E.G, 2014. Alteration within the basement rocks associated with the P2 fault and the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 7462, 33 p. doi:10.4095/293364, pdf

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Zaluski, G., Kotzer, T. and Potter, E., 2014. Ore fluids recorded in the compositions of magnesiofoitite and alumino-phosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals in the basement along the P2 structure and the McArthur River deposit, Athabasca Basin. Joint Annual meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Fredericton, NB. Abstract Volume vo. 37,p. 4, pdf

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., 2014. Tourmaline in the metasedimentary country rocks of the McArthur River uranium deposit, Saskatchewan. Joint Annual meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Fredericton, NB. Abstract volume, vol 37,  pdf

Emberley, J. Hattori, K., Adlakha, E. 2014. High arsenic pyrite associated with the McArthur River uranium deposits, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. Joint Annual meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada, Fredericton, NB. pdf

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Potter, E., 2014. P2 fault as the conduit for uraniferous mineralization at the McArthur River deposit. CMIC-SEG-PDAC Minerals Colloquium, Toronto., 2nd prize.

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Potter, E., 2014. P2 fault as the conduit for uraniferous mineralization at the McArthur River deposit. Advances in Earth Science Research Conference.

Emberley, J., Hattori, K., Adlakha, E., 2014. Petrography and chemistry of pyrite from the McArthur River uranium deposit, Saskatchewan. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report  7626, doi: 10.4095/294928. .


Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Zaluski, G., Kotzer, T., Potter, E., 2013. Unravelling the sequence of alteration in the basement rocks in the P2 fault zone and that host the McArthur River deposit. Abstract volume, p.9, Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open House in Saskatoon, December,

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Zaluski, G., Kotzer, T., Potter, E.G, 2013. Alteration within the basement rocks associated with the P2 fault and the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin.  Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 7462, 33 p. doi:10.4095/293364. PDF file (9 Mb)

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Potter, E., 2013. Minor and trace elements of alteration minerals associated with uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin. 2013 Goldschmidt conference, Florence, Italy. Abstract

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Potter, E., 2013. The paragenesis and chemistry of alteration minerals within the basement rocks associated with the P2 fault & the McArthur River Uranium Deposit, Athabasca Basin. 12th Biennial meeting of Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Uppsala, Sweden. vol. 4, 2013; p. 1567-1570

Adlakha, E., Hattori, Potter, E., 2013. The paragenesis and chemistry of alteration associated with the P2 fault in metamorphosed basement rocks underlying the Athabasca Basin. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 7365, pdf file (36 mb)

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Potter, E., 2013. The chemistry and paragenesis of alteration minerals within the basement rocks along the P2 fault including the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. Advances in Earth Science Research Conference in London.Best presentation award

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Potter, E., 2013. The paragenesis of alteration minerals  along the P2 fault including the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. . Minerals Colloquium, Toronto

Adlakha, E., Hattori, K., Sopuck, V., Potter, E., 2012. Paragenesis of alteration along the P2 fault structure, Athabasca Basin. Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open House, Saskatoon,  Dec 3, 2012.  Poster (8.7 mb)

            also at the Uranium Workshop in Saskatoon, December 6, 2012





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Examination of core by Erin Adlakha was assisted by Vlad Sopuck (Centre), and Doug Adams (Right) of Cameco.

August, 2012

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Cameco was generous to provide their truck for our field work.

Keiko Hattori (Left) and Erin Adlakha (Right).

Christmas party at UO, 2012

Erin Adlakha (L), Keiko Hattori (Centre) and Stacey Wetmore ®

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