QUEST—QUadrupolar Exact SofTware: A fast graphical program for
the exact simulation of NMR and NQR spectra for quadrupolar
F. A.
Perras, C. M. Widdifield, D. L. Bryce, Solid State Nucl. Magn.
Reson., vol. 45-46, 36-44 (2012).

EFGShield analysis tool for quantum chemical calculations of NMR
S. Adiga, D. Aebi,
D. L. Bryce, Can. J. Chem., 85, 496-505 (2007).

SCFit: Software for Single-Crystal NMR Analysis. Free vs Constrained Fitting
Y. Xu and D. L. Bryce. Solid
State Nucl. Magn. Reson., 102, 53-62 (2019).
Older versions:
QUEST version 1.1.6 February 2014 version incorporating all
previous improvements and bug fixes QUEST version 1.1.5 October
2013 version incorporating all previous improvements and bug
QUEST version 1.1.4 October 2013 version (compiled for current
versions of Windows; bug fix for Ti-47/49)
QUEST version 1.1.3 November 2012 version (compiled for current
versions of Windows)
QUEST version 1.1.3p November 2012 version (compiled for current
versions of Windows; optimized for multicore processors)
QUEST version 1.1.2 September 2012 version (compiled for current
versions of Windows)
QUEST version 1.1.1 August 2012 version (compiled for
current versions of Windows)
QUEST version 1.1 July 2012 version (compiled for current
versions of Windows)
QUEST version 1.0 May 2012 version (compiled for current
versions of Windows)
Version 1.1.3 is much faster and fixes a small bug.
Version 1.1.3 is also parallelized for multicore processors.
Version 1.1.2 is about 75 % faster than previous versions.
Version 1.1.1 fixes a small bug which affected some
Zeeman-perturbed NQR intensities for spin-3/2 nuclei.
Updates to version 1.1 include: Boltzmann population effects,
interactive cursor, spin-3 nuclides, vertical scaling, variable
coil angle for all spins, and more!
Download the latest version of EFGShield here: EFGShield version 4.7.1 (Feb 2022) - added compatibility with ADF-GUI generated input files
Older versions:
EFGShield version 4.7 with GUI (Feb. 2022) added compatibility
with ADF-GUI generated input files
EFGShield version 4.6 with GUI (Feb. 2021) improved
compatibility with a wider range of input files
EFGShield version 4.5 with GUI (March 2019) improve
compatibility with a wider range of input files
EFGShield version 4.3 with GUI (June 2018) adds Year 2017
quadrupole moments
EFGShield version 4.2 with GUI (May 2014)
EFGShield version 4.1 with GUI (February 2014)
EFGShield version 4.0 with GUI (October 2013)
EFGShield24.exe (version 2.4, posted July 2011 - this version
solves some intermittent problems with ver. 2.3)
EFGShield23.exe (version 2.3, April 2009)
EFGShield23b.exe (May 2009 - this version may be more robust on
some PCs)