Bryce Group

Bryce Lab 2023

    We are always looking for highly motivated people to join the group!

Current Members Past Members Past Group Photos

Current Group

Roberta Beccaria

Visiting student, 2024

Elizabeth Brown

Summer student, 2024

Grace Cosby

Summer student, 2024

Dr. Tristan Georges

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023-

Ezana Ghedam

Summer student, 2023, 2024

Shubha Gunaga

PhD candidate, 2019-

Teodor Iftemie

Undergraduate Research Scholar, 2021-2022; summer student 2023, 2024

Audrey-Anne Lafrance

Graduate student, 2024-

Nikita Mohan

Summer student, 2024

Alireza Nari

PhD candidate, 2022-

Alivia Zeng

Volunteer, 2024

Where are they now

are they now... a few examples of some places Bryce group members have gone
Professor and NMR Group Leader University of Geneva, Scientist at Ames Lab, Bruker Biospin, NMR facility technician, faculty position at McGill University, faculty position at the University of Regina, AstraZenecaUK, University of Warwick, postdoc at Lille & Grenoble, science policy at the Council of Canadian Academies, Agriculture Canada, Health Canada, postdoctoral fellow (ENS Lyon; Durham; Ames Laboratory; EPFL)..., medical school, high school science teacher, pharmacist, chemical industry in Asia, research & development tax consulting, graduate studies in chemistry (MIT, Queen's, McGill, Ottawa, Toronto, UPMC, Poitiers...), dentistry school, graduate studies in chemical engineering, graduate studies in biology, graduate studies in economics, law school, IT consultant and sales, rockstar ...


Syed Abdul-Wasay

Volunteer, 2015

Sam Adiga

NSERC Undergraduate Student, 2005

Dominic Aebi

Honours Project Student, 2006-07

Amanda Alain

NSERC USRA student, 2015

Carina Almario

UROP student, 2020-2021; Honours student 2021-22; Summer student 2022

Hashim Al Sayed

Honours student, 2019

Omar Anjum

Summer Student (NSERC USRA), 2011

Rob Attrell

Graduate Student and Honours Student, 2009-2011

Jacynthe Beaudoin

Honours student, 2023-24

Miranda Boggild

NSERC USRA student, 2007

Dr. Jerome Boisbouvier

Visiting scientist 2005, currently at CNRS Grenoble, France

Mathilde Bourdin

Stagiaire, 2023

Maressa Bradshaw

Summer Student, 2017; Honours student 2019

Ludovic Brunet

Stagiaire, 2015

Elijah Bultz

Undergraduate Student, 2006-2008

Dr. Kevin Burgess

Graduate Student , PhD 2014

Estelle Caron-Poulin

Summer Student and Honours Student, 2017-18

Lysiane Champion

Stagiaire, 2016

Dr. Becky Chapman

Graduate Student, 2006-2011

Jeremy Chi Hung Chin

Honours Student, 2014-2015

Frederic Comeau

NSERC Undergraduate Student, 2008

Mahée Côté

Summer student, 2021; volunteer 2021-22; summer student 2022

Chris Davis

NSERC Undergraduate Student, 2006

Marie Delachenal

Stagiaire, 2018

Dr. Matthew Devany

Visiting scientist, 2006

Nuiok Dicaire

uOttawa Undergraduate Research Scholar, 2011-12

Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

NSERC USRA student, 2007

Julien Dragon

Stagiaire, 2017

Rama El-Khawaldeh

Volunteer, 2020-2021

Samuel El Mestiri

Stagiaire, 2014

Dylan Errulat

Honours Student, 2015-16

Cedric Farthouat

Stagiaire, 2014

Dr. Pamela Faure

Visiting Professor, 2016-17

Heather Foucault

Research Assistant, 2007

Brittany Franchuk

Summer Student, 2009

Dr. Jamie Frost

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-16

Shaina Gabriel

Summer Student, 2016

Dolicia Ghannoum

Honours student, 2023-24

Dr. Phuong Ghi

Post-Doctoral Research Associate, 2007-2008

Russell Gill

Summer Student, 2015

Manon Girard

Stagiaire, 2022

Lorraine Grebert

Stagiaire, 2018

Christelle Hajjar

MSc candidate, 2019-2022

Stephen Harrigan

Undergraduate Research Scholar, 2015-2016

Prisca Hendarsa

Visiting stagiaire, 2011

Jasmine Huang

Honours Student, 2017-18

Teodor Iftemie

Undergraduate Research Scholar, 2021-2022

Apurva Ingole

Summer Intern, 2013

Callan Jessiman

Summer Student, 2012

Ryan Johannson

Co-op student, 2018

Safaa Khiri

stagiaire, 2019

Dr. Libor Kobera

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-16

Ritesh Kumar

Summer intern (DST Inspire Scholar), 2011

Dr. Vijith Kumar

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-2019

James LaFortune

UROP Student, 2012

Aurore Lebrun

Visiting stagiaire, 2011

Matthew Leclerc

Summer Student & Honours Student, 2011-12

Sophie Leclerc

Honours Student and Summer Student, 2012

Philip Lee

Undergraduate Student, 2007

Dr. Cesar Leroy

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017-2019

Dr. Kirill Levin

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020-2021

Caleb Liu

volunteer, 2019

Sachin Liyanage

Honours student, 2021-22; MSc. student 2022-

Dr. Andy Lo

Postdoctoral Associate
& NMR Facility Technician, 2009-2012

Matthew Lokhonia

Volunteer, 2021-2022; summer student 2022

Jessica-Lee Maiorino

NSERC Undergraduate Student, 2010

Julia Meyer

Undergraduate Student, 2013-2014

Florent Milan

Stagiaire, 2016

Sumaya Mohamed

Undergraduate Volunteer, 2015

Melanie Mastronardi

NSERC Undergraduate student, 2008

Gyvenska Mathurin


Elisabeth Messner-Henning

Co-op student, 2010

Vincent Morin

M.Sc. 2021

Dr. Igor Moudrakovski

Research Associate, 2013

Tamali Nag

PhD candidate, 2019-2024

Vincent Nguyen

UROP Student, 2014-2015

Sherif Nour

M. Sc., 2015

Dr. Se-Woung Oh

Visiting Professor, 2011

Mélanie Ouellette

Honours student, 2010-11

Bussaraporn Patarachao


Frédéric Perras

Graduate Student, PhD 2014

Florian Phillippe

Stagiaire, 2018

Arnaud Pinchaud

Stagiaire, 2014

Mubassira Rahman

COOP student, 2023

Caitlin Ritz

NSERC Undergraduate Student, 2006

Carl Rodrigue

Honours student, 2018-19

Laurie-Anne Roy

Janice Rusli

Summer student, 2022

Undergraduate Research Scholar, 2015-2016

Sarah Sayed

Honours Project Student and Summer Student, 2006-07

Yishu Shi

Co-op student, 2022; honours student 2022-23

Scott Southern

MSC, 2016, PhD 2021

Gregory Sward

Summer Student and Honours Project Student, 2005-07

Patrick Szell

PhD Candidate, graduated 2019

Michael Triglav

Summer student, 2019

Dr. Helene van Melckebeke

Visiting scientist, 2005

Dr. Jasmine Viger-Gravel

Ph.D., 2015

Paolo Cerreia Vioglio

Visiting Student, 2016

Shirley Wan

UROP Student, 2015

Joseph Weiss

M.Sc. Student (M.Sc., 2011)

Peter Werhun

Graduate student (M.Sc., 2017)

Michael West

Summer Student and Volunteer, 2015-2016

Dr. Cory Widdifield

Graduate student, 2008-2012.  PhD 2012.

Angel Wong

Graduate student (M. Sc., 2017)

Philippe Wong

Stagiaire, 2015

Dr. Zheng Ping Wu

Visiting Professor, 2014-2015

Yang Xu

NSERC USRA and UROP Student, 2012-13

Yijue Xu

PhD 2020

Tanya Yeuchyk

Volunteer, 2014-15

Scott Zablotny

Undergraduate Research Scholar
 & Summer Student, 2016-17

Justine Zavattero

Stagiaire, 2017

Mustafa Zeybek

UROP student

Lei Zhang

Undergraduate Student

Dan Ni Zheng

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Student, 2017-18

Dan Ni Zheng

Honours student, 2019-2020; MSc. candidate 2020-

Past Group Photos

Summer 2023

Bryce Lab 2023

Summer 2022

Bryce Lab 2022

December 2021

Bryce lab Xmas 2021

 Summer 2021

Bryce group 2021






May 2017

May 2016

October 2015

May 2015

May 2014

March 2014


May 2012

May 2011

December 2010

July 2010

May 2009

July 2008

July 2007

March 2007

November 2006

May 2006