Optimal Shape Design Laboratory (OSDLab)

This laboratory is created with the support of a CFI New opportunity fund, government of Ontario and  different contribution of SUN microsystems, of a total value of $159,000 CDN.

The laboratory creates appropriate research space for 6 students. The primary research objectives are shape analysis and 3D computations related to fluid dynamics in hydrogen fuel cells. A secondary research application is shape analysis applied to artificial hearts.

The computing equipment comprises:
- a 4 processor SUN V490 computing server
- a graphical workstation, dual AMD 2.6MHz opteron, NVidia Quatro FX4000
- 6 PCs

Members of laboratory:

Arian NOVRUZI                                                                        
Project leader


Sven-Joachim Kimmerle
Postdoc, 2010-

Jamal Hussain Al-Smail PhD, Sep. 2005-

Research:  shape analysis and shape computation applied to channel optimal design in hydrogen fuel cells
Click here to see some preliminary 2d results
jama alsmail



Oleg Volkov
Postdoc, 2005-2007
Research: mathematical modeling, computation and analysis of reaction-diffusion processes in catalyst layers of PEM fuel cells.
Click here, or in the image, to see a movie representing the time evolution of oxygen, vapor, water, proton  concentrations and potential near a triple phase boundary in catalyst layer of  PEM hydrgoen fuel cells.

last frame

Mo'Tassem Al-Arydah

PhD, Sep. 2005-2009
Research:  analysis of existence and uniquenes for a system of nonlinear PDEs representing the steady-state dynamics around triple phase boundaries in hydrogen fuel cell catalyst layers
Marjan Soltanzaade MSc, 2007-2009
Research: modeling and numerical solution of triple phase boundary in fuel cells

Boyan Bejanov Postdoc, 2007-2009

Dimitrij Zelo
MSc, 2002-2005
Research: Study of a 2D PDE system in a free-air and porous domain


Jimmy Lamboley
PhD visitor, April 2009
ENS Cachan, Antenne de Bretagne

Tore Flatten Postdoc visitor, Jan. 2006-July 2006
University of Oslo,