Kayla Grey


Research Administrative Coordinator
Department of Biology
Email: k.grey@uottawa.ca
Office phone number: 613-562-5800, ext. 7214

Research interests

  • Arctic shipping
  • Invasive species
  • Environmental health






I completed my B.Sc. with specialization in Environmental Science at the University of Ottawa in 2014. I am currently pursuing an M.Sc. in Geography with Dr. Jackie Dawson while continuing to work for Dr. Laurie Chan as program coordinator of a toxicology-training program, NSERC CREATE-REACT. My research will use a social-ecological system framework to examine the relationships of Canada’s Arctic economy, environment, and community attitudes to complete a risk assessment of ship-mediated introduction of non-indigenous species in the Canadian Arctic. This project allows the continued development of my research interests in conservation biology and geographic information systems.

