Clark and Fritz, 1997. Environmental
Isotopes in Hydrogeology ,
CRC/Lewis (Choice Magazine's
"Outstanding Textbook of the Year", translated (2006) into Mandarin.
Clark, I.D. 2014. Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes. CRC
Press. In Press, available in Fall, 2014.
The Advanced Research Complex and
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
In 2008, we
began an initiative to build Canada’s only AMS facility at the University of
Ottawa. With funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), from the
Ontario Research Fund (ORF) and uOttawa, we have built the Advanced Research
Complex which hosts the Lalonde AMS Laboratory together with our G.G. Hatch Stable Isotope Lab, our
Geochemistry Lab and a new Microprobe Lab:
The new Lalonde AMS Laboratory builds on the excellence of the IsoTrace AMS research team of Professor Ted Litherland, Dr. Liam Kieser and Dr.
Xiaolei Zhao who have played central roles in establishing
the Lalonde AMS Lab. We share the ARC with Professors
Paul Corkum and Robert Boyd, world leaders in
Photonics research, and with whom we collaborate to develop new technologies
for AMS research.
Kieser, W.E., Zhao, X-L, Clark, I.D., Kotzer, T. and Litherland, A.E., 2011.
Can-AMS: the new accelerator mass spectrometry facility at the University of
Ottawa. Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conf.
Proc.1336, 60-66.
Crustal brines and the deep geological disposal
of nuclear waste
C.J. Mackenzie’s 1945 vision for the peaceful use of nuclear fission for electrical power production has been compromised by societal concerns over radionuclide emissions and the issue of nuclear waste disposal. Our recent research addresses both issues. With funding support from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization and in collaboration with Geofirma Engineering Lt. of Ottawa, we have been conducting research on the porewaters of the Paleozoic formations of the Michigan Basin of southwestern Ontario which are being considered for a Bruce Deep Geological Repository. This is Canada’s only current site for characterization and permitting a low and intermediate level nuclear waste repository.
We found evidence for ancient
immobile fluids in the proposed host formation. Our dating methods relied on
the Lalonde AMS Laboratory and demonstrate them to be
immobile since the Paleozoic time. This work is part of a larger submission by
the NWMO to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for a permit to begin
construction of the repository. We continue this research with an international
bench-marking program and development of methods for crystalline rock porewaters.
Clark, I.D., Ilin, D., Jackson, R.E., Jensen, M., Kennell, L., Mohammadzadeh, H.,
Poulain, A., Xing, Y.P. and Raven
K.G. 2014. Paleozoic-aged microbial methane in an Ordovician
shale and carbonate aquiclude of the Michigan Basin,
Southwestern Ontario. In review, Organic Geochemistry.
Clark, I.D., Al, T., Jensen, M., Kennell, L., Mazurek, M., Mohapatra, R., and Raven, K.G., 2013. Paleozoic-aged brine and authigenic helium preserved in an Ordovician shale aquiclude. Geology, 41: 951-954.
Recent research funded by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission focused on the origin of the ubiquitous brines found in the Canadian Shield. We collaborated with Dr. Dennis Bottomley in the application of a variety of isotope and geochemical tracers to determine the origin of these Ca-Cl brines. Our finds conclude that of all the possible origins considered in the past, the most plausible origin is an evaporated Paleozoic seawater brine.
Greene, S., Battye, N, Clark, I.D., Kotzer, T., Bottomley, D.,
2008. Canadian Shield brine from the Con Mine, Yellowknife, NT, Canada: noble gas evidence for an evaporated
Palaeozoic seawater origin mixed with glacial meltwater
and Holocene recharge. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 72: 4008-4019.
R.L., Frape, S.K., Ahonen,
L., Clark, I.D., Greene, S., Hobbs, M., Johnson, E., Lemieux, J.-M., Peltier, R., Pratt, L., Sudicky,
E., Tarasov, L., & Ruskeeniemi,
T., 2010. Origin and stability of a permafrost methane
hydrate occurrence in the Canadian Shield Earth and Planetary Science Letters
296: 384-394. EPSL-D-09-00294R1.
Farrell, S., Bell, K. and Clark, I.D., 2010. Sulphur isotopes in carbonatites
and associated silicate rocks from the Superior Province, Canada. Mineralogy and Petrology, DOI 10.1007/s00710-009-0101-2.
Bottomley, D., Clark, I.D., Batty, N. and Kotzer, T., 2005. Geochemical and isotopic evidence for a genetic link between Canadian Shield brines, dolomitization in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, and Devonian calcium-chloridic seawater. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42: 2059-2071.
Bottomley, D.J. and Clark, I.D., 2004. Potassium and boron co-depletion in Canadian Shield brines: evidence for diagenetic interactions between marine brines and basin sediments. Chemical Geology, 203: 225-236.
Bottomley, D.J., Chan, L.H., Katz, A., Starinsky, A. and Clark, I.D., 2003. Lithium isotope geochemistry and origin of Canadian Shield Brines. Groundwater, 41: 847-856.
Bottomley, D.J., Renaud, R., Kotzer, T. and Clark, I.D., 2002. Iodine-129 constraints on residence times of deep marine brines in the Canadian Shield. Geology, 30: 587-590.
Douglas, M., Clark, I.D., Raven, K. and Bottomley, D., 2000. Groundwater mixing dynamics at a Canadian Shield mine. Journal of Hydrology, 235: 88-103.
Clark, I.D., Douglas, M., Raven, K. and Bottomley, D.J., 2000. Recharge and preservation of glacial meltwater in the Canadian Shield. Ground Water, 38: 735-742.
Tracing nuclear emissions
Our current research on nuclear emissions tracking in the environment focuses on two radionuclides of greatly contrasting specific activities, yet both of great concern, T (3H) and 129I. Tritium is a highly radioactive emission product generated in the CanDU reactor design through neutron activation of 2H and that accumulates as organically-bound tritium (OBT) in the food supply. Our recent research documents that tritium as HT is preferentially partitioned into OBT. Our research is published in CNSC reports and abstract with journal publication awaiting CNSC authorization.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), 2013. Environmental fate of tritium in soil and vegetation, PWGSC catalogue number CC172-101/2013E-PDF ISBN 978-1-100-22687-3
Mihok, Clark, Wilk et al., 2014. Tritium dynamics in soils and plants at a tritium processing facility. (ICRER 2014)
The long-lived radioisotope 129I is considered to
be the component of CanDU spent fuel of greatest
long-term concern considering its biophilic nature
and 16 million year half-life. The Lalonde AMS
Facility supports our research on 129I mobility and partitioning in
the environment. This research began with studies at high and low background
sites in Ontario (Renaud et al. 2005. Radiochim. Acta, 93:
363-371; Alvaredo Quiroz, et al., 2002. Radiochim.
Acta, 90: 469-478). Our current focus is on
tracing the fate of Fukushima 129I in western Canada (HQP Matt
Herod, PhD candidate) from the Arctic to the Frazer Valley. Further work
involves developing a novel carrier-free method for ultra-low concentration
samples by AMS using 125I as a 129I-free carrier/yield
Herod, M.N., Clark, I.D., Cornett, R.J., Kieser, W.E., St. Jean, G., 2014. Extraction of 129I and 127I via combustion from organic rich samples using 125I as a quantitative tracer. J. Environ. Radioactivity, S0265-931X(14)00037-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.02.005
Herod, M.N. Clark,
I.D., Kieser, W.E., Agosta,
S., Zhao, X-L., 2013. 129I
dispersion and sources in northwest Canada. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam
Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 294: 552-558.
Renaud, R., Clark, I.D., Kotzer, T.G., Milton, G.M. and Bottomley, D.J., 2005. The mobility of anthropogenic 129I in a shallow sand aquifer at Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada. Radiochimica Acta, 93: 363-371.
Alvaredo Quiroz, N.G., Kotzer, T.G.,
Milton, G., Clark, I.D. and Bottomley, D., 2002. Partitioning of 127I and 129I in an
unconfined glaciofluvial aquifer on the Canadian
Shield. Radiochimica
Acta, 90: 469-478.
Groundwater flow in permafrost watersheds
We are quantifying the contribution of
groundwater circulation in permafrost, both past and present, to discharge from
Arctic watersheds. This research focuses on 14C work in the Lalonde AMS Lab and other isotope and geochemical tracers
in Arctic rivers to resolve seasonal contributions
of groundwater discharge and determine influences of climate and geology on
this poorly understood component of permafrost hydrographs. This contributes to the International Atomic
Energy Agency’s Co-ordinated Research Project: Global Network for Isotopes in Rivers. Six HQP have been involved in this research
over the past five years.
Utting, N.,
Lauriol, B., Mochnacz, N., Aeschbach-Hertig,
W. and Clark, I.D., 2013. Noble gas and isotope geochemistry in
western Canadian Arctic watersheds: tracing groundwater recharge in permafrost
terrain. Hydrogeology Journal,
21: 79-91, doi:10.1007/s10040-012-0913-8.
Utting, N., Clark, I.D.,
Lauriol, B., Wieser, M., and Aeschbach-Hertig,
W., 2012. Origin and flow dynamics of
perennial groundwater in continuous permafrost terrain using isotopes and
noble gas: Case study on the Fishing River, northern Yukon, Canada. Permafrost and Periglacial
23, Issue 2, pages 91–106, DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1732.
Related permafrost research focusses on the occurrence
and origin of buried ice bodies, and their impact on surface waters from
melting and the formation of retrogressive thaw slumps. These features are some
of the largest in the Arctic, with impacts on the salinity of rivers such as
the Peel, well beyond the local watershed.
Kokelj, S.V.,
Lacelle, D., Lantz, T.C., Tunnicliffe, J., Malone, L., Clark, I.D. and Chin, K.S.,
2013. Thawing of massive ground ice in mega slumps drives increases in stream
sediment and solute flux across a range of watershed scales. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,
118: 1-12, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20063.
Malone, L., Lacelle, D.,
Kokelj, S. and Clark, I.D., 2013. Impacts of hillslope thaw slumps on the geochemistry of permafrost
catchments (Stony Creek watershed, NWT, Canada. Chemical Geology, 356: 38-49.
Lacelle, D.,
Lauriol, B., Zazula, G., Ghaleb,
B., Utting, N., Clark, I.D., 2013. Timing of advance and basal condition of the Laurentide
Ice Sheet during the last glacial maximum in the Richardson Mountains, NWT.
Quaternary Research, 80: 274-283.
Lacelle, D., Radtke, K.,
Clark, ID., Fisher, D., Lauriol, B., Utting, N.,
Whyte, LG. 2011. Geomicrobiology
and occluded O2-CO2-Ar analyses provide evidence of
microbial respiration in ancient terrestrial ground ice bodies. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters 306, 46-54.
St-Jean, M., Lauriol, B., Clark, I.D., Lacelle, D., Zdanowicz, C., 2011.
Investigation of ice wedge infilling processes using stable oxygen and hydrogen
isotopes, crystallography, and occluded gases (O2, N2, Ar). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 22: 49–64.
Lauriol B., Lacelle, D., St-Jean, M., Clark I.D. and Zazula, G. 2010.
Late Quaternary paleoenvironments
and growth of intrusive ice in eastern Beringia (Eagle River valley, northern
Yukon, Canada). Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 47, 941-955.
Lacelle, D., St-Jean, M., Lauriol, B., Clark, I.D., Lewkowicz,
A., Froese, D.G., Kuehn, S.C. and Zazula, G.,
2009. Burial and preservation of a 30,000 year old perennial snowbank in Red
Creek valley, Ogilvie Mountains, central Yukon, Canada. Quaternary Science
Reviews 28 :3401–3413.
Cardyn, R., Clark, I.D., Lacelle, D., Lauriol, B. Zdanowicz, C.H. & Calmels, F.
Molar gas ratios of air entrapped in ice: A new tool to determine the origin of
relict massive ground ice bodies in permafrost. Quaternary Research 68: 239-248.
Clark, I.D., Henderson, L., Chappellaz,
J., Fisher, D.A., Koerner, R., Worthy, D.E.J.,
Kotzer, T., Norman, A.-L.,Barnola,
J.-M., 2007. CO2 isotopes as tracers of firn
air diffusion and age in an Arctic ice cap with summer melting, Devon Island, Canada. J. Geophysical Research 112, D01301,
calcretes and ancient life in permafrost – endostromatolites
discovered a new climate proxy, endostromatolites, (Clark
et al. 2004, Can.J.Earth Sci. 41: 387), unusual yet ubiquitous
biogenic, microlaminated calcite columns that grow across
limestone fissures. Stable isotopes and radiocarbon show that these are methanogenic bacterial colonies that survive on nutrients
carried into the saturated subsurface by liquid water during late Pleistocene
climate improvement when solar insolation raised Arctic temperatures by 4 to
6°C. The Canadian Space Agency supported this research as an analogue for
potential life on Mars. We extracted DNA from these ancient carbonate features
to demonstrate their microbial origin and to understand the mechanisms for
continued growth under continuous permafrost conditions.
Pellerin, A., Lacelle, D., Fortin, D., Clark, I.D.
and Lauriol, B., 2009. Microbial diversity in endostromatolites and the surrounding landscape, Haughton
impact structure region, Devon Island, Canada. Astrobiology, 9: 807-822. DOI: 10.1089=ast.2008.0302
D., Pellerin, A., Clark, I.D., Lauriol, B., Fortin, D. 2009. Geochemical, isotopic and microbial (DNA) fingerprints of physico-chemical and biological mineralization in endostromatolites (cf. fissure calcretes),
Haughton impact crater, Devon Island, Canada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 281: 202-214.
Lacelle, D., Juneau, V., Pellerin, A., Lauriol, B. Clark, I.D.,
2008. Weathering regime and geochemical evolution in a polar
desert environment, Haughton impact structure, Devon Island,Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45: 1-20.
Lacelle, D., Fisher, D., Clark, ID., Berinstain, A., 2008. Distinguishing
between vapor and water-derived ground ice in the northern Martian regolith:
implications regarding the preservation of biosignatures.
Icarus, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2008.05.017.
Lacelle, D., Lauriol, B. and Clark, I.D., 2008. Formation of annual ice
bodies and associated cryogenic carbonates in Caverne
de l’Ours, Québec, Canada: Kinetic isotope effects
and pseudo-biogenic crystal structures. Journal of Cave and
Karst Science. 71: 48-62
Clark, I.D., Lauriol, B., Marschner, M., Sabourin, N., Chauret, Y. and
Desrochers, A., 2004. Endostromatolites from
permafrost karst, Yukon, Canada: paleoclimatic
proxies for the Holocene hypsithermal. Canadian Journal of Earth
Sciences. 41: 387-399.
First evidence for Anammox
reaction in groundwaters
The anammox reaction (3 NO3–
+ 5 NH4+ ® 4 N2 + 9 H2O + 2H+)
has only recently been identified, yet remarkably it is now considered
responsible for up to 50% of global nutrient cycling back to N2. Our
research is the first to show anammox activity in groundwaters. This opens the door to new in-site treatment
technologies for groundwaters impacted by septic
effluents, manure and fertilizer contamination and landfill leachates. My NSERC
strategic grant led to an eight year (to date) program of anammox
T., Xing, Y., Lazenby, B.,
Lynch, M., Schiff, S., Robertson, W., Timlin, R., Lanza, S., Ryan, M., Aravena, R.,
Fortin, D., Clark, I.D., and Neufeld, J.D. 2011. Prevalence of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in contaminated
groundwater. Environmental Science
& Technology 1;45(17):7217-25.
Robertson, W.D., Moore, T.A., Spoelstra,
J., Li, L., Elgood, R.J., Clark, I.D., Schiff, S.L., Aravena, R., and Neufeld, J.D. 2012. Natural attenuation of septic system nitrogen by anammox. Ground
Water, 50: 541-553. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00857.
Clark, I.D., Timlin, R., Bourbonnais,
A., Jones, K., Lafleur, D. and Wickens, K. 2007. Origin and fate of industrial ammonia in
municipal groundwaters – tracing anaerobic oxidation
(annamox) and apportionment with 15NNH4, submitted. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation (October 2006).
Groundwater contamination
Tracing the origin of contaminants in groundwaters
and potential biodegradation that may be occurring is an important component of
remediation. Landfill leachates offer insights to the dynamics of isotopes of
tracers of such reactions. The biogenic processes of biodegradation and
leachate generation in municipal landfills can be examined in considerable
detail when stable isotopes of the organic components are considered. This research
program looked at compound specific isotopes in leachates from the Trail Road
landfill in Ottawa to identify reaction pathways and to establish isotope
markers of landfill leachate to trace impingement on local groundwater. We are
continuing this research in soils, looking at isotope tools to trace
biodegradation of fuel contaminated soils in both temperate (Iowa) and arctic
permafrost (Old Crow, Yukon), but adding 14C to the range of isotope
tracers to identify the source of carbon.
H., Clark, I., 2011, Bioattenuation in groundwaters impacted by landfill leachate traced with d13C. Ground Water doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00790.x.
Murphy, S., Ouellon, T., Ballard, J-M.,
Lefebvre, R., and Clark, I.D., 2010 Tritium-helium groundwater age used to
constrain a groundwater flow model of a valley-fill aquifer contaminated with
trichloroethylene (Quebec, Canada) Hydrogeology
Journal: HJ-2009-1477.R4
H., Clark, I., 2008. Degradation Pathways of Dissolved Carbon in Landfill
Leachate traced with compound-specific 13C analysis of DOC, Journal of Isotopes
in Environmental and Health Studies, 44: 1-28.
Hyperalkaline groundwaters in
Jordan and Oman – an analogue for cementitious nuclear
waste repository
The hyperalkaline
groundwaters of northern Jordan, natural springs with
pH of 12.6, offer a fascinating study on the behavior of radionuclides in a cementitious environment. The occurrence of such springs in
the past in central Jordan is demonstrated by the extensive travertine deposits
there, together with exposures of the metamorphosed marls that produced the
high pH groundwaters. Past and recent work at these
sites by a consortium of geoscientists from Canadian and European nuclear
agencies (Ontario Hydro, Nagra, Nirex,
SKB) began with our early collaboration with Dr. Hani Khoury and Dr. Elias Salemeh of
the University of Jordan who introduced me to these waters and welcomed us to
their country. We are continuing this work now with a more detailed
look at the mineralogy of these metamorphosed zones, in particular to look at
unusual uranium mineralization.
Khoury, H. N., Salemeh, E. and
Clark, I.D., 2013. Mineralogy and origin of surficial uranium
deposits hosted in travertine and calcrete from
central Jordan. Applied
Geochemistry, 43: 49-65.
Clark, I.D., Dayal, R. and
Khoury, H.N., 1994. The Maqarin (Jordan) natural analogue for 14C attenuation in cementitious
barriers. Waste Management,
Clark, I.D., Fritz P., Seidlitz, H.K., Trimborn, P., Milodowski, A.E.,
Pearce, J.M., and Khoury, H.N., 1993. Recarbonation of
metamorphosed marls in Jordan. Applied Geochemistry, 8: 473-481.
Khoury, H.N., E. Salameh,
I.D. Clark, P. Fritz, W. Bajjali, A.E. Milodowski,
M.R. Cave and W.R. Alexander, 1992. A natural analogue of high pH cement pore
waters from the Maqarin site of northern Jordan, 1:
Introduction to the site. Journal of Geochemical
Exploration, 46: 117-132.
Iron Oxides (BIOS)
Biogenic iron oxides are highly reactive substrates with potential
interest in contaminant attenuation and radionuclide sequestration. This research
program, led by Grant Ferris from the University of Toronto and Danielle Fortin
at the uOttawa, examined natural occurrences of BIOS at the Atomic Energy of
Canada Ltd. Chalk River site in eastern Ontario. The research aims were to characterize
this material and to determine its sorption properties for two radionuclides of
considerable interest – 90Sr and 129I.
Gault, A.G., Ibrahim, A., Langley, S., Renaud, R.,
Takahashi, Y., Boothman, C., Lloyd, J.R., Clark,
I.D., Ferris, F.G. and Fortin, D., 2011. Microbial
and geochemical features suggest iron redox cyclingwithin
bacteriogenic iron oxide-rich sediments. Chemical
Geology 281: 41–51.
Kennedy, C.B., Gault, A.G., Fortin,
D., Clark, I.D., Pedersen, K., Scott, S.D. and Ferris, F.G., 2010. Carbon isotope fractionation by circumneutral
iron-oxidizing bacteria Geology 2010; 38;1087-1090 doi: 10.1130/G30986.1.
Kennedy, C.B., Gault, A.G., Clark, I.D.,
Fortin, D. and Ferris, F.G., 2011. Retention of Iodide by Bacteriogenic
Iron Oxides. Geomicrobiology
J. 28: 387-395. doi.org/10.1080/01490451003653110
Langley, S., Gault, A.G., Ibrahim, A;, Takahashi, Y., Renaud, R., Fortin, D., Clark, I.D. and Ferris, F.G., 2009. Strontium
de-sorption from bacteriogenic iron oxides (BIOS)
subjected to microbial Fe(III) reduction. Chemical Geology, 262, 217-228.
Langley, S., Gault, A.D., Ibrahim, A., Renaud,
R., Fortin, D., Clark, I.D. and Ferris, F.G. (2009) A comparison of the rates
of Fe(III) reduction in synthetic and bacteriogenic iron oxides by Shewanella
putrefaciens CN32.
Geomicrobiol. J., 26, 57-70.