Conservation Biology
The existence of many species is threatened by loss of suitable habitat. How can we quantify the minimum habitat requirements in the face of global change? More generally, how are stationary and non-stationary distribution patterns affected by habitat loss and human intervention? How can we measure and predict the effect of human intervention?
Select References:
E. Crone, L. Brown, J. Hodgson, F. Lutscher, C. Schultz (2019) Faster movement in habitat matrix promotes faster range shifts in heterogeneous landscapes. Ecology 100(7): e02701
S.J. Leroux, M. Larrivee, V. Boucher-Lalonde, A. Hurford, J. Zuloaga, J.T. Kerr, F. Lutscher (2013) Mechanistic models for the spatial spread of species under climate change. Ecological Applications 23: 815-828
W.F. Fagan, F. Lutscher (2006) Average dispersal success: linking home range, dispersal, and metapopulation dynamics to reserve design. Ecological Applications 16(2): 820-828