Modeling River Ecosystems
Individuals in rivers and streams are constantly pushed downstream. How can they persist in a locations and prevent washout? How does unidirectional flow in general affect population dynamics and steady-state patterns?
Select References:
K.Y. Lam, Y. Lou, F. Lutscher (2016) The emergence of range limits in advective environments. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 76(2): 641-662
O. Vasilyeva, F. Lutscher, M.A. Lewis (2016) Analysis of spread and persistence for stream insects with winged adult stages. Journal of Mathematical Biology 72(4): 851-875
F. Lutscher, E. McCauley, M.A. Lewis (2007) Spatial Patterns and Coexistence Mechanisms in Systems with unidirectional flow. Theoretical Population Biology 71(3): 267-277
F. Lutscher, E. Pachepsky, M.A. Lewis (2005) The effect of dispersal patterns on stream populations. SIAM Reviews 47(4): 749-772