
Ecological interactions

Simple rules for interaction between individuals can often lead to highly complex patterns of population abundance. What kind of general rules can we find? How does spatial extent affect patterns? What role does temporal variation variation play? How is synchrony between local populations affected by dispersal and arrangement of patches?

Select References:

Y. Zhang, F. Lutscher, F. Guichard (2015) The effect of predator avoidance and travel time delay on the stability of predator-prey communities. Theoretical Ecology 8(3): 273-283

A. Erbach, F. Lutscher, G. Seo (2013) Bistability and limit cycles in generalist predator-prey systems. Ecological Complexity 14: 64-74

F. Lutscher, T. Iljon (2013) Competition, Facilitation, and the Allee effect. Oikos 122: 621-631