Chapter 10 |
Sampling for d13CDIC – page 274 and Table 10.1 References to the use of sodium azide – NaN2 (actually NaN3) should not be followed. We have recently determined that this bactericide will contribute N2O to solution, which interferes with MS analysis of CO2 (both have masses 44, 45 and 46). For preserving samples with more than about 1 - 2 mg/L DOC, use a few drops of a HgCl saturated solution. This is more typically required for low DIC/high DOC samples such as surface waters. Groundwaters seldom require preservation for samples for d13CDIC. |
Page 55 |
References to open and closed systems are in error and should be reversed. See revised text in paragraph "The evolution observed . . . " in Chapter 2: A Closer Look at Rayleigh Distillation here on the website. |
Pages 157/158 |
Hackley et al. (1996) - missing from references: Hackley, K.C., Liu, C.L., and Coleman, D.D., 1996. Environmental isotope characteristics of landfill leachates and gases. Ground Water, 34: 827-836. |
Page 200 |
Fig. 8-2, Reference for Sudan data not given in caption: Darling , W.G., Edmunds, W.M., Kinniburgh, D.G. and Kotoub, S., 1987. Sources of recharge to the basal Nubian Sandstone aquifer, Butana Region, Sudan. Use of Stable Isotopes in Water Resources Development, IAEA Symposium. 299, March 1987, Vienna: 205-224. |