

Winter 2024

General information

Instructor: Diane Guignard
Classes: Mo 10:00am-11:20am in 65 University (MRT), room 212
We 08:30am-09:50am in 161 Louis Pasteur (CBY), room B205
Office hours: Tu 1:30pm-3:00pm in STM 523, or by appointment (in person or on Zoom)
Syllabus: syllabus.pdf

All course-related material and information (including homework assignments, lecture notes, and topics covered per course) can be found on Brightspace

Important dates

Date Event
January 8 First day of the term and first day of this class
February 18-24 Reading week (no classes)
March 4 Midterm (10:00am-11:20am in MRT 212)
March 29 - April 1 Easter break (in particular no class Monday, April 1)
April 8 Last day of this class
April 10 Last day of the term (redefined day, Saturday course schedule)
April 12-25 Exam period (date to be determined)