HIV publications
- S. Saha, P.K. Roy, R.J. Smith?, Modelling monocyte-derived dendritic cells as a therapeutic vaccine against HIV (Journal of Biological Systems, 2018, 26(4), 1-23)
- S. Chowdhury, P.K. Roy, R.J. Smith?, Mathematical modelling of enfuvirtide and protease inhibitors as combination therapy for HIV (International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2016, 17(6), 259-275)
- R.J. Smith?, B.Y. Lee, A. Moustakas, A. Zeigler, M. Prague, R. Santos, M. Chung, R. Gras, V. Forbes, S. Borg, T. Comans, Y. Ma, N. Punt, W. Jusko, L. Brotz, A. Hyder, Population Modelling by Examples II (Proceedings of the SummerSim-SCSC 2016 conference, 2016, 354-361)
- M. Al-arydah, R.J. Smith? Adding education to "test and treat": Can we overcome drug resistance? (Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2015, Article ID 781270, 19 pages)
- R.E. Miron, R.J. Smith?, Resistance to protease inhibitors in a model of HIV-1 infection with impulsive drug effects (Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2014, 76(1), 59-97)
- Y. Xiao, S. Tang, Y. Zhou, R.J. Smith?, J. Wu, N. Wang, Predicting an HIV/AIDS epidemic and measuring the effect of mobility in mainland China (Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2013, 317, 271-285)
- B.P. Konrad, N. Vaidya and R.J. Smith?, Modelling mutation to a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte HIV vaccine (Mathematical Population Studies, 2011, 18(2), 122-149)
- J. Lou and R.J. Smith?, Modelling the effects of adherence to the HIV fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide (Journal of Theoretical Biology 2011, 268, 1-13
- R.J. Smith?, J.T. Okano, J.S. Kahn, E.N. Bodine, and S. Blower, Evolutionary dynamics of complex networks of HIV drug-resistant strains: the case of San Francisco (Science 2010, 327:5966, 697-701)
- R.E. Miron and R.J. Smith?, Modelling imperfect adherence to HIV induction therapy (BMC Infectious Diseases 2010, 10:6)
- R.J. Smith? and B.D. Aggarwala, HIV: the invisible epidemic of the United States healthcare system. (Social Theory and Health 2010, 8, 83-94)
- R.J. Smith?, J. Li, R. Gordon and J.M. Heffernan, Can we spend our way out of the AIDS epidemic? A World Halting AIDS Model (BMC Public Health 2009, 9(Suppl 1):S15)
- R. Gordon, N.K. Bjorklund, R.J. Smith? and E.R. Blyden, Halting HIV/AIDS with Avatars and Havatars (BMC Public Health 2009, 9(Suppl 1):S13)
- R.J. Smith?, R. Gordon, The OptAIDS Project: Towards global halting of HIV/AIDS (BMC Public Health 2009, 9(Suppl 1):S1)
- R.J. Smith? and B.D. Aggarwala, Can the viral reservoir of latently infected CD4+ T cells be eradicated with antiretroviral HIV drugs? (Journal of Mathematical Biology 2009, 59, 697-715)
- B.P. Konrad, R.J. Smith? and F.L. Lutscher, Gender differences in heterosexual transmission of HIV in urban and rural populations (Advances in Disease Epidemiology 2009, in: J.M. Tchuenche and Z. Mukandavire, eds, pp31-57)
- B.D. Aggarwala and R.J. Smith? Do frequent doses of HAART block the HIV blips? (Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2009, 32:2, 231-251)
R.J. Smith?, E.J. Schwartz, Predicting the potential impact of a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte HIV vaccine: how often should you vaccinate and how strong should the vaccine be? (Mathematical Biosciences 2008, 212, 180-187)
R.J. Smith? Explicitly accounting for antiretroviral drug uptake in theoretical HIV models predicts long-term failure of protease-only therapy (Journal of Theoretical Biology 2008, 251(2), 227-237)
R.J. Smith?, S. Magnet, The impact of vaginal microbicides must also target men (Journal of Men's Health & Gender 2007, 4(1), 81-84)
R.J. Smith, Adherence to antiretroviral HIV drugs: how many doses can you miss before resistance emerges? (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences, Vol 273 No 1586 2006 pp 617-624)
D.P. Wilson, E.N. Bodine, R.J. Smith and S.M. Blower, Response to Foss et al., 'Care should be taken when promoting microbicide use among sex workers who are able to use condoms consistently' (AIDS 2005, 19:17, 2044-46)
R.J. Smith, E. Bodine, D. Wilson and S.M. Blower, Evaluating the potential impact of vaginal microbicides in reducing the risk of HIV acquisition in female sex workers (AIDS, Vol 19 2005 pp 423-431).
S.M. Blower and R.J. Smith, Is population-level perversity a likely outcome of mass vaccination against HIV? - Authors' reply. (The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Vol 5 2005 255-256)
R.J. Smith and L.M. Wahl, Drug resistance in an immunological model of HIV-1 infection with impulsive drug effects (The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol 67:4 2005 pp 783-813)
R.J. Smith and S.M. Blower, Could disease-modifying HIV vaccines cause population-level perversity? (The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Vol 4 2004 pp 636-639)
R.J. Smith and L.M. Wahl, Distinct effects of protease and reverse transcriptase inhibition in an immunological model of HIV-1 infection with impulsive drug effects (The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol 66:5 2004 pp 1259-1283)