B.Sc. Yasser Saleem
Advanced Research Complex ARC
25 Templeton Street,
Ottawa, ON, Canada.
email: ysale081@uottawa.ca
Areas of interest:
- Electronic and optical properties of 2D materials.
- Correlated electron systems
- High Performance Computing for materials science.
Selected publications:
- Saleem, Y., Baldo, L.N., Delgado, A., Szulakowska, L. and Hawrylak, P., 2019. Oscillations of the bandgap with size in armchair and zigzag graphene quantum dots.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31(30), p.305503.
- Saleem, Y., Dusko, A., Cygorek, M., Korkusinski, M. and Hawrylak, P., 2022. Quantum simulator of extended bipartite Hubbard model with broken sublattice symmetry: Magnetism, correlations, and phase transitions.
Physical Review B, 105(20), p.205105.
- Saleem, Y., Sadecka, K., Korkusinski, M., Hawrylak, P., "Excitons in gated bilayer graphene quantum dots"
in preparation for Nature Nanotechnology (2022)
- Korkusinski, M., Saleem, Y., Miravet, D., Hawrylak P., "Spontaneous spin and valley symmetry broken states of interacting electrons in a bilayer graphene quantum dot"
in preparation for Nature Physics (2022)
- Puzantian B., Saleem, Y., Korkusinski, M., Hawrylak, P., "Edge states and strain-driven topological phase transitions in quantum dots in topological insulators"
submitted to Nanomaterials (2022)
- September 2013- January 2018: Honours B.Sc. in Physics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Thesis title: “”
Supervisor: Prof. Pawel Hawrylak.
- January 2018-January 2019: M.Sc. Student, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Project title: “Electronic and Optical Properties of 2D Materials”
Supervisor: Prof. Pawel Hawrylak.
- January 2019-Present: P.h.D Student, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Project title: “Electronic and Optical Properties of 2D Materials”
Supervisor: Prof. Pawel Hawrylak.
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