Jacob Manalo
Advanced Research Complex ARC, Rm. 349
25 Templeton Street,
Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Tel. (613)-5625800 ext. 4884
email: jmana008@uottawa.ca
Areas of interest:
- Quantum dot arrays in nanowires
- Quantum information and computation
- 2017: M.Sc. in Physics, University of Windsor, Ontario.
Thesis title:
"The Variational Calculation of the 413 nm 4He Tune-out Wavelength"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gordon WF Drake
"Drake, Gordon W. F.; Manalo, Jacob Gabriel; Zhang, Pei-Pei; and Baldwin, Kenneth George Herbert. (2019). Helium tune-out wavelength: Gauge invariance and retardation corrections. Hyperfine Interactions.
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