Stew Hamilton

Stew Hamilton completed PhD in 2006.

He is currently Senior Geologist at the Ontario Geological Survey. After his graduation, we kept working together a variety of projects including a study of  detecting  concealed kimberlites, the origin of spontaneous potential anomalies over metallic deposits, and the process of element transfer from deeply buried deposits to the surface media. We also co-supervise students.



Description: Stoo

Stew in the field work in the Attawqapiskat
diamond field, northern Ontario,  in July 2007




Publication and conference presentations

Brauneder, K., Hamilton, S., Hattori, K., 2015. Geochemical processes in the formation of ‘forest rings’; implications for mineral exploration for concealed deposits (Paper #15-EC-360R). In press, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environments and Analysis.
A thesis project of Kerstin Brauneder (MSc, 2012) was co-supervised by Stew and myself. To understand the process of element movements from metallic deposis to surface media, we examined forest rings as analogy. Forest rings form as reduced gases (methane or H2S) emanate in the centre and disperse to the exterior. 

Sader, J.A., Hattori, K., Brauneder, K., Hamilton, S.M., 2013.  The influence of buried kimberlite on methane production in overlying sediment, Attawapiskat region, James Bay Lowlands, Ontario. Chemical Geology, vol. 360-361, p. 173-185. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.10.007.

Sader, J.A., Hattori, K.H., Hamilton, S., Brauneder, K.,  2011. Metal binding to dissolved organic matter and adsorption to ferrihydrite in shallow peat groundwaters: Application to diamond exploration in the James Bay Lowlands, Canada. Applied Geochemistry,  vol.. 26, p. 1649-1664.  DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.04.022.

Sader, J., Hattori, K., Kong, J., Hamilton, S., Brauneder, K., 2011.  Peat groundwater geochemistry and diamond exploration applications over three Attawapiskat Kimberlites, James Bay Lowlands, Canada Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis,  vol. 11, p.  193-210.


Sader, J., Hattori, K., Hamilton, S., 2010. Kimberlite geochemical pathfinders in shallow groundwaters over buried kimberlites in James Bay Lowlands, Ontario, Canada. Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre-Geological Survey of Canada, Mineral Colloquium.


Hattori, K.H., Hamilton, S., Kong, J., Gravel, J., 2009. Soil geochemical survey over concealed kimberlites in the Attawapiskat area in northern Canada. Geochemistry, Exploration, Environments, and Analysis. vol. 9; No. 2, p. 139-150. doi:10.1144/1467-7873/09-200.


Sader, J.A., Hattori, K., Hamilton, S.M., 2009, Peat groundwater as a medium for surficial geochemical exploration. Peat groundwater as a medium for surficial geochemical exploration.  Extended Abstract, 24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Proceedings of the conference vol. 2,  p.665-668

Brauneder, K., Hamilton, S., Hattori, K. Southam, G., 2008. Detailed Investigation of chemical and microbiological parameters over forest-ring edges in Northern Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report, 6226 page.028-1  to  028-8.

Hamilton, S.M., Hattori, K., and Brauneder, K., 2008. The origin of spontaneous potential anomalies over disseminated sulphide deposits and forest rings. KEGS conference, Canadian Applied Geophysical Meeting in Toronto., abstract in pdf

Hamilton, S.M., and Hattori, K., 2008  The origin of spontaneous potential anomalies over a forest ring. Geophysics. Vol 73, no. 3, p. B67-75.  pdf file

Hattori, K.H. & Hamilton, S., 2008. Geochemistry of peat over concealed kimberlites in the Attawaiskat area, James Bay Lowlands, northern Canada. Applied Geochemistry, v.  23, p. 3767-3782.

Hamilton, S., Hattori, K.H. and Clark, I.D., 2005, Investigation into the source of forest-ring related natural gas in northern Ontario. Ontario Geol. Survey Open File Report 6172, p.19-1 -19-4 pdf

Hamilton, S., Burt, A.K. Hattori, K., and Shirota, J. 2005, The distribution and source of forest ring-related methane in northeastern Ontario.Summery of Field Work and Other Acitivities, 2004. Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report. 6145. p. 21-1 – p. 21-26. pdf (a huge file, 19 Mb)

Hamilton, S.M., Burt, A. Hattori, K. and Shirota,J. 2004, Investigation of northern Ontario "forest rings"; a potential new methane/energy source. Ontario Geoscience Symposium in Toronto, December 14, 2004

Hamilton, S., Hall, G., McClenaghan, M.B., Cameron, E.M. and Hattori, K.H., 2003, Electrochemical transport of metals due to redox gradients; highly predictive and somewhat problematic – but whose problem is it? International Geochemical Exploration Symposium in Dublin, Ireland


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Stew in the field, August, 2007

Stew examines the diffusion sampler recovered from a monitoring well in the Attawapiskat field

Stew examines BaSO4 precipitates for S isotope analysis of dissolved S.

Description: C:\Users\khattori\Documents\Files\web\Stew-diffusionSampler.jpg


Stew is examining a diffusion gas sampler for  noble gas analysis and He isotope analysis.