Ian OfConnell


Ian examined the composition of tourmaline associated with uranium mineralization in the Athabasca Basin. He completed a BSc thesis in May, 2015.


He presented the work at the Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open House in December, 2014, and at the PDAC-SEG Minerals Colloquium in Toronto in March, 2015.

The poster at the PDAC-SEG Minerals Colloquium was published as the Geological Survey of Canada Scientific Presentation no. 37 (11 Mb).  You may download it at the web site; http://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/starweb/geoscan/servlet.starweb?path=geoscan/geoscan_e.web


O;Connell, I., Hattori, K., Chen, S., Adlakha, E.E., and Sorba, C.  Characterization of tourmaline from the Maw Zone, Gryphon Zone, and sandstones above the Phoenix uranium deposits, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan.  Geological Survey of Canada Scientific Presentation no. 37  PDF file of the poster (11Mb)



Ian OfConnell (Left) and Chad Sorba of Denison Mines


At the Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open House in Saskatoon.



From Left

Keiko Hattori

Nickolas Dudek

Ian OfConnell

Mary Devine

Shishi (Chris) Chen