Janice Pedro (BSc in Geology, Sept, 2011)
Her BSc thesis: Geochemical
characterization of the Upper Ordovician Macasty
shale gas and oil Anticosti Basin, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada
After BSc, she has returned her home country, Angola,
to work for an oil company
Hattori, K., Desrochers, A. & Pedro,
J., 2019. Provenance and
depositional environment of organic-rich black shale of the Upper Ordovician Macasty Formation, western Anticosti Basin, Eastern Canada.
Jour. Earth Science. Vol. 56, no.
3, p. 321-334 doi.org/10.1139/cjes-2018-0095 pdf file
Pedro, J., Hattori, K., Desrochers, A., 2011.
Géochimie des shales noirs de la Formation du Macasty dans le Bassin d’Anticosti: résultats
préliminaires. Association Petroliere et Gaziere du Québec.
Pdf for Abstract.
Poster (1 Mb)
Pedro, J., Hattori, K., Desrochers, A., 2011.
Geochemical characterization of the reservoir of shale-gas in the Anticosti Island. Abst.
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Vol. 43, no. 5. .p.115. Abstract pdf
POSTER (1.5 Mb)