Colter Kelly

4-th year student, conducting BSc Honours Thesis Project in the North Caribou Greenstone belt
in 2011-2012.

Description: Description: Description: Colter1

Description: Description: Description: Group-June2011

Cruising the Eyapamikama Lake

Jason Duff (back) driving the Zodiac

A group photo on the lake shore on June 19, 2011

From Left: Tash, Jason, Keiko, Amanda, Colter Kelly


Colterfs research


Colter Kelly, Keiko Hattori, Bo Johanson, David Schneider, John Biczok, 2012. Cathodoluminescent images and trace element composition of quartz from auriferous veins in the Musselwhite Mine.  Abstract, Annual Joint Mtg., Geological Association of Canada & Mineralogical Association of Canada. Abstract Pdf,  Poster (3.1 Mb)


He also displayed a poster at the Minerals Colloquium during the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada in Toronto.



Back-scattered electron image of quartz

CL-SEM image of the same area.