Hadi Salmasian


Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Ottawa
STEM Complex
150 Louis-Pasteur Pvt
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 6N5

Office: STEM 639
Phone: (613) 562-5800 ext. 3514
Email: hadi "dot" salmasian "at-sign" uottawa "dot" ca

• I am a member of the Algebra, Lie Theory, and Representation Theory Group at the University of Ottawa, and the Network of Ontario Lie Theorists. The focus of my research is on the following areas:

  • Representation theory of Lie theoretic objects and its interactions with algebraic combinatorics.
  • Algebraic techniques in cybersecurity.

NEW: I am teaching a Fields Academy course on Introduction to Lie Groups and Quantization. To watch my lecture videos on YouTube, click here.

• I am a recipient of a Homboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers.

• To view my short CV, which includes the list of projects of my former students, click here.

Research Projects for Graduate Students:

I have openings for Ph.D. and M.Sc. students. Students with a strong undergraduate background, in particular in algebra, are invited to apply. Applicants who are interested in working under my supervision should mention my name on their application as the potential supervisor. Graduate students will be able to choose a project from a broad range of topics. For further information on our graduate program and the application process, click here.

• If you are interested in doing research under my supervision, I highly recommend that you look at the research project reports written by my former students. You can find these reports on my Curriculum Vitae.

• If you are considering graduate studies under my supervision, you are welcome to schedule an appointment with me to discuss project options.

Research Projects for Undergraduate Students:

I have several research projects for undergraduate students. Students will be supported financially by an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award , the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, or the Work–Study Program . Depending on the topic of the project, it may consist of one or more of the following: independent reading, writing a report, making a presentation, or running a computer experiment. You can contact me via e-mail for further information.

• If you are interested in doing research under my supervision, I highly recommend that you look at the research project reports written by my former students. You can find these reports on my Curriculum Vitae.