Ottawa–Carleton Joint Algebra Seminar (Fall 2023/Winter 2024)

The Ottawa-Carleton joint algebra seminar meets during the academic year approximately once per week, either at the University of Ottawa or at Carleton University.

Unless otherwise indicated, in Winter 2024 the seminar takes place on Fridays, 2:30-3:30, in STM 664.

For information on the seminar in past semesters, click here. To schedule a talk, please contact Hadi Salmasian.

List of Talks:

Date Speaker Title (click on titles to show/hide abstracts)
Sept 13 Pedro Vaz (U C Louvain)
Oct 4 Cameron Ruether (Memorial University)
Oct 26/27 Chelsea Walton (Rice University)
Modernizing Modern Algebra, I,II: Category Theory is coming, whether we like it or not

2003 Fields-Carleton Distinguished lecture

Oct 26: 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. 274, 275 Teraanga Commons, Carleton University

Oct 27: 1:30 p.m. (coffee/tea starting at 1 p.m.) 4351 Herzberg Building, Macphail Room, Carleton University
Nov 3 Erhard Neher (Ottawa)
Jan 25 Ben Webster (Waterloo/Perimeter)
Jan 26 Keivan M. Karai (CU Bremen)
Feb 28 Curtis Wendlandt (Saskatchewan)
Mar 1 Khoa Nguyen (Queen's)
Mar 18 Sara Dijols (Calgary)
Mar 22 Erhard Neher (Ottawa)
April 5 Susanne Pomplün (Ottawa)

This seminar is sponsored by a grant from the Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing.