
  • Hamilton, P.B., Ley, L.M., Dean, S. & F.R. Pick (2004).The occurrence of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenay and Subba Raju, in Constance Lake, a new invasive cyanoprokaryote to Canada. Phycologia in press.
  • Vidal, M., Hamilton, P. & F.R. Pick (2004). Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veliger larvae: distribution and relationship to phytoplankton biomass and composition in the Rideau River, Ontario, Canada. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 161 (1): 113-133.
  • Tadonléké, R.D., Pinel-Alloul, B. Bourbonnais, N. & F.R. Pick (2004). Factors affecting the bacteria-heterotrophic nanoflagellate relationship in oligo-mesotrophic lakes. J. of Plankton Res. 26: 681-695.
  • Simonyi-Poirier, M., R. R.Goulet & F.R. Pick (2003). Évaluation de la capacité de retention des métaux dissous d'un marais artificiel en utilisant le périphyton et le gastéropode Helisoma trivolis comme biomoniteurs. Revue des Sciences de l'Eau.16: 237 – 254.
  • Perin, S., D.R. S. Lean, F.R. Pick & A. Mazumder (2002). Photosynthetic carbon allocation: Effects of planktivorous fish and nutrient enrichment. Aquat. Sci. 64: 1 - 22. Pi
  • Alloul, B., Bourbonnais, N. & F.R. Pick (2002). Variations spatiotemporelles des compartiments autotrophes et hétérotrophes de la boucle microbienne dans les lacs du sud du Québec. Revue des Sciences de l'Eau: 3 - 25.
  • Pick, F.R. (2000). Predicting the abundance and production of photosynthetic picoplankton in temperate lakes. Verhat. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 1884 - 1889.
  • Chételat, J., F.R. Pick & A. Morin (2000). Patterns of periphyton biomass in three Eastern Ontario rivers ranging in trophic status. Verhat. Verein. Limnologia 27: 3148 - 3153
  • Lavallée, B. & F.R. Pick. (2002) Picocyanobacteria abundance in relation to growth and loss rates in oligotrophic to mesotrophic lakes. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 27: 37-46.
  • Goulet, R. & F.R. Pick. (2001) Diel changes in iron concentrations in surface-flow constructed wetlands. Water Science &Technology. 44: 421-426.
  • Goulet, R.R. & F.R. Pick (2001) The effects of cattails (Typha latifolia L.) on concentrations and partitioning of metals in surficial sediments of surface-flow constructed wetlands. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 132: 275-291.
  • Chételat, J. & F.R. Pick. (2001) Temporal variability of discharge and water chemistry in flowing waters of the northeastern United States: does river size matter? J. North Am. Benthological Society. 20: 331-346.
  • Goulet, R. R. & F.R. Pick. (2001) Changes in dissolved and total Fe and Mn in a young constructed wetland: implications for retention performance. Ecological Engineering.17: 373-384.
  • Goulet, R.R., F.R. Pick & R. Droste. (2001) Test of the first-order removal model for metal retention in a young constructed wetland. Ecological Engineering. 17: 357- 371.
  • Goulet, R. R., Leclair, E. & Pick, F.R. (2001) The evaluation of metal retention by a constructed wetland using the gastropod Helisoma trivolis (Say). Arch. Environ. Contam.Toxicol. 40: 303-310.
  • Thompson-Roberts, E.S.& F.R. Pick (2000) Total mercury in the water and sediments of St. Lawrence River wetlands compared to inland wetlands of Temagami-North Bay and Muskoka- Haliburton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57: 148-154.