Environmental Isotopes
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa,Canada
UFZ Centre for
Environmental Research, Leipzig-Halle, Germany
Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology was selected by Choice Magazine for their Outstanding Textbook of the Year award in 1998!
Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology can be ordered on-line from Lewis Publishers or from Amazon Bookstore and now at Chapters. It is also available at a discount to National Ground Water Association members at the NGWA Bookstore.
Also now available is a new isotope reference book Isotope Tracers in Catchment Studies edited by Carol Kendall and J.J. McDonnell.
Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology is now into it's second printing. Corrections to a few errors and omissions found in the first printing have been made.
Solutions to problem sets are available by email to:idclark@uottawa.ca. Also available are certain down-loadable files, data sets and spreadsheets.
Comments on the textbook as well as notes of errors and omissions are welcome.
Ian Clark - email:idclark@uottawa.ca Peter Fritz - email: pfritz@gf.ufz.de
Last Update: 14 January, 2000