Rules for the Assignments


If you are creating an assignment to be shared with the children of a class, you must remember that the properties of an assignment shared with children of a class are those present at the time that the assignment is saved for the first time. You may still add questions after having saved an assignment and they will be shared with the children of the class.

Here are some instructions for the section Properties when creating an assignment.

To understand how to set the properties of an assignment, it may be good to look at an existing assignment. There may be some in the parent directories of your course that you may look at.

The section (or tab) Properties is composed of 7 main sections that we will investigate in detail below: Type of Assignment, Policy Set, General Properties, Scheduling and Visibility, Feedback (After), Reporting and IP Address/ Host Names Whitelist.

Type of Assignment

Screenshot of the first section of the tab Properties to
	    create an assignment
  1. The simple type is Anonymous Practice. No grade is recorded.

  2. The second and probably the most often used type is Homework and Quiz.

    The items that you may want to check under Homework and Quiz are Additional Attempts (checked by default), Keep Correct Answers and Printable Version. When students ask for a new version of the assignment and Keep Correct Answers has been selected, they get the exact same question only for the questions that they did perfectly. Printable Version lets students print a copy of the online assignment. They may work on the assignment on paper and enter their solutions later.

  3. The third type is Proctored Exam. You may consider using this type of assignments to give an exam. In a computer lab environment, this is probably a great tool. There are however many issues when using this type of assignment for an exam at home.

    • The use of the Password Authorization in an exam at home is the first issue. How will you distribute the password to all the students? If there are 200 students, you basically have to give away the password to all the students without doing any identity check because all the students have to start at about the same time. It is therefore not better than to open the exam to every body.
    • If you select Require Proctored Browser, the exam starts in the full screen environment. If a student access any other application, he or she loses access to the exam. The student then has to contact you to obtain access again to the exam. This is great in a computer lab environment where you can control which applications are installed on the computers and which are running in the background. This is totally different if students are writing their exam on their home computer. You don't know which application is installed and running on their computer. If ever a popup window open in the full screen environment, the student loses access to the exam. Considering that must students are running chat and social media software in the background, you must count on many students being kick out of their exam by such application generating a popup window.
    • To control access to the exam in the Proctored Exam environment, you have to use the item Proctor Tools in the menu at the top of the Möbius screen.
  4. The type of assignments Mastery Dialog has not been used by the author yet.

  5. Similarly, the type of assignments Study Session Dialog has also not been used by the author yet.

Policy Set

Screenshot of the second section of the tab Properties to
	    create an assignment

Using the pull down menu on the left margin, it is possible to select a predefined policy set. You may define a policy set to be used for all your assignments by selecting the item Policy Sets under Current Class as shown in the figure below. You get a form with all the elements displayed above. In addition, there is a section entitle Only Applicable to Lessons that you should ignore. As the title says, it does not apply to assignments.

Screenshot of the menu after selecting Content Repository

General Properties

Feedback (During)

Feedback (After)

Advanced Policies

It is possible to restrict the access to an assignment to students who have satisfied some milestones based on previous assignments. If you click on the button Advanced Policies in the left margin, then you get the following display.

Screenshot of the display after clicking on Advanced Policies

If you click on Design, then you get the following form.

Screenshot of the form to enter the criteria

To create the first condition for the first criterion, you have three pull down menus. The first one has the items has and has not. The second pull down menu has the items passed, made one or more attempts at, made two or more attempts at, made three or more attempts at, made four or more attempts at, made five or more attempts at, made an attempt today at and received special permission for. The last pull down menu has the list of available assignments. If you want to add another condition to the first Criterion, you only have to click on Add alternative criterion. This option is equivalent to a or. The first criterion is satisfies if any of the condition is satisfied.

Similarly, you may define a second criterion by clicking on Add additional criterion. This is equivalent to an and. All the criterion must be satisfied for the assignment to be given to the student.

Screenshot of the form with more than one criteria

General Properties

Screenshot of the third section of the tab Properties to
       create an assignment

Scheduling and Visibility

Screenshot of the fourth section of the tab Properties to
       create an assignment

Feedback (After)

Screenshot of the fifth section of the tab Properties to
       create an assignment


Screenshot of the sixth section of the tab Properties to
       create an assignment

You may want that an email be sent to you after each student submits his/her assignment. With a class of 200 students, that may means 200 emails in your Inbox.

IP Address/ Host Names Whitelist

Screenshot of the seventh section of the tab Properties to
       create an assignment

You may limit access to the assignment to a limited set of computers. This could be very useful for a test in a lab where you only want students using computers in the lab to access the test.