Möbius : Frequently Asked Questions

(Formerly Maple TA)

The personnel at the help centre won't answer any technical question about Möbius. They don't have the expertise and privileges to do so. They are there to help you with the mathematics.
You must access your assignments using only the links in BrightSpace. Read the answer to the question to find out why.
You may work with other students on your homework problems but you will normally have slightly different questions to encourage each individual to work through the problems on their own. Letting another student log into your Möbius account or BrightSpace account, or logging into another student's account, is academic fraud.
You should download a PDF copy of your assignment, take the time to carefully solve the problems offline, and then go back to your assignment to enter your answers.

Where can I buy the license to access Möbius?

The first time that you do an online assignment, you will be asked to buy the license to use Möbius. Here are the to purchase the license. Though not compulsory, it is suggested to use your @uottawa.ca email on the registration form.

The license is valid for three terms including the session that you buy the license. So, you may use it for more than one MAT course.

What should I do if I always get an error message when I try to buy the license using PayPal?

First and foremost, your first assignment must open in a new tab of your browser after you click on the link for the assignment in BrightSpace. If the assignment open inside BrightSpace, you should tell your instructor to modify the link so that the assignment open in a new tab.

If you still get error an message or are timed out when trying to pay your license, you must:

The most frequent problem lately is about the country of residence when paying the license with a credit or debit card. The country of residence is the country where you got your card. Despite selecting the write country, you may still get an error message. The problem is that PayPal is not very good in geography. Even a country like France (that everybody should have heard about) may not be recognized by PayPal. In that case, you should select USA-other.

If after all that you still cannot buy the license using PayPal, use Ask the Möbi chatbot on the website . If the Möbi chatbot cannot answer your question, then you will have the option to forward it to the DigitalEd support team.

What should I do if I always get the Möbius login page when I click on a link for an assignment in BrightSpace?

  • You must verify that the links to Möbius assignments in BrightSpace open in new tabs of your browser when you click on them. If they don't, ask your instructors to make it so.
  • Your browser must allow third party cookies as explained in the question .
  • Some browsers don't respect the standards like Safari on Mac's computers. We strongly suggest to use Firefox or Chrome.
  • You must clear old cookies from Möbius and DigitalEd before trying again to access Möbius assignments through the links in BrightSpace.

If you still have the same problem having doing all that, then you should use Ask the Möbi chatbot on the website . If the Möbi chatbot cannot answer your question, then you will have the option to forward it to the DigitalEd support team.

What should I do if all the instructions in Möbius are in a language other than English (the language that I want)?

There are simpler solutions to solve this issue than learning that new language.

  1. We assume that you are using the latest version of you operating system and browser.
  2. First of all, check the setting of your computer and your browser to make sure that English (CA) or English (US) has been selected as the preferred language. Möbius uses this information to select the language used to display the instructions.
  3. Sometime, it suffices to restart your browser and remove the old cookies associated to Möbius and DigitalEd.
  4. If, after the previous two steps, you are still in the small group that still get the instructions in a language other than English, try with another browser (still one of Firefox or Chrome). If everything is fine with the second browser, then there may be a problem with your first browser. It may be simpler to reinstall it than to try to pin point the issue. If you still get the instructions in another language with the second browser, then the issue is more at the operating system level. You should ask someone with a lot of expertise in managing the type of operating system that you are using to help you.
  5. You may also use Ask the Möbi chatbot on the website . If the Möbi chatbot cannot answer your question, then you will have the option to forward it to the DigitalEd support team. They may have other suggestions to solve your problem. They may be aware of some bugs in the version of your browser, ...

What should I do when my grades are not recorded on BrightSpace?

You must always access your assignments using the links in BrightSpace.

If you fail to do so, your grades will not be recorded in BrightSpace. You must not navigate to the course home page on Möbius to access your assignments. Your instructor may refuse to transfer grades from Möbius to BrightSpace and may consider that the assignments have not been submitted if you don't follow these instructions.

What do I do when I get an authorization error or other similar errors?

If you get such errors, the usual solution is to remove old cookies associated to Möbius and try again to reach the assignment.

Where can I find the due date and instructions for an assignment on Möbius?

The due date and rules (called policies on Möbius) for each assignment is shown on the first page when you select an assignment.

The period of accessibility give you the starting date and the due date for the assignment. You cannot work on the assignment outside this period. It is your responsibility to carefully read this information.

On some assignments, you may be given more than one trial at the entire assignment. That is, you may be able to submit your assignment early, learn your grade, and request a new version of the assignment to try to do better. The questions for the newest version of the assignment will be slightly different than those for the previous versions of the assignment.

Unless otherwise stated in the instructions, if more than one attempt is allowed for an assignment, the policy is to take the best mark of all the attempts as the grade for the assignment.

Please note that the access to the Möbius server will probably be slower during peak times (such as a few hours before the deadline to submit an assignment); plan ahead to avoid frustration.

How do I know if I submitted an assignment?

After submitting your assignment, you will get a message that your data have been saved.

Any active assignment, that has not been submitted when the deadline to submit the assignment is reached, is automatically submitted.

How do I check my grade? How do I get the solutions?

To gain access to the GradeBook on Möbius, click on the link GradeBook in the module on BrightSpace where you can find your assignments.

Next, request the list of all the assignments 1 and choose the assignments 2 whose grades and solutions you want. For the assignments selected, you may ask for the version for which you got the highest mark or all the versions that you have attempted 3. You may request only the versions that you have completed 4.

Image of the menu to select the assignments that you want to look at.

When you have selected the options that you wanted, you only have to click the Search button at the bottom of the page.

Image of the search button.

The list of all the assignments that you have requested appears in the section View Panel at the bottom of the menu of the figure above. To see the detailed solutions of an assignment, you only have to click on the link Details on the right of the title of the assignment. According to the instructor's choice, this link may not be available before the deadline to submit the assignment.

If you are allowed to access the detailed solutions of your assignments, you will get a display that looks like the following.

Image of the detailed solutions of an assignment.

How did I do?

On some assignments, the how did I do? button (on the top left corner of a question) will be enabled. When you click on it, you are told if your answer is correct or not. There is no penalty associated with the use of this option (in fact, you are encouraged to use it when available). For some assignments, there may be a cap on the number of times that you can use this option. On others, you may use this option as many times as you want.

Can I trust the equation editor to write my answer?

There isn't any short answer to this questions. Some students have reported problems with the graphic interface in the past but there wasn't anyway to systematically repeat these problems. You may get an error message like the following one when you submit your assignment.

Error message after submitting an assignmenton Mobius

If you do, you should then verify the syntax for your answer.

It is recommended to use the scientific calculator notation (see question below) when you can to avoid problems with the equation editor.

How do I write this mathematical expression?

There isn't any short answer to this question. We provide below some information to get started answering questions.

Since the equation editor may not always be reliable, we strongly suggest to use the text mode (when available) and write your answer in scientific notation. Here are some examples.

Expression Scientific notation   Expression Scientific notation
\(5 x\) 5 * x \( 3^2\) 3∧2
\( (x^2+3 x)^5 \) (x∧2+3 *x)∧5 \( 6^{1/3} \) 6∧(1/3)
\( \sqrt{5} \) 5∧(1/2) or sqrt(5) \( \sqrt{x^2 + 6} \) (x∧2 + 6)∧(1/2)
\( \frac{\sqrt{x^2\cos(x) + 5}}{x^{2/3} e^{x^2} +\ln(x+2)} \) sqrt((x∧2)*cos(x) + 5)/(x∧(2/3)*e∧(x^2) + ln(x+2))

Parentheses are very important when writing rational exponents. For instance, \( x\wedge 1/2 = (x\wedge 1)/2 = x/2 \) instead of \( x\wedge (1/2) \) as it is probably intended. You must write \( x\wedge(1/2)\) to get \(x^{1/2}\). You must always put your complicated exponents between parentheses.

We therefore strongly suggest that you use the scientific notation to enter your answers.

Here is a list of some of the most frequently used functions in the scientific notation.

Function Standard notation Scientific notation   Function Standard notation Scientific notation
The number pi \(\pi\) pi Cotangent \(\cot()\) cot()
The Euler's number \( e\) e Secant \(\sec()\) sec()
Square root \(\sqrt{\ }\) sqrt() Cosecant \(\csc()\) csc()
Logarithm base 10 \(\log_{10}()\) log() Arcsine \(\arcsin()\) arcsin()
Natural logarithm \(\ln()\) ln() Arccosine \(\arccos()\) arccos()
Absolute value \(|\ |\) abs() Arctangent \(\arctan()\) arctan()
Sine \(\sin()\) sin() Arccotangent \(\text{arccot}()\) arccot()
Cosine \(\cos()\) cos() Arcsecant \(\text{arcsec}()\) arcsec()
Tangent \(\tan()\) tan() Arccosecant \(\text{arccsc}()\) arccsc()

You may also find some information on the website of DigitalEd.

How do I write a matrix?

Some questions will require a matrix as answer. For all these questions, you will have to use the equation editor. The answer to the following question is a matrix of dimensions 4 by 2 (4 rows and 2 columns). The equation editor is displayed under the question.

Image of a question that requires a matrix as solution.  The question editor appear below the question.

To write the solution, select the grid (see 1) at the top of the equation editor to get the following menu.

Image of the menu to define the dimension of a matrix

There are some pre-defined matrices: a \(2 \times 1\), a \(1 \times 2\), a \(2 \times 2\) and a \(3 \times 3\) matrix (see 2). If the matrix that you need corresponds to one of these matrices, it suffices to click on the icon associated to the matrix that you want. For our example, the matrix that we need isn't among the pre-defined matrices. We use the bottom part of the menu (see 3) to enter the dimensions of our matrix (see 4)

Image of the menu to define the dimension of a matrix

and press enter to get the \(4 \times 2\) matrix that we need (see 5).

Image of equation editor including the new 4 by 2 matrix

It suffices to replace the number 1, 2, ... by the values required for your answer.

What do you mean by accurate to five decimal places or with five significant digits?

If you are asked to give an answer accurate to n decimal places, you must round up the answer to the nth digits that follow the decimal point. For instance, the number π to four decimal places is 3.1416. The fraction 1∕4 to three decimal places is 0.250 . The number 0.03456, to three decimal places is 0.035 . Don’t forget to perform rounding.

If you are asked to give an answer to n significant digits (or figures), you must round up the answer to n digits counting from the first non zero digit. For instance, the number π to four significant figures is 3.142. The fraction 1∕4 to four significant figures is 0.2500 ; you must add the two zeros at the end to indicate that they are parts of your four significant digits. The number 0.03456, to three significant figures is 0.0346 . Don’t forget to perform rounding.

For large numbers, you should use the scientific notation \(a \text{E} b = a \times 10^b\) with \(|a| \leq 1\) to write a number with n significant digits. For instance, the number 1,345,900.23 to four significant digits is \( 0.1346\text{E}7\). 999,600 to three significant digits is \( 1.00\text{E}6 \) or \( 0.100\text{E}7 \). Again, the two zeros at the end are required. If you write 1,000,000 , Möbius may say that your answer is partially correct. It does that because it cannot determine how many of the zeros are significant digits in your answer.

What do I do when Möbius says that I'm wrong but I know I'm right?

  • First, check your syntax. For instance, if the answer is \( x^2 \cos(x) \) and you write \( t^2 \cos(t)\), then Möbius will mark your answer wrong because you have used an independent variable (i.e. t) other than the independent variable requested (i.e. x).
  • If the requested answer is a Numerical value, make sure that you have entered it to the required precision (either the exact value, the right number of significant digits, the right number of decimal places, or the right percentage of error). Almost all numerical answers will require 2 or 3-decimal accuracy. Moreover, questions asking for a numerical answer will often not accept formulae. Therefore, you must provide a number. For instance, if the exact answer is ln(2) and the requested answer must be given with an accuracy of 2 decimal places, then you must write 0.69 instead of ln(2) which is 0.69314718...
    Though you may be asked to give your answer to a required precision (e.g. 2 or 3 decimal places), you must perform your computations with as many digits as your pocket calculator can handle. Only when comes the time to enter your answer should you round your answer to satisfy the requirements of the question.
  • The margin of error must not be included in the numerical answers. For instance, if the answer provided by Möbius is 0.333 ± 0.001, your answer must be a number between 0.332 and 0.334. You must not write 0.333 ± 0.001. Möbius does not understand the symbol ± in a numerical answer.
  • If your browser is configured to use the English language (all the instructions of Möbius are in English), then the period marks the beginning of the decimal numbers. If instead your browser is configured to use the French language (all the instructions of Möbius are in French), then the period still marks the beginning of the decimal numbers -- Not the comma as you will normally expect in French.
  • For algebraic answers, there's a preview link or button you can press to see the formula you have typed in. If the formula doesn't look right, add appropriate parentheses.
  • Remember that when the answer is supposed to be exact, or a formula, then you cannot enter 1.414 if the correct answer is sqrt(2). A decimal approximation is just that: an approximation.
  • If the required answer is a list, be sure to check if Möbius wants commas (,) or semicolons (;) to delimit the entries. This information is written immediately under the answer box.
  • Some questions are of the form give all values of x such that ... or give a list of ... . Möbius will mark the entire answer as wrong even if there is only one wrong value in your list or if your list is missing a single value. Möbius won't tell you what is the problem with your list.

If Möbius wrote "Correct answer not defined", what Möbius tells you is that no answer has been given for the display. Möbius has the right answer and can determine if your answer is right or wrong. You can find the right answer used by Möbius in the detailed solution of the question when you are given access to it. Look at the answer to the questions to get the instructions to access the detailed solutions of an assignment.

No, I'm definitely right and Möbius is wrong because I used Wolfram|Alpha (or a similar software) to get the answer and I cut and pasted it to Möbius. We will skip the fact that this is called academic fraud. When you cut an answer from a web browser or any graphical application, you cut characters that are not produced by your keyboard. Möbius rejects those characters and therefore your answer.

If you are really sure that none of the above apply to your problem, you may email your instructor. You must consult the answer to the question for the instructions to contact your instructor.

But it could be a bug! Yes, that's possible, of course. We test questions but are only human. Möbius generates statistics on each question of an assignment on a continuous basis during the period of accessibility. We look at them on a regular basis. If a question has a bug, that question would start showing a horribly low success rate, which would signal us that something is wrong. If a question were broken, you would get a message (on the assignment itself or on the course website) telling you to ignore that question and just do the rest of the assignment.

So don't give up! But don't spend hours on a single question. You may get some help at the for the mathematics only.

Who do I talk to if after all that I'm still having problems with Möbius?

Please contact your instructor by email if you cannot find any solution to your problem in the help section of Möbius or in this FAQ section. In your email to your instructor, you must include ALL the following information: your @uottawa.ca email address, your student Id number, the assignment title and the question number. You may also include a brief description of your problem.