- New
Scientist 18, Nov. 1989: The chaotic rhythms of life, by
Robert May.
- Die Welt , 13 Oct. 1990: When the
pupil oscillates chaotically (in German), by N. Lossau.
- La Recherche 232, May 1991 : Le chaos en biologie, par
Robert May.
- News and Views, Nature 352, 8 Aug. 1991,
p.469: Towards the brain-computer's code? By J. Maddox (the
Editor of Nature).
- Science News, 31 Aug. 1991: Data transfer via noisy
neurons, by I. Peterson.
- Interface 14(3), May 1993 (La revue
de la Recherche de l'ACFAS) : Du bruit pour mieux entendre? by L. Campagna.
- GEO-Wissen, Nov. 1993, Issue on Chaos and Creativity,
p.176 (in German)
- Physics Today, March 1996, Stochastic
Resonance, by A. Bulsara and L. Gammaitoni.
- Interface, March 1995, Les maladies dynamiques - une
nouvelle approche a la medecine, by A. Beuter and L. Glass
- Reviews of Modern Physics 70, 223-287, 1998:
Stochastic Resonance, L. Gammaitoni et al.
(describes my work over a few pages).
- CBC Radio-Canada (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) May
1999: Interview following Ontario Premiers' Research Excellence
award for work on sensory processing.
- TeleQuebec, February 2001
(aired twice), Science program Zone X, eight-minute report
about my work on neuronal noise and on sensory processing in electric
- News and Views, Nature Neuroscience. 6(3):212-3, March 2003,
by F. Gabbiani, "A switch for
oscillatory bursting": Summary of our Jan.31, 2003 Nature paper.
- The Globe and Mail (Canadian National Newspaper),
Focus Section, Saturday, May 24, 2003. "Electric
Conversations", article by G&M science writer Anne McIlroy on our
recent research advances on weakly electric fish.
- Research Perspectives, University of
Ottawa, Vol.6 No.4, November 2003:"Unravelling Brain Dynamics:
Physicist professes his passion" (
- News and Views, Nature 428, 382 (25
March 2004): Neural Coding by Correlation? by Arun Holden, on our Physical
Review Letter 92, 080601 (2004) "Noise shaping by interval
correlations increases information transfer" by M.J. Chacron, B. Lindner and A. Longtin.
- CBC Radio-Canada, 3 May 2004,
seven-minute interview by host Carl Bernier (Tous les matins du monde) as
Director of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics, explaining the
"attosecond" physics research of colleague Thomas Brabec and his
achievements leading to the Steacie Prize.
- The University of Ottawa Gazette, 16
September 2004, article on the University of Ottawa Inaugural
Prize for Interdisciplinary Research shared
by Profs. Longtin and Maler.
- The Toronto Star, Sunday edition, A section, 26
September 2004, "Electric Fish and Sensory Feedback", by
Peter Calamai.
- La Rotonde, 27 September 2004, Fourmis,
Neurones et Poissons Electriques,
by Andréanne Baribeau: Article in the University
of Ottawa French Student`s Newspaper dedicated to my research.
- The Ottawa Citizen, The Globe and Mail, Le
Devoir and Le Droit, Wednesday, 13 October 2004: advertisement for the
University of Ottawa Inaugural Prize for Interdisciplinary Research shared by Profs. Longtin and Maler.
- The Ottawa Citizen, Le Devoir and Le
Saturday, 16 October 2004: advertisement for the University
of Ottawa Inaugural Prize for Interdisciplinary Research
shared by Profs. Longtin and Maler.
- Decouvrir, La Revue de la Recherche, Vol.26, Mai-Juin 2005, My research is described in : La
physique au Quebec : Qu'y a-t-il sous la
pointe de l'iceberg? par Sophie Lapointe, p.50-51.
- SIAM News (Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics), Vol. 40 (2), March 2007 on “Linking dynamics to function in
weakly electric fish”
BROCKHOUSE CANADA PRIZE awarded in February 2018 (with Len
- “Neural
Processing: Cracking the code to extract relevant social information”,
by V. Salazar and A. Silva (Current Biology, 2023)
- Tavakoli S. Kamyar, Longtin A (2024) Boosting
reservoir computing performance with multiple delays. Phys. Rev. E 109,
054203. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.109.054203) (see viewpoint
in the APS’ Physics Magazine)
- eLife Insight
(2024) on formation of a true 2D cognitive map from path integration
signals, by B. Krishnan and N.Cowan: