Papers, Refereed Proceedings and Book Chapters
note : The copyrights to these
publications are held by their publishers. The pdf files provided here may be used
only for single copies for personal use, as though they were reprints provided
by mail. They may not be reposted on other web sites or used for any other
purpose without the express permission of the appropriate publishers.
Lafond-Mercier R, Wallach A, Maler L, Longtin A, Neural
heterogeneity enables adaptive encoding of time sequences. (submitted)
René A, Longtin A, Epistemically
robust selection of fitted models. (under 2nd review, arXiv: 5810553)
Lefebvre J, Clappison A, Longtin A, Hutt A,
Myelin-induced gain control in nonlinear neural networks. (under 2nd
Brodeur N, Longtin A, Kenny GP, Seely AJE, Entropy
production, dissipation and accumulation in humans: clinical implications for
understanding health and illness. (under 2nd review)
Girardi-Schappo M, Maler L, Longtin A, Optimal pattern
coding due to firing threshold adaptation near criticality. (under 2nd
6. Tavakoli S Kamyar, Longtin A
(2025) Signal de-mixing using multi-delay
multi-layer reservoir computing. PLoS Complex Systems (in press)
7. Mathias R, L’Heureux
I, Longtin A (2024) Threshold crossing time theory for
quasi-cycles with application to brain rhythms. Phys. Rev. E 110, 044313.
8. Xu X, Girardi-Schappo
M, Béïque JC, Longtin A, Maler L (2024) Shortcutting from self-motion signals: quantifying
trajectories and active sensing in an open maze. eLife 13:RP95764. ( ) ( BioRxiv/2023/529984 ) (see
eLife Insight by B. Krishnan and N. Cowan:
9. Tavakoli S. Kamyar, Longtin A (2024) Boosting reservoir computing performance with multiple delays. Phys. Rev. E 109, 054203. (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.109.054203) (see viewpoint in the APS’ Physics Magazine)
10. Barlow BSM, Longtin A, Joos B (2024) Impact on backpropagation of the spatial
heterogeneity of sodium channel kinetics in the axon initial segment. PLoS Comput. Biol. 20 (3), e1011846.
11. Naud R and Longtin A (2024) Connecting levels of analysis
in the computational era. J. Physiol. 602(3), 417-420 (
published online 2023 )
Brodeur N, Notley S, Kenny GR, Longtin A, Seely AJE (2023)
Continuous monitoring of entropy production and dissipation in humans under
heat stress and exercise. Entropy 25, 1290 ( )
13. Trinh AT, Girardi-Schappo M, Béïque JC, Longtin A, Maler L (2023)
Adaptive spike threshold dynamics associated with sparse spiking of hilar mossy
cells are captured by a simple model. J.
Physiol. 601(19), 4397-4422 ( DOI: 10.1113/JP283728 )
14. Harkin E, Payeur A, Lynn M,
Boucher JF, Caya-Bissonnette L, Cyr D, Stewart C,
Longtin A, Naud R, Béïque
JC (2023) Temporal derivative
computation in the dorsal raphe network revealed by an experimentally-driven
augmented integrate-and-fire modeling framework. eLife
12, e72951( )
15. Palabas T, Longtin A, Ghosh D, Uzuntarla
M (2022) Controlling the spontaneous firing behavior of a neuron with
astrocyte. Chaos 32, 051101.
16. Powanwe AS, Longtin A (2022) Mutual information resonances
in delay-coupled limit cycle and quasi-cycle brain rhythms. Biol. Cybern. 116, 129-146.
17. Wallach A, Melanson A, Longtin A, Maler L (2022)
Mixed selectivity coding of sensory and motor social signals in the thalamus of
a weakly electric fish. Curr. Biol. 32, 51-63. (see Dispatches “Neural
Processing: Cracking the code to extract relevant social information”, by
V. Salazar and A. Silva)
18. Tavakoli S. Kamyar, Longtin A (2021)
Dynamical invariants and inverse period-doubling cascades in multi-delay
systems. Chaos 31, 103129.
19. Tavakoli S. Kamyar, Longtin A (2021)
Complexity Collapse, Fluctuating Synchrony, and Transient Chaos in Neural
Networks with Delay Clusters. Front. Syst. Neurosci.
15, 720744.
20. Powanwe AS, Longtin A (2021) Mechanisms of flexible
information sharing through noisy oscillations. Biology 10(8), 764.
21. Braun W, Matsuzaka Y, Mushiake H, Northoff G, Longtin A (2021) Non-additive activity
modulation during a decision-making task involving tactic selection. Cognitive
Neurodyn. ( )
22. Powanwe AS, Longtin A (2021) Amplitude-phase description of
stochastic neural oscillators across the Hopf bifurcation. Phys. Rev. Res. 3,
Wolff A, Chen L, Tumati S, Golesorkhi M,
Gomez-Pilar J, Hu J, Jiang S, Mao Y, Longtin A, Northoff
G (2021) Prestimulus dynamics blend with the
stimulus in neural variability quenching. Neuroimage 238, 118160 (
24. Sancristobal B, Ferri F, Perucci MG, Romani
GL, Longtin A, Northoff G (2021) Slow resting state fluctuations enhance neuronal and
behavioral responses to looming sounds. Brain Topography
Powanwe AS, Longtin A (2021)
Brain rhythm bursts are enhanced by multiplicative noise. Chaos 31, 013117.
26. Çalim A, Longtin A, Uzuntarla M (2021)
Vibrational resonance in a neuron-astrocyte coupled model. Phil. Trans. Roy.
Soc. A 20200267.
27. Nesse WH, Maler L, Longtin A (2021) Enhanced signal detection by adaptive decorrelation of interspike intervals. Neural Comput. 33, 341-375.
28. Powanwe AS, Longtin A (2020) Phase dynamics of delay-coupled
quasi-cycles with application to brain rhythms. Phys. Rev. Research 2,
29. Tavakoli S. Kamyar, Longtin A (2020)
Multi-delay complexity collapse. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033485.
30. René A, Longtin A, Macke J (2020) Inference of a
mesoscopic population model from population spike trains. Neural Comput. 32, 1448-1498. (article)
31. Powanwe AS, Longtin A (2019): Determinants of brain rhythm
burst statistics. Scientific Reports 9, 18335
( )
32. Yu N, Hupe G, Longtin A, Lewis JE
(2019): Electrosensory contrast signals for
interacting weakly electric fish. Frontiers Integrative Neurosci.
13, 36 (DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2019.00036)
33. Soares C, Trotter D, Longtin A, Béique
JC, Naud R (2019) Parsing out the variability
of transmission at central synapses using optical quantal analysis. Front.
Synaptic Neurosci. 11, 22 (DOI:
34. Longtin A (2019): Electric fish: Learning to
generalize. eLife 8: e46651.
35. Melanson, A, Longtin A (2019) Data-driven jump-diffusion
modeling with application to membrane voltage fluctuations in pyramidal
neurons. J. Math. Neurosci. 9, 6 ( DOI
10.1186/s13408-019-0074-3 )
36. Naud R, Longtin A (2019) Spike-Diffuse-Spike model of
axonal propagation links demyelination to compound action potential dispersion.
J. Math. Neurosci. 9, 3 (DOI
10.1186/s13408-019-0071-6 )
37. Braun W, Longtin A (2019) Interspike
interval correlation in networks of inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons. Phys.Rev.E 99, 032402.
38. Wallach A, Harvey-Girard E, Jun JJ, Longtin A, Maler L
(2018) A time-stamp mechanism may provide temporal information necessary
for egocentric to allocentric spatial transformations. eLife
7: e36769
39. Wolff A, Di Giovanni D, Gomez-Pilar J, Nakao T, Huang Z,
Longtin A, Northoff G (2018) The temporal
signature of self: Temporal measures of resting-state EEG predict
self-consciousness. Human Brain Mapping 40, 789-803 (DOI:
40. Walters-Stewart C, Rochefort C, Longtin A, Zemek R, Sveistrup H (2018) Centre
of pressure during quiet stance and dual-task 1 month after mild traumatic
brain injury: Adolescents. J. Concussion 2, 1-9.
41. Park SH, Griffiths JD, Longtin A, Lefebvre J (2018)
Persistent entrainment in non-linear neural networks with memory. Front.
Appl. Math. Stat. (
42. Barlow BM, Joos B, Trinh AK, Longtin A ((2018)
Cooling reverses pathological bifurcations to spontaneous firing caused by mild
traumatic injury. Chaos 28, 106328 (doi:
10.1063/1.5040288) (Editor's Pick)
43. Kuebler ES, Calderini M, Longtin
A, Bent N, Vincent-Lamarre P, Thivierge JP (2018)
Non-monotonic accumulation of spike time variance during membrane potential
oscillations. Biol. Cybern. 112, 539-545
44. René A, Longtin A (2017) Mean, covariance and
effective dimension of stochastic distributed delay systems. Chaos 27,
45. Naud R, Payeur A, Longtin A (2017)
Noise-Gated Stochastic Resonance with Dendrite-Soma Interactions. Phys. Rev.
X 7, 031045
46. Dumont G, Payeur A, Longtin A
(2017) A stochastic-field description of finite-size spiking neural
networks. PLoS Comput.
Biol. 13(8):e1005691
47. Braun W, Thul R, Longtin A (2017)
Evolution of moments and correlations in non-renewal escape-time processes. Phys.
Rev. E 95, 052127
48. Melanson A, Mejias JF, Jun JJ, Maler L, Longtin A (2017)
Non-stationary stochastic dynamics underlie spontaneous transitions between
active and inactive behavioural states. ENEURO.0355-16.2017
49. Iolov A, Ditlevsen S, Longtin A (2017)
Optimal design for estimation in diffusion processes from first hitting times. SIAM/ASA
J. Uncertainty Quantification 5, 88-110 (open access)
50. Jun JJ, Longtin A, Maler L (2016) Active sensing
associated with spatial learning reveals memory-based attention in an electric
fish. J . Neurophysiol. 115, 2577-2592.
51. Jung SN, Longtin A , Maler L (2016) Weak signal
amplification and detection by higher-order sensory neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 115, 2158-2175.
52. Iolov A, Ditlevsen S, Longtin A (2016)
Stochastic optimal control of spike times in single neurons. In: Closed-loop
Neuroscience, A. El-Hady, ed. (Elsevier, San Diego)
53. Marcoux CM, Clarke SE, Nesse WH, Longtin A, Maler L (2016)
Balanced ionotropic receptor dynamics support signal estimation via
voltage-dependent membrane noise. J. Neurophysiol.
115, 530-545.
54. Dumont G, Northoff G, Longtin A (2016)
A stochastic model of input effectiveness during irregular gamma rhythms. J.
Comput. Neurosci. 40,
55. Huang Z, Zhang J, Longtin A, Dumont G, Duncan N, Pokorny J,
Qin P, Dai R, Ferri F, Weng X, Northoff G (2015)
How does spontaneous brain activity interact with task-evoked activity?
Non-additive interaction, phase-dependence and scale-free properties. Cerebral
Cortex (Dec.7, epub ahead of print)
56. Shifman AR, Longtin A, Lewis JE (2015) Ultrafast traveling
wave dominates the electric organ discharge of Apteronotus
leptorhynchus: an inverse modelling study. Sci.
Rep. 5, 15780. (open access)
57. Clarke SE, Longtin A, Maler L (2015) Contrast coding
in the electrosensory system: parallels with visual
computation. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 16,
58. Clarke SE, Longtin A, Maler L (2015) The neural
dynamics of sensory focus. Nature Commun. 6, 8764. ( DOI:
10.1038/ncomms9764 ) (open access)
59. Naud R, Houtman D, Rose G, and Longtin A (2015) Counting
on dis-inhibition: a circuit motif for interval counting and selectivity in the
anuran auditory system. J. Neurophysiol. 114,
60. Payeur A, Maler L, Longtin A (2015) Oscillatory-like
behaviour in feedforward neuronal nets. Phys. Rev. E. 92, 012703.
61. Mejias JF and Longtin A (2014) Differential effects
of excitatory and inhibitory heterogeneity on the gain and asynchronous state
in sparse cortical networks. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 8, 107.
62. Jun JJ, Longtin A and Maler L (2014) Enhanced sensory
sampling precedes self-initiated locomotion in an electric fish. J. Exp.
Biol. 217, 3615-28. (see: F1000 Neurological Disorders by Patrick
Haggard, 8 Jan. 2015)
63. Lachance, M, Longtin, A, Morris, CE, Yu, N and Joos, B (2014)
Stimulation-induced ectopicity and propagation
windows in model damaged axons. J. Comput. Neurosci. 37, 523-31.
64. Dumont G, Northoff G, Longtin A (2014)
Linear noise approximation for oscillations in a stochastic inhibitory network
with delays. Phys.Rev. E 90, 012702.
65. Iolov, A, Ditlevsen S and Longtin, A (2014)
Stochastic optimal control of single neuron spike trains. J. Neural Eng. 11,
046004 (open access).
66. Clarke, SE, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2014) A neural
code for looming and receding motion is distributed over a population of electrosensory ON and OFF contrast cells. J. Neurosci. 34, 5583-94.
67. Seely, AJE, Bravi, A, Herry C,
Green G, Longtin A, et al. (2014) Added prognostic accuracy and
predictive model of heart and respiratory rate variability to forecast extubation outcomes. Crit. Care 18, R65.
68. Thivierge, JP, Comas R, Longtin A (2014) Attractor dynamics in
local neuronal networks. Front. Neural Circuits 8:22.
69. Mejias JF*, Payeur A*, Selin E,
Maler L and Longtin, A (2014) Subtractive, divisive, and non-monotonic
gain control in feedforward nets linearized by noise and delays. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 8:19. doi 10.3389/fncom.2014.00019 (*shared 1st authorship)
70. Iolov, A, Ditlevsen S and Longtin, A (2014)
Fokker-Planck and Fortet equation-based parameter
estimation for a leaky integrate-and-fire model with sinusoidal and stochastic
forcing. J. Math. Neurosci. 4, 4.
71. Van Hemmen, JL and Longtin, A (2013)
Temperature fluctuations for a system in contact with a heat bath. J. Stat.
Phys. 153, 1132-1142.
72. Mejias, JF, Marsat, G, Bol, K,
Maler, L and Longtin, A (2013) Learning contrast-invariant cancellation
of redundant signals in neural systems. PLoS
Comput. Biol. 9, e1003180.
73. Bravi, A, Green, G, Herry, C, Wright, HE, Longtin, A, Kenny, GP
and Seely, AJE (2013) Do physiological and pathological stresses produce
different changes in heart rate variability? Frontiers Physiol. 4, 197.
Part of e-book "Heart rate variability: Clinical applications and
interactions between HRV and heart rate", edited by K. Trimmel,
J. Sacha and H. Veli Huikuri (Lausanne, Frontiers
Media, 2015).
74. Clarke, SE, Naud, R, Longtin, A
and Maler, L (2013) Speed-invariant encoding of looming object distance
requires power law spike rate adaptation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110,
75. Jun, JJ, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2013) Automated
visual and electrical tracking of weakly electric fish. J. Vis. Exp. Mar
6; (85). doi: 10.3791/50962.
76. Jun, JJ, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2013) Real-Time
localization of moving dipole sources for tracking multiple free-swimming
weakly electric fish. PLoS One 8,
77. Payeur, A, Lefebvre, J, Maler, L and Longtin, A (2013)
Linear response theory for two neural populations applied to gamma oscillation
generation. Phys. Rev. E 87, 032703.
78. Bol, K, Marsat, G, Mejias, JF,
Maler, L and Longtin, A (2013) Modeling cancellation of periodic inputs
with burst-STDP and feedback. Neural Networks 47, 120-133.
79. Mejias, JF, Kappen, HJ, Longtin, A and Torres, JJ (2013)
Short-term synaptic plasticity and heterogeneity in neural systems. 12th Granada
on Computational and Statistical Physics. AIP Conf. Proc. 1510, 185-194.
80. Bol, K, Marsat, G, Mejias, JF,
Harvey-Girard, E, Maler, L and Longtin, A (2012) Signal cancellation in
neural systems: encoding sensory input in the weakly electric fish. Proc.
11th IEEE Intern. Conf. ISSPA'12 Information Sciences, Signal Processing,
and their Applications. pp.770-775.
81. Lefebvre, J, Hutt, A, LeBlanc, V and Longtin, A (2012)
Reduced dynamics for delayed systems with harmonic or stochastic forcing. Chaos
22, 043121.
82. Bravi, A, Green, G, Longtin, A and Seely, AJE (2012)
Monitoring and identification of sepsis development through a composite measure
of heart rate variability. PLoS One 7(9),
e45666. (pdf)
83. Yu, N, Morris, CE, Joos, B and Longtin, A (2012) Spontaneous
excitation patterns computed for myelinated axons with injury-like impairments
of nodal Na/K pumps and sodium channels. PLoS
Comput. Biol. 8(9), e1002664. (pdf)
84. Yu, N, Hupé, G, Garfinkle, C,
Lewis JE and Longtin, A (2012) Coding conspecific identity and motion in
the electric sense. PLoS Comput. Biol. 8(7), e1002564. (pdf)
85. Mejias, JF and Longtin, A (2012) Optimal
heterogeneity for coding in spiking neural networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108,
228102. (pdf)
86. Hutt, A, Lefebvre, J and Longtin, A (2012) Delay
stabilizes stochastic systems near a non-oscillatory instability. Eur. Phys.
Lett. 98, 20004. (pdf)
87. Jun, JJ, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2012) Precision
measurement of electric organ discharge timing from freely moving weakly
electric fish. J. Neurophysiol. 107,
1996-2007. (pdf)
88. Marsat,G, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2012) Cellular and circuit
properties supporting different sensory coding strategies in electric fish and
other systems. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol.
22, 686-692. (pdf)
89. Xie, JL, Wang, ZJ and Longtin, A (2012) Correlated
firing and oscillations in spiking networks with global delayed inhibition. Neurocomputing
83, 146-157. (pdf)
90. Van Hemmen, JL, Longtin, A and Vollmayr, AN (2011) Testing resonating vector strength:
auditory system, electric fish, and noise. Chaos 21, 047508. (pdf)
91. Yu, N and Longtin, A (2011) Coherence depression in
stochastic excitable systems with two-frequency forcing. Chaos 21,
047507. (pdf)
92. Bravi, A, Longtin, A and Seely, AJE (2011) Review and
classification of variability analysis techniques for clinical applications. BMC
Biomed. Engin. Online 10: 90 (Oct.10) (pdf)
93. Bol, K, Marsat, G, Harvey-Girard,
E., Longtin, A, Maler, A (2011) Frequency-tuned cerebellar channels and
burst-induced LTD lead to cancellation of redundant sensory inputs. J. Neurosci. 31, 11028-11038. (pdf) (Supplementary Material)
94. Chacron, MJ, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2011) Efficient
computation via sparse coding in electrosensory
neural networks. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol.
21, 752-760. (pdf)
95. Middleton, JW, Yu, N, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2011)
Routing the flow of sensory signals using plastic responses to bursts and
isolated spikes: experiment and theory. J. Neurosci.
31, 2461-2473. (pdf)
96. Lefebvre, J, LeBlanc, V and Longtin, A (2011) Neural
adaptation facilitates oscillatory responses to static inputs in a recurrent
network of ON and OFF cells. J. Comput. Neurosci. 31, 73-86. (pdf)
97. Lefebvre, J, LeBlanc, V and Longtin, A (2011)
Responses of recurrent nets of asymmetric ON and OFF cells. J. Biol. Phys. 37,
189-212. (pdf)
98. Nesse, W, Maler, L and Longtin, A (2010) Biophysical
information representation in correlated spike trains. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
(USA) 107, 21973-21978. (pdf) (supplementary material)
99. Benda, J., Maler, L. and Longtin, A. (2010) Linear
versus nonlinear signal transmission in integrate-and-fire models with
adaptation currents or dynamic thresholds. J. Neurophysiol.
104, 2806-2820. (pdf)
Khanbabaie, R, Nesse, WH, Longtin, A and Maler, L (2010)
Kinetics of fast short-term depression are matched to spike train statistics to
reduce noise. J. Neurophysiol. 103, 3337-3348.
Lefebvre, J.,
Longtin, A. and LeBlanc, VG (2010) Oscillatory Response in a Sensory
Network of ON and OFF cells with Instantaneous and Delayed Recurrent
Connections. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 368, 455-467. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (2010)
Stochastic delay-differential equations. In: Complex Time-Delay Systems, F. Atay, ed. (Springer, Berlin)
Boulet, J.,
Balasubramaniam, R, Daffertshofer, A. and Longtin, A (2010)
Stochastic two delay-differential model of delayed visual feedback effects on
postural dynamics. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 368, 423-438. (pdf)
Hutt, A. and Longtin,
A. (2010) Effects of the anesthetic agent propofol on neural
populations. Cognitive Neurodynamics 4, 37-59
( DOI 10.1007/s11571-009-9092-2) (pdf)
Longtin, A. (2010)
Neural coherence and stochastic resonance. In: Stochastic Methods in
Neuroscience, edited by G. Lord and C.R. Laing (Oxford University Press,
Oxford) pp.94-123.
Lefebvre, J.,
Longtin, A. and LeBlanc, VG (2009) Dynamics of driven recurrent networks
of ON and OFF cells. Phys. Rev. E 80, 041912 ((selected for: Virtual
Journal of Biological Physics Research) (pdf)
Heffernan, B. and
Longtin, A. (2009) Pulse-coupled neuron models as investigative tools
for musical consonance. J. Neurosci. Methods 183(1),
95-106, Special issue on BrainModes. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and Rinzel, J. (2009) Neuronal dynamics of sensory
coding: the legacy of Jose Pedro Segundo. Introduction to Special issue on
Neuronal dynamics of sensory coding, Biol. Cybern.
100, 409-411. (pdf)
Sutherland, C.,
Doiron, B. and Longtin, A. (2009) Feedback-induced gain control in
stochastic spiking networks. Special issue on "Neuronal Dynamics of
Sensory Coding" (dedicated to JP Segundo), Biol. Cybern.
100, 475-489. (pdf)
Van den Heuvel, M.,
Balasubramaniam, R., Daffertshofer, A., Longtin, A.
and Beek, P.J. (2009) Delayed visual feedback reveals distinct time
scales in balance control. Neurosci. Lett. 452,
37-41. (pdf)
Middleton, J.W.,
Longtin, A., Benda, J., and Maler, L. (2009) Postsynaptic receptive
field size and spike threshold determine encoding of high-frequency information
via sensitivity to synchronous presynaptic activity. J. Neurophysiol.
101, 1160-70. (pdf)
Lindner, B.,
Gangloff, D., Longtin, A. and Lewis, J.E. (2009) Broadband coding with
dynamic synapses. J. Neurosci. 29, 2076-88.
Hutt, A., Sutherland,
C. and Longtin, A. (2008) Driving neural oscillations with correlated
spatial input and topographic feedback. Phys. Rev. E 78, 021911. (pdf)
Longtin, A.,
Middleton, J.W., Cieniak, J. and Maler, L. (2008)
Neural dynamics of envelope coding. Math. Biosci. 214,
87-99. (pdf)
Kelly, M., Babineau, D., Longtin, A. and Lewis, J.E. (2008)
Electric field interactions in pairs of electric fish: Modeling and mimicking
naturalistic input. Biol. Cybern. 98, 479-490.
Hutt, A., Longtin, A.
and Schimansky-Geier, L. (2008) Additive
noise-induced Turing transitions in spatial systems with application to neural
fields and the Swift-Hohenberg equation. Physica D 237, 755-773. (pdf)
Szalisznyo, K., Longtin, A. and Maler, L (2008) Effect of
synaptic plasticity on sensory coding and steady-state filtering properties in
the electric sense. Biosystems 92, 16-28. (pdf)
Clopath, C, Longtin, A. and Gerstner, W. (2008) An online
Hebbian learning rule that performs Independent Component Analysis. Advances in
Neural Information Processing Systems 20 (NIPS 2007), MIT Press, 312-328. (pdf)
Longtin, A.,
Stochastic Dynamical Systems. (2007) Scholarpedia.
Longtin, A. and Doiron, B., Neuronal
Noise. (2007) Scholarpedia.
Hutt, A., Longtin, A.
and Schimansky-Geier, L. (2007) Additive
global noise delays Turing bifurcations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 230601. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (2007)
Linking dynamics to function in weakly electric fish. SIAM News, Vol.
40(2), special issue on "Mathematics and the Brain". (March 2007)
Babineau, D., Lewis, J.E. and Longtin, A. (2007) Spatial
acuity and prey detection in weakly electric fish. PLoS
Comp. Biol. 3, e38 (selected as "Editor's pick") (pdf)
Middleton, J.W.,
Harvey-Girard, E., Maler, L. and Longtin, A. (2007) Envelope gating,
noise shaping and signal transmission in populations of noisy neurons. Phys.
Rev. E 75, 021918 (selected for: Virtual Journal of Biological Physics
Research) (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B. and Longtin, A. (2007) Threshold
fatigue and information transmission. J. Comput. Neurosci. 23, 301-311. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and
Swain, P., editors (2006) Stochastic Dynamics of Neural and Genetic
Networks. Special Focus Issue of CHAOS, Vol.16, July 2006.
Swain, P.K. and
Longtin, A. (2006) Genetic and neural noise. Introduction to the Special
Focus Issue on Stochastic Dynamics of Neural and Genetic Networks, A. Longtin
and P. Swain, guest editors, CHAOS 16, 026101. (pdf)
Benda, J., Longtin,
A. and Maler, L. (2006) A synchronization-desynchronization code for
natural communication signals. Neuron 52, 347-58. (pdf)
Middleton, J.W.,
Longtin, A., Benda, J. and Maler, L. (2006) The cellular basis for
parallel neural transmission of a high-frequency stimulus and its low-frequency
envelope. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 103, 14596-14601. (pdf)
Babineau, D., Longtin, A. and Lewis, J.E. (2006)
Characterization of the electric fields generated by weakly electric fish and
of electric images they detect. J. Exp. Biol. 209, 3636-51. (pdf)
Morse, R. and
Longtin, A. (2006) Coherence and stochastic resonance in threshold
crossing detectors with delayed feedback. Phys. Lett. A 359, 640-646. (pdf)
Lindner, B. and
Longtin, A. (2006) Comment on: "Characterization of subthreshold
voltage fluctuations in neuronal membranes" by M. Rudolph and A. Destexhe. Neural Comput.
18, 1896-1931. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (2006)
Design and therapies for stochastic neural systems. In: Multidisciplinary
Approaches to Theory in Medicine, R. Paton and L.A. McNamara, eds., (Elsevier,
Amsterdam) pp.193-207.
Szalisznyo, K., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2005) Altered
sensory filtering and coding properties by synaptic dynamics in the electric
sense. Neurocomputing 69, 1070-1075. (pdf)
Lindner, B., Doiron,
B. and Longtin, A. (2005) Theory of oscillatory firing induced by
spatially correlated noise and delayed inhibitory feedback. Phys. Rev. E
72, 061919. (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2005) Delayed
excitatory and inhibitory feedback shape neural information transmission. Phys.
Rev. E 72, 051917. (selected for the November 15, 2005
issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). (pdf)
Lindner, B., Chacron, M.J. and Longtin, A.(2005)
Integrate-and-fire neurons with threshold noise - A tractable model of how interspike interval correlations affect neuronal signal
transmission. Phys. Rev. E 72, 021911. (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B., Maler, L., Longtin, A., and Bastian, J.
(2005) Experimental and theoretical demonstration of noise shaping by interspike interval correlations. In: Fluctuations and
Noise in Biological, Biophysical and Biomedical Systems III, N.G. Stocks, D.
Abbott and R.P. Morse, eds., Proc. SPIE Vol.5841, pp.150-163. (invited
paper) (pdf)
Masuda, N., Doiron,
B., Longtin, A. and Aihara, K.(2005)
Coding of time-varying signals in networks of spiking neurons with global
feedback. Neural Comput. 17, 2139-2175. (pdf)
Lindner, B. and
Longtin, A. (2005) Effect of an exponentially decaying threshold on the
firing statistics of a stochastic integrate-and-fire neuron. J. Theor. Biol. 232, 505-521. (pdf)
Benda, J., Longtin,
A. and Maler, L. (2005), Spike-frequency adaptation enhances the
detection of transient communication signals. J. Neuroscience 25,
2312-2321. (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B. and Longtin, A. (2004) ISI
correlations and information transfer. Fluct.
Noise Lett. 4, L195-L205. (pdf)
Doiron, B., Lindner,
B., Longtin, A., Maler, L. and Bastian, J. (2004) Oscillatory activity
in electrosensory neurons increases with the spatial
correlation of the stochastic input stimulus. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93,
048101. (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2004) To burst or
not to burst? J. Comput. Neurosci.
17, 127-136. (pdf)
Chacron,M.J., Lindner,B.
and Longtin, A. (2004) Noise shaping by interval correlations increases
information transfer in spiking neurons. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 080601.
(see News and Views, Nature 428, 382 by Arun Holden) (also, there's a
typo: see Erratum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 059904) (pdf)
St-Hilaire, M. and
Longtin, A. (2004) Comparison of coding capabilities of Type I and Type
II neurons. J. Comput. Neurosci.
16, 299-313. (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Pakdaman, K. and Longtin,
A., (2004) Chaotic firing in the sinusoidally forced leaky
integrate-and-fire model with threshold fatigue. Physica D 192 , 138-160. (pdf)
St-Hilaire, M. and
Longtin, A. (2004) Information coding in models of tuberous
electroreceptors. Math. Biosci. 188, 157-174. (pdf)
Engbert, R., Longtin, A. and Kliegl, R. (2004)
Complexity of eye movements in reading: A theoretical model. Intern. J. Bifurc. Chaos 14, 493-503. (pdf)
Lindner, B. and
Longtin, A. (2003) Nonrenewal spike trains generated by stochastic
neuron models, Proceedings SPIE 5114, 209-218 (Fluctuations and Noise,
Santa Fe, June 2003). (invited paper) (pdf)
Doiron, B., Longtin,
A. and Lindner, B. (2003) Oscillatory network coding of a global
stimulus. Proceedings SPIE 5110, 201-209 (Fluctuations and Noise, Santa
Fe, June 2003) (invited paper) (pdf)
Middleton, J.W., Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B. and Longtin, A. (2003)
Firing statistics of a model neuron driven by long-range correlated noise. Phys.
Rev. E. 68, 021920. (pdf)
Laing, C. and
Longtin, A. (2003) Periodic forcing of a model sensory neuron. Phys.
Rev. E. 67, 051928. (pdf)
Chacron, M.R., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2003) The effects
of spontaneous activity, background noise and the stimulus ensemble on
information transfer in neurons. Network Comput.
Neural Syst. 14, 803-824. (pdf)
Laing, C.R. and
Longtin, A. (2003) Dynamics of deterministic and stochastic paired
excitatory-inhibitory delayed feedback. Neural Comput.
15, 2779-2822. (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Doiron, B., Maler, L., Longtin, A. and Bastian, J. (2003)
Non-classical receptive field mediated biological switch in a sensory neuron's
frequency tuning. Nature 423, 77-81 (May 1st). (pdf)
Lindner, B., Longtin,
A. and Bulsara, A.R. (2003) Analytical expressions for rate and CV of a
Type I neuron driven by Gaussian white noise. Neural Comput.
15, 1761-1788. (pdf)
Doiron, B., Chacron, M.J., Maler, L., Longtin, A. and Bastian, J. (2003)
Inhibitory feedback required for network burst responses to communication but
not to prey stimuli. Nature 421, 539-543. (see News ans
Views, Nature Neuroscience 6, 212-213 by F. Gabbiani)
(pdf) (supplementary material) (supplementary figure)
Noonan, L., Doiron,
B., Laing, C.R., Longtin, A. and Turner, R.W. (2003) A dynamic dendritic
refractory period regulates burst discharge in the electrosensory
lobe of weakly electric fish. J. Neurosci. 23,
1524-1534. (pdf)
Chacron, M. J., Pakdaman, K. and Longtin,
A. (2003) Interspike interval correlations,
memory, adaptation, and refractoriness in a leaky integrate-and-fire model with
threshold fatigue. Neural Comput. 15, 253-278.
Longtin, A., Effect
of Noise on Nonlinear Dynamics. (2003) In: Nonlinear Dynamics in
Physiology and Medicine, A. Beuter, L. Glass, M.C.
Mackey and M. Titcombe, eds. (Springer Verlag, New
York). (see also the Erratum)
Longtin, A., Laing,
C.R. and Chacron, M.J.(2003)
Correlations and memory in neurodynamical systems. In: Long-Range-Dependent
Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Physics
Vol.621, edited by G. Rangarajan and M. Ding (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) (invited
paper). (pdf)
Laing, C., Doiron,
B., Longtin, A., Turner, R., Noonan, L. and Maler, L. (2003) Type I
burst excitability. J. Comput. Neurosci.
14, 329-342. (pdf)
Middleton, J.W., Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B. and Longtin, A. (2002) Correlated
noise and memory effects in neural firing statistics. AIP Proceedings,
"Unsolved Problems on Noise" (Washington, DC, Sept. 2002) (in press).
Turner, R.W., Lemon,
N., Doiron, B., Rashid, A.J., Morales, E., Maler, L., Longtin, A., and Dunn,
R.J. (2002) Oscillatory burst discharge generated through conditional
backpropagation of dendritic spikes. J. Physiol. (Paris) 96, 517-530. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (2002)
Phase locking and resonances for stochastic excitable systems. Fluctuations
and Noise Letters 2, 183-211, Special Issue on Stochastic Resonance
(invited chapter). (pdf)
Lindner, B., Schimansky-Geier, L. and Longtin, A. (2002)
Maximizing spike train coherence and incoherence in the leaky
integrate-and-fire model. Phys. Rev. E. 66, 031916. (pdf)
Longtin, A., Doiron,
B. and Bulsara, A.R. (2002) Noise-induced divisive inhibition in simple
neuron models. Biosystems 67, 147-156. (pdf)
Laing, C. and
Longtin, A. (2002) A two-variable delay-differential model of
somatic-dendritic interactions in bursting neurons. Bull. Math. Biol.
64/5, 829-860. (pdf)
Laing, C., Doiron,
B., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2002) Ghostbursting:
The effects of dendrites on spike patterns. Neurocomputing 44-46,
127-132. (pdf)
Redmond, B., Leblanc,
V.G. and Longtin, A. (2002) Bifurcation analysis of a class of
first-order nonlinear delay-differential equations with reflectional symmetry. Physica
D 166, 131-146. (pdf)
Engbert, R., Longtin, A. and Kliegl, R. (2002)
A dynamical model of saccade generation in reading based on spatially
distributed lexical processing. Vision Res. 42, 621-636. (pdf)
Doiron, B., Laing,
C.R., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2002) Ghostbursting:
A novel neuronal burst mechanism. J. Comput. Neurosci. 12, 5-25. (pdf)
Laing, C.R. and
Longtin, A. (2001) Noise-induced stabilization of bumps in systems with
long-range spatial coupling. Physica D 160, 149-172. (pdf)
Brandts, W.A.M.,
Longtin, A., and Trainor, L.E.H. (2001) Dynamics of a two-category model
of task allocation with application to ant societies. Bull. Math. Biol.
63, 1125-1161. (pdf)
Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2001) Negative interspike interval correlations increase the neuronal
capacity for encoding time-dependent stimuli, J. Neurosci.
21, 5328-5343. (pdf)
Doiron, B., Longtin,
A., Turner, R.W. and Maler, L. (2001) Model of gamma frequency burst
discharge generated by conditional backpropagation. J. Neurophysiol.
86, 1523-1545. (pdf)
Chacron, M..J., Longtin, A. and Maler, L. (2001)
Simple models of bursting and non-bursting electroreceptors. Neurocomputing
38, 129-139. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and L'Heureux, I. (2001) Physics in Canada 57(2),
Guest Editors for the Special Issue on Nonlinear Dynamics, March/April 2001.
Longtin, A. and L'Heureux, I. (2001) Dynamical effects of noise on
nonlinear systems. Physics in Canada 57(2), Special Issue on Nonlinear
Dynamics, A. Longtin and I. L'Heureux, eds., 145-153.
Capurro, A., Longtin, A., Bagarinao, E.,
Sato, S., Macadar, O. and Pakdaman,
K. (2001) Variability of the electric organ discharge interval duration
in resting Gymnotus carapo.
Biol. Cybern. 84, 309-321. (pdf)
Doiron, B., Longtin,
A., Berman, N. and Maler, L. (2001) Subtractive and divisive inhibition:
Effect of voltage-dependent inhibitory conductances
and noise. Neural Comput. 13 (1), 227-248. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (2000)
Adiabatic and non-adiabatic resonances in excitable systems. In Stochastic
Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol.
557 (Springer Verlag, Berlin) pp.172-181. (ps)
Chacron, M., Longtin, A., St-Hilaire, M. and Maler, L. (2000) Suprathreshold
stochastic firing dynamics with memory in P-type electroreceptors. Phys.
Rev. Lett. 85, 1576-1579. (pdf)
Guillouzic, S., L'Heureux, I. and Longtin,
A. (2000) Rate processes in a stochastically driven delayed overdamped
system, Phys. Rev. E 61, 4906-4914. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and
St-Hilaire, M. (2000) Encoding carrier amplitude modulations via
stochastic phase synchronization. Int. J. Bifurc.
Chaos 10, 2447-2463 (invited paper for special issue on Phase Synchronization ). (pdf)
Longtin, A. (2000)
Effect of noise on the tuning properties of excitable systems. Chaos,
Solitons and Fract. 11, 1835-1848. (pdf)
Roper, P., Bressloff, P.C. and Longtin, A. (2000) A phase model
of the temperature sensitivity of mammalian cold receptors, Neural Comput. 12, 1087-1113. (pdf)
Guillouzic, S., L'Heureux, I. and Longtin,
A. (2000) Transition rates for stochastic delay differential equations. AIP
Proc. 502, Stochastic and Chaotic Dynamics in the Lakes, Ambleside, UK,
August 1999 (Amer. Inst. Physics, New York) pp.456-461.
Longtin, A. (2000)
Stochastic aspects of Neural Phase Locking To Periodic
Signals. AIP Proc. 501, Stochastic Dynamics and Pattern Formation in
Biological Systems, S. Kim, K.J. Lee and W. Sung, eds., Seoul, Korea, July 1999
(Amer. Inst. Physics, New York) pp.219-239 (invited paper)
Guillouzic, S., L'Heureux, I. and Longtin,
A. (1999) Small delay approximation of stochastic differential delay
equations. Phys. Rev. E 59, 3970-3982. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and Chialvo D. (1998) Stochastic and deterministic
resonances in excitable systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4012. (pdf)
Mensour, B. and Longtin, A. (1998) Chaos control in multistable delay-differential equations and their singular
limit maps, Phys. Rev. E 58(1): 410-422. (pdf)
Mensour, B. and Longtin, A. (1998) Synchronization of
delay-differential equations with applications to private communication, Phys.
Lett. A 244: 59-70. (pdf)
Mensour, B. and Longtin, A. (1998) Power spectra and
dynamical invariants for delay-differential and difference equations, Physica
D 113: 1-25. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (1998)
Firing dynamics of electroreceptors. Proc. Intern. Conf. on Neural Information
Processing ICONIP'98, KitaKyushu, Japan,
October 1998, 27-30 (invited paper)
Longtin, A. (1998)
Tuning curves for noisy excitable cells. Proc., Can. Med. and Biol. Engineer.
Conf., Edmonton, June 1998, 70-71.
Racicot, D. and
Longtin, A. (1997) Interspike interval
attractors from chaotically driven neuron models. Physica D 104,
184-204. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (1997)
Nonlinear prediction of biosignals. Japan Soc. of
Med. Electron. and Biol. Engin. BME 11(1), 11-17. (invited review)
Chialvo, D., Longtin, A. and Muller-Gerking,
J. (1997) Stochastic resonance in models of neuronal ensembles. Phys.
Rev. E. 55(2) 1798-1808. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (1997)
Autonomous stochastic resonance in bursting neurons. Phys. Rev. E. 55(1)
868-876. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and
Racicot, D.M. (1997) Spike train patterning and forecastability.
Biosystems 40, 111-118. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and D.M.
Racicot (1997) Assessment of linear and nonlinear correlations between
neural firing events. In: Nonlinear Dynamics and Time Series: Building a Bridge
between the Natural and Statistical Sciences, eds. C.D. Cutler and D.T. Kaplan,
Fields Institute Communications Vol.11, 223-239.
Longtin, A., Laniel, J. (1997) Subthreshold coincidence
detection. AIP Proc. 411, "Applied Nonlinear Dynamics at the
Millenium", San Diego, July 1997 (Amer. Inst. Physics, New York),
Mensour, B., Longtin, A. (1997) Multistability
and invariants in delay-differential equations. AIP Proc.411,
"Applied Nonlinear Dynamics at the Millenium", San Diego, July 1997
(Amer. Inst. Physics, New York), pp.131-136.
Longtin, A. and Hinzer, K. (1996) Encoding with bursting,
subthreshold oscillations and noise in mammalian cold receptors, Neural Comput. 8, 215-255. (pdf)
Foss, J., Longtin,
A., Mensour, B., and Milton, J. (1996) Multistability and delayed recurrent loops, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 76, 708-711. (pdf)
Longtin, A., Hinzer, K. (1996) Simple noise-induced transitions
in models of neural systems. In "Fluctuations and Order: The New
Synthesis", edited by M.M. Millonas (Springer,
New York), pp. 343-358.
Mensour, B. and Longtin, A. (1995) Controlling chaos to
store information in delay-differential equations, Phys. Lett. A 205,
18-24. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (1995)
Mechanisms of stochastic phase-locking. CHAOS 5, 209-215. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (1995)
Synchronization of the stochastic Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations to periodic
forcing. Nuovo Cimento D 17 (Italian Physical
Society), 835-846. (pdf)
Racicot, D., Longtin,
A. (1995) Reconstructing dynamics from neural spike trains. Proceedings,
17th Ann. Intern. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Montr\'eal, Sept. 95. (selected
for oral presentation), 2 pages.
Mensour, B., Longtin, A. (1995) Encoding information in
neural feedback circuits. Proceedings, 17th Ann. Intern. Conf. IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology, Montr\'eal,
Sept. 95. (selected for oral presentation), 2 pages.
Mensour, B., Longtin, A. (1995) Controlling chaos to store
information in time-delayed feedback systems. Proceedings, 17th Ann. Intern.
Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Montr\'eal, Sept. 95., 2 pages.
Longtin, A., Bulsara,
A., Pierson, D. and Moss, F. (1994) Bistability
and the dynamics of periodically forced sensory neurons. Biol. Cybern. 70, 569-578. (pdf) (Reprinted in: Origins: Brain and Self Organization,
K. Pribram, ed. (Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Hillsdale, NJ, 1994)).
Losson, J., Mackey, M. and Longtin, A. (1993) Solution multistability in first order nonlinear differential delay
equations. CHAOS 3, 167-176. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (1993)
Nonlinear forecasting of spike trains from sensory neurons. Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 3, 651-661. (pdf)
Longtin, A. (1993)
Stochastic resonance in neuron models. J. Stat. Phys. 70, 309-327. (pdf)
Douglass, J.K., Moss,
F., Longtin, A. (1993) Statistical and dynamical interpretation of ISIH
data from periodically stimulated sensory neurons. Proceedings, Fifth Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Conference, Denver, Co. Dec. 92,
S.J. Hanson, J. Cowan and L. Giles, eds. (Morgan-Kaufmann, Mateo, CA),
pp.993-1000. (pdf)
Milton, J.G., Ohira, T., Steck, J., Crate, J., Longtin, A. (1993)
Oscillations and latency in the clamped pupil light reflex. Proc. SPIE
2036: 198-203 (International Society for Optical Engineering).
Longtin, A., Bulsara,
A. and Moss, F. (1992) Sensory information processing by noisy bistable
systems. Mod. Phys. Lett. B 6, 1299-1308.
Theiler, J., Galdrikian, B., Longtin, A., Eubank, S. and Farmer, J.D. (1992)
Testing for nonlinearity in time series: the method of surrogate data. Physica
D 58: 77-94. (Reprinted in: Coping with Chaos. Analysis of Chaotic
Data and the Exploitation of Chaotic Systems, E. Ott, T. Sauer and J.A. Yorke,
eds., Wiley Series in Nonlinear Science, pp.124-141 (1994)). (pdf)
Theiler, J., Galdrikian, B., Longtin, A., Eubank, S. and Farmer, J.D.
(1992) Detecting nonlinear structure in time series. Proceedings, First
Experimental Chaos conference, Arlington, Virginia (World Scientific,
Singapore) p.47-53.
Longtin, A., Moss, F.
and Bulsara, A. (1991) Time interval sequences in bistable systems and
noise induced transmission of neural information. Phys. Rev. Lett. 67,
656-659. (pdf) (See also: J. Maddox (1991), News and Views, Nature
352, 469, and I. Peterson (1991) Science News 140, 143).
Longtin, A. (1991)
Noise-induced transitions at a Hopf bifurcation in a first order
delay-differential equation. Phys. Rev. A 44, 4801-4813. (pdf)
Theiler, J., Galdrikian, B., Longtin, A., Eubank, S. and Farmer, J.D. (1991)
Using surrogate data to detect nonlinearity in time series. In Nonlinear
Prediction and Modeling, M. Casdagli and S. Eubank,
eds. (Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, Ca).
Longtin, A. (1991)
Nonlinear dynamics of neural delayed feedback, 1990 Lectures in Complex
Systems, SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Lect. Vol. III, Lynn
Nadel and Daniel Stein Eds. (Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA). pp.391-405.
Longtin, A. (1991)
Oscillation onset in neural delayed feedback, Proceedings, Third Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference, R.E. Lippman, D.S. Touretzky and J. Moody, eds., Denver, Nov. 1990 (Morgan
Kaufmann, San Mateo, Ca) p.130-136. (pdf)
an der Heiden, U.,
Longtin, A., Mackey, M.C., Milton, J.G. and Scholl, R. (1990) Oscillatory
modes in a nonlinear second order differential equation with delay, J. Dynam. Diff. Eqs. 2: 423-449.
Longtin, A., Milton,
J.G., Bos, J. and Mackey, M.C. (1990) Noise and critical behavior of the
pupil light reflex at oscillation onset, Phys. Rev. A 41, 6992-7005. (pdf)
Milton, J.G., an der
Heiden, U., Longtin, A. and Mackey, M.C. (1990) Complex dynamics and
noise in simple neural networks with delayed mixed feedback, Biomed. Biochim. Acta 49 8/9: 697-707.
Milton, J.G. and
Longtin, A. (1990) Evaluation of pupil constriction and dilation from
cycling measurements, Vision Res. 30: 515-525. (pdf)
Mackey, M.C.,
Longtin, A. and Lasota, A. (1990) Noise induced global asymptotic
stability, J. Stat. Phys. 60: 735-741. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and
Milton, J.G. (1990) Time delays, noise and oscillations in neural
feedback systems, in Proc., 12th Ann. Intern. Conf. IEEE Engineer. in Medicine
and Biology Society, Philadelphia, Nov. 1990.
Milton, J.G.,
Longtin, A., Beuter, A., Mackey, M.C. and Glass, L.
(1989) Complex dynamics and bifurcations in neurology, J. Theor. Biol. 138, 129-147. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and
Milton, J.G. (1989) Modelling autonomous oscillations in the human pupil
light reflex using nonlinear delay-differential equations, Bull. Math. Biol.
51: 605-624. (pdf) (used as textbook example in Mathematical
Physiology by J. Keener and J. Sneyd)
Longtin, A. and
Milton, J.G. (1989) Insight into the transfer function, gain, and
oscillation onset for the pupil light reflex using nonlinear delay-differential
equations, Biol. Cybern. 61: 51-59. (pdf)
Longtin, A. and
Milton, J.G. (1988) Complex oscillations in the human pupil light reflex
with mixed delayed feedback, Math. Biosci. 90:
183-199. (pdf)
Milton, J.G.,
Longtin, A., Kirkham, T. and Francis, G.S. (1988) Reply to: "Is
irregular pupil cycling caused by prolonged latency?" by K. Ukai, Am. J. Ophthalmol.
106, 371.
Milton, J.G.,
Longtin, A., Kirkham, T. and Francis, G.S. (1988) Irregular pupil
cycling: characteristic abnormality in patients with demyelinative
optic neuropathy, Am. J. Ophthalmol. 105:
Longtin, A. and Derome, J.R. (1986) A new model of the acoustic
reflex, Biol. Cybern. 53: 323-342. (pdf)
Peterman, B.F. and
Longtin, A. (1984) Multicompartment model of lung dynamics, Comput. Biomed. Res. 17: 580-589. (pdf)
Papers and Technical Reports
1. Longtin, A. (1996) Stochastic nonlinear dynamics.
Lecture Notes, Montreal 96 Summer School on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biology and
Medicine, Chapter 15, pp.233-245.
Longtin, A. (1996) Predicting interspike
intervals. Lecture Notes, Montreal 96 Summer School on Nonlinear Dynamics in
Biology and Medicine, Chapter 21, pp.333-344.
Longtin, A. (1996) Stochastic resonance in sensory neurons. Lecture
Notes, Montreal 96 Summer School on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biology and Medicine,
Chapter 22, pp.349-364.
Longtin, A. (1992) Deterministic and stochastic dynamics of periodically
forced neurons, Center for Nonlinear Studies Newsletter No.74, January 1992
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico), pp.1-19.
By Topic (needs updating):
Anaesthesia neural dynamics Ants/Emergent
Auditory/Envelopes/ICA Bursting
Equations + Chaos/Neural Feedback
Equations + Noise/Neural Feedback
Fish Naturalistic Images Computational
Neuroscience + Electric Fish
Entropy Production + Physiological Thermodynamics
Movements during Reading Stochastic
Firing/ISI Correlations/Noise-Shaping
Sclerosis/NeuroTrauma Neural
Coding/Gain Control/Optimal Control
Time Series Analysis (Biomedical and general)
Control Pupil
Light Reflex Radiation
Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamics Stochastic Resonance/Coherence Resonance